Judge Dredd (comics)/YMMV

Revision as of 11:07, 16 April 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (Mass update links)

The Comic

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: "GAZE INTO THE FIST OF DREDD!"
    • He would later go on to be blinded, beaten, and in constant pain... and still crawled on towards his destination. "Because you are a Judge. AND IT IS YOUR DUTY."
    • Again more recently, when after decades of genetic apartheid, he forced the government of Mega-City One to allow mutants to be citizens, despite the damage this did to his career and the social strife... because something being hard didn't mean it wasn't the right thing to do.
  • Cwowning Moment of Funny: From "The Day The Law Died,"

 Walter The Wobot: That cweep Judge Dwedd has just been here, shooting guns and waising hell.

Control: You're mistaken, robot. There's no Judge Dwedd on the force.

Walter The Wobot: Not Judge Dwedd. Walter say Judge Dwedd.

  • Growing the Beard: "The Cursed Earth" is the story where the world really comes together, and was the first of the epic stories that lasted about half a year.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: One villain in an early story (from 1977) destroys the World Trade Center.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Democracy Now quote at the top of the page seems a lot less like a convincing argument since Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, rescued a woman from a mugging that he happened upon while cycling past[1]. It seems an elected representative can work just fine.
  • Lawful Neutral: Dredd himself, but apparently this is debated in some quarters.
  • Magnificent Bastard: PJ Maybe.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Dredd, on orders from above, crosses the moral event horizon to pretty much terrorize pro-democracy organizers in order to ruin a planned peaceful demonstration against the Judge system. The biggest moment of which is when he threatens to take the son of a man whose pro-democracy wife Dredd killed, and who was set to speak at the rally, and hand him over to the academy to turn him into a Judge (via indoctrination that borders on outright brainwashing) unless he denounces the rally and no-shows it.

The Movie

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: There are a few genuinely funny moments, like Rob Schneider getting the green light to do his Sly impersonation. Also, this:

 Hayden: Bitch!

Hershey: It's JUDGE Bitch! [headbutts her]

    • And one of the few moments which captures the satirical streak of the original:

 Food Dispensing Robot: Eat recycled food! It's good for the environment and okay for you!


 Dredd: You-betrayed-the-LAW!

Rico: "Lawww!"


 Rico: I was your brother, your blood, your friend! They're (the clones) your family! I'm your family! (voice cracks) I was the only family you ever had!

  • Unfortunate Implications: Fargo tells Dredd that Rico "genetically mutated into the perfect criminal", suggesting that criminals are either a separate species to normal humans, or that criminality is innate and the Judges are therefore punishing people for crimes they cannot help committing.
    • Though this isn't necessarily individual to the movie, as this is a philosophical argument in Real Life as well.
    • This also creates a pretty gaping plot hole, as Rico and Dredd being genetically identical is the entire point on which the plot turns.
  • WTH? Casting Agency:
  1. Note unlike certain other cities, the Mayor of London does not have automatic 24 hour bodyguards, it really was just him riding up