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** While Clancy had admitted that his books are something of an allegory to real life, this tendency does cause some of his books to contain some considerable continuity errors, such as {{spoiler|the assassination attempt on [[The Pope|John Paul II]] being in 1982 instead of 1981}} in ''Red Rabbit'', or Ronald Reagan running for reelection in 1988 in ''Clear and Present Danger'' (though in the second case it may well be Walter Mondale who defeated Reagan in 1984).
* [[A Nuclear Error]]: Averted; Clancy's discussion of the political conditions surrounding the deployment of nuclear weapons is very accurate.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: While Clancy has kept a rather high amount of recurring characters alive, several who were longtime characters do wind up dead, mostly post-series reboot.
* [[Apocalypse How]]: In ''Rainbow Six'', a genetically engineered strain of the Ebola virus is designed intentionally to wipe out 99% of humanity, save for a [[Animal Wrongs Group|"chosen few"]].
* [[Useful Notes/Arab-Israeli Conflict|Arab Israeli Conflict]]: Ryan manages to solve it in the span of a few pages by turning Jerusalem into a neutral city-state with Swiss guards and a ruling council of religious leaders. The monumental size of this [[Hand Wave]] should be apparent. It also gets the [[Reset Button]] pressed on it a few books later.
** Clancy even wrote himself a potential "out" in the same book this happens, with a terrorist who is against the peace occurring noting Israel would be the one to screw it up because they suck at peace while being good at war. Commentary in ''[[The Teeth of the Tiger]]'' indicates he's was likely right.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Several minor characters later get their own books (John Clark, nee Kelly, and ''Without Remorse'') or become far more important later on (Robby Jackson, a very minor background character in one scene in ''The Hunt for Red October'', later is revealed to be an old friend of Jack Ryan).
* [[Asian Store Owner]]: Mrs. Zimmer.
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** In ''Rainbow Six'', Rainbow is a [[Badass Crew]], formed from parts of various [[Badass Army|Badass Armies]], though they are portrayed as realistically badass and very, very mortal.
** Jack Ryan, ironically, seems to be a [[Deconstruction]] of a [[Badass]]. Sure, he does get some badassery, but he suffers PTSD, injury, and totally realistic angst and pangs of conscience almost immediately afterwards.
** GrennadyGennady Iosipovich Bondarenko is Russia's resident [[Colonel Badass]] ( {{spoiler|later [[Four-Star Badass]]}}) - from personally commanding the {{spoiler|defense of the Soviet laser base}} in ''The Cardinal Of The Kremlin'' to being the right claw of the bear in ''The Bear and the Dragon'', if Mother Russia needs some dirty, dangerous work done, GrennadyGennady is in the thick of it. Also a [[Genius Bruiser]], being the designer of a laser-communication system and one of the smartest commanders in the series.
** The Archer. Lost his family to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, deals with the angst by shooting Soviet planes down and generally making a royal nuisance of himself. Also a [[Religious Bruiser]] - he is a devout Muhjihad. Serves as a foil to Grennady Bondarenko, and his {{spoiler|death at Grennady's hands is surprisingly moving.}}
{{quote|'''The Archer''': ''Allahu Akhbar!''
'''Colonel Bondarenko''': Yes, I suppose he is. }}
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* [[Code Name]]
* [[Cold Sniper]]: Played straight, inverted, and [[Deconstructed]] in different novels.
* [[Cold War]]: Setting of all the books prior to ''[[Debt of Honor]]'', though it is still referenced in later books.
* [[Cold War]]
** Becomes very important to the plot in ''[[Command Authority]]'', which even briefly flashbacks to slightly after ''[[Red Rabbit]]'' at one point. At the same time, it causes a [[Series Continuity Error]], referencing real world historical figures from the same period instead of Clancy's stand-in versions, even though there would have been no real plot conflict either way.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: All over the novels and some of the games.
* [[Contrived Coincidence]]: See the entry on that page. In general, lots of what gets the plot moving depends on either someone having a change of heart at the right moment, such as {{spoiler|Popov spilling the beans entirely to Clark about Horizon's goals in ''Rainbow Six'', and Team-2 just happening to be at the Sydney Olympics at the time}}, or someone making a discovery that went ignored by everyone else just in the nick of time. To be fair, much of this is justified since it's uncovered by analysts who are doing what they're paid for.