Kyonyuu Fantasy/Characters/Antagonists: Difference between revisions

→‎Prince Bobon von Diamante: Spelling/grammar correction
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* [[Authority in Name Only]]: He thinks he should be the next king simply because he is son of the present King. He's too stupid to actually know how to rule a country. All he cares about is ordering people around however he wants.
* [[Bad Boss]]: He is very abusive towards his subordinates, which only work for him out of loyalty to his father or to gain some interest from
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Falls for at least two over the course of the story. The first was a combination mix of this and an [[Impersonation Gambit]] when Lute tricks him into thinking he's the Prefect of Boan and that they would start a rebellion together in Boan. Lute was actually just playing to Bobon's ego to get him to sign a document that would ''prove'' he was committing treason.{{spoiler| Once again, near the end of the Visual Novel during the Harem Route, Emeralia had been caught trying to free Lute from the dungeon, and the Prime Minister wanted them both dead immediately. However, Lute once again plays to Bobon's stupid ego and convinces him that it would be far cooler to execute 2two "traitors" rather than just 1one, and that if he were to do so, he may as well do it in front of the citizens as a ''huge'' public display of his power. It works, but it goes a step further when Lute's allies and lovers are able to enact a plan to rescue him and expose Bobon's treason to the world}}.
* [[Body Horror]]: He's a fat, pompous, idiot to begin with, but some of the things that happen to him are pretty gruesome: {{spoiler|In Isis' route, he gets caught and raped to death by the Guardian Tree. [[Discretion Shot|We don't see anything before, during, or after.]]}} In {{spoiler|Shamsiel's Route, he is transformed into a nude pig-like devil after stealing god-like power from the Demon Temple. He then makes the mistake of harming Shamsiel, which causes Lute to unleash his true power on him and in a single move, Bobon is obliterated into dust}}. Lastly, {{spoiler|in the Harem Route, he and the Prime Minister's crimes are exposed, and after a brief chase, Felzen then proceeds to carve Bobon like a pig. [[Discretion Shot]] thankfully comes into play and we don't see him split in half}}.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: This fatass can't be reasoned with to try and change his self-centered and greedy ways. Thankfully though, he's stupid enough to be easily manipulated if you play to his ego.
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* [[Go Through Me]]: When he tries to harm or condemn someone, others generally step in to stop him. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route, he tried to kill her AND Lute, but Shamsiel tried to fight him alone at first, but when she was defeated, Lute stepped up and protected her. In the Harem Route, Emeralia gets caught attempting to free Lute from his cell, but Lute steps before him and convinces Bobon to execute the 2 of them together the next day in front of an audience. This actually allows Lutes' allies to initiate their plan to rescue him from his false execution. At which point, Shamsiel, then Gladys, then Isis and Felzen, then Emeralia, and Motaire (in the Prime Minister's case) all manage to protect Lute from Bobon and the Prime Minister}}.
* [[A God I Am]]: How he views himself, regardless of the route he thinks he can and should do whatever he wants. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route he seizes god-like power in the demon temple, and takes on a monstrous form}}.
* [[Hate Sink]]: He isn't as funny or cunning like the other antagonists, and lustful, lazy, greedy, gluttonous, impatient, and disrespectful to his peers all at once.
* [[Hate Sink]]: Out of all the douchebaggy characters in the Kyonyuuverse, Baboon is the most universally reviled character anybody could have the ultimate displeasure of ever coming to meet. He's sleazy, lazy, arrogant, selfish, idiotic, abrasive, loathsome and conniving, everyone in series hated the [[Fat Bastard]]. Even the [[Slime Ball|Prime Minister]] cannot stand this flabby moron for his excess and entitlement, and Lute whose friendly to everyone. Especially to the kinds of people whom generally don't deserve it, finds him unsettlingly repulsive; so much so that he actually dreaded the day [[Unfit for Greatness|when Prince Butthead would become king]]. This coming from a guy whose a [[Friend to All Living Things]]? That really states something about a person's character.
* [[High Hopes, Zero Talent]]: He wants to be king, but has nothing that would actually make him qualified to be one apart from being the Prince by birth, which he feels is the only qualification he needs.
* [[Horny Devil]]: {{spoiler|His devil form in Shamsiel's route is covered with eyes and horns, and his goal for using the power is to take all women in the world as his sex slaves. Fortunately, see [[Teeny Weenie]] for what you DON'T see in his demonic form}}.
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* [[Treacherous Advisor]]: In the {{spoiler|Harem Route}}, when {{spoiler|he becomes king, it doesn't take long to see why he shouldn't have been made king to begin with. The Prime Minister actually struggles to keep his outrageous and harsh abuse of power in check. To the point that Bobon had barely been king for a day and the Prime Minister was already planning to have him killed off and replaced soon.}}
* [[Treachery Cover-Up]]: When he had tried to spark a rebellion against his father, the king, in Boan with the Prefect, he is exposed and caught by Lute. There's a trial in the capital, but much of the information of the event is kept secret from the public by the king's orders so as to prevent people from wanting to rebel or go against or think less of the monarchy. In the end, Bobon is banished to Lingobard to live with his mother, the King's ex-1st wife. Lute was told to keep the matter a secret by the king, and the general public was led to believe that Bobon was merely visiting his mother, not being punished for something.
* [[Troll]]: This fat pig LOVES''loves'' having power over others. Hence why everyone with a brain knows he absolutely should NOT''not'' ever be trusted with any. He enjoys taunting and humiliating anyone and everyone he wants, and usually his reason for it is simply on a whim. He sees women as things he is entitled to have, take, use, and abuse any time he wants (regardless of their being spoken for much less their consent, which he actually ENJOYS''enjoys'' them refusing since as he puts it he "likes making strong women cry". {{spoiler|Makes it all the more satisfying when it aaaaaaaall comes back to bite him}}.
* [[Tyrant Takes the Helm]]: Prince lard-ass was a stuck up, self-entitled bunghole with delusions of authority long before he was properly crowned in ceremony. {{spoiler|The second he got his hands on real power for a change, Baboon made it abundantly clear that everyone present and within the kingdom regardless would do as he said. [[Lampshade Hanging|If that's not an indicator to his motives, then...]]
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: According to his cousin and fellow [[Upperclass Twit|idiot noble]]; Argent De Bonn in the Gaiden series. Prince Baboon didn't turn rotten until his ambition for the throne got the better of him. Considering what an asshole he was in story, it's [[Arbitrary Scepticism|impossible to believe]] admittedly.
* [[Unpopular Popular Character]]: Against all conceivable and inconceivable odds in story. There are some who're petitioning for him to become king despite how unworthy a candidate he is. {{spoiler|The minuet news gets out of his death after Lute is crowned Monarch of Edelland, the ruler of the neighboring kingdom of Lingobard declares open war on Lute's nation in retaliation.}}
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** {{spoiler|Another stupid move he makes in the Harem Route is that when he and the Prime Minister caught Emeralia trying to free Lute, they don't execute them right then and there. Sure it works out for the good guys in the end, but think about it. All Lute did was play to Bobon's ego a tiny bit and the moron fell for it with ease}}.
** {{spoiler|One last thing he did in the Harem Route, was his mistreatment of Motaire who had initially been more than happy to see Lute imprisoned and out of the spotlight, but Bobon thought it'd be fun to mock Motaire, force him to bow at his feet to humiliate him, and even trying to force himself on Motaire's groupies. It doesn't necessarily come back on Bobon himself, but it was partially why Motaire had a [[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal]] against both Bobon AND the Prime Minister who Motaire even helped stop and execute in the end}}.
* [[What Does She See in Him?|What do they See in Him?]]: Surprisingly enough, despite being [[Hate Sink|universally loathed]] by just about everyone in and out of storyverse. Isis once stated that Bobon actually had supporters in the Kingdom of Edelland whom pushed for his ascension in the monarchy, despite his [[Overly Long Gag|many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, MANY''many'' glaring oversites]] that stood against it. Thankfully, such a movement in his favor was never all that popular to begin with. So nothing came of it in the end.
* [[Where Did We Go Wrong?]]: King Hagel is a good man and a caring father. It's said that his former queen was a noble and loving wife and mother. Princess Luceria turned out fine. What the hell happened with Bobon? Even Luceria (his sister) recognizes that her half brother is a selfish, greedy idiot who isn't fit to lead the kingdom.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Inverted. Take the stupidest, weakest, and most cowardly character in this series and they'd likely either be Bobon himself OR''or'' they would be someone who could beat Bobon with only one hand. Literally, nobody likes him (as a person), and anyone who actually knows him, knows that he is not the least bit fit to rule anything or anyone, much less the entire kingdom. {{spoiler|HE''He'' was the one who actually should have graduated at the very lowest in his class at the Royal Knight's Academy instead of Lute, but the Prime Minister pulled some strings...}}
* [[The Wrongful Heir to the Throne]]: In theory he is gonna be king in the future, but his selfishness and dumbness clearly makes him inadequate for that. In the harem route, {{Spoiler|Motaire briefly considers Lute more worthy of being king than him after spending a few minutes with Bobon. The man which as far Motaire knows at the moment killed the previous king}}.
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Asshole Victim]]: He had sought his wife's hand with great determination, but upon marrying her and learning of how little she had to offer in wealth or politics, he tries to divorce her, but is unable to do so. He begins isolating her and avoiding her, and even cheats on her with younger women. He also shows little regard for his subjects or anyone other than himself. So nobody really cares when you hear about him [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|dying of a heart condition]] after trying to disgrace his wife.
* [[Bad Boss]]: He utterly HATES''hates'' his job, since he is essentially the laughing-stock of the political community of his country. He therefore, hoards all the best of anything he can get ahold of in Boan for himself. He also ignores and cheats on his wife, and even conspires with Prince Bobon to attempt a rebellion against the crown.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the Boan arc.
* [[Chessmaster]]: He tries to be. He was trying to use Roxanne to regain some political credibility and wealth, but her family had little to offer. He tried to divorce her, but she refused, so he tried to manipulate her into cheating on him with Lute so that he could discredit and divorce her while keeping all the power he could steal from her, which would then be put toward revolting against the kingdom and siding with Prince Bobon. It fails, spectacularly.
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* [[Reassigned to Antarctica]]: In Edelland politics, to be sent to Boan is widely seen as a punishment since it's such a backwater dirt-poor job. The Prefect feels like the laughingstock of the political community, and tries desperately to get back to the capital.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: He tries to revolt with Prince Bobon.
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: He tries to make Lute this twice. The first time was when he ordered him to deal with their "succubus problem". He succeeds, much to their surprise. Then, he was being set up to lead his wife into commiting an act of infidelity which could have lead to Lute being imprisoned and/or executed... Hadhad it not turned out that the Prefect was up to something much worse.
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: His first plan was to have Lute face off with the succubus that was terrorizing the people of Boan just to shut the citizens up. Lute ends up befriending her, but when Lute goes to get the "reward" they promised him, they are at first going to stiff him, but then Madoise suggests they use him as bait for their initial plan of setting Lute up with Roxanne to commit infidelity. THAT fails thanks to the Prefect having a heart attack AND''and'' Shamsiel finding evidence of a bigger crime that the [[Those Two Bad Guys|Prefect and his toady]] were trying to start.
* [[Unfit for Greatness]]: He was a graduate from the Royal Knight Academy (and had even graduated at the bottom of his class, same as Lute, and was sent to Boan). However, instead of trying to make the most of it and working to improve the situation for those around him as well as himself, he took to hoarding all the best of anything he could get in the region, trying to marry for political and economic gains (which backfires), and even conspires to start a revolt against the crown in an attempt to seize the power and wealth he feels due to him. It ALL''all'' backfires and he ends up suffering a heart attack (or stroke) and is imprisoned for treason (even if he survived the heart attack or stroke, he was likely going to be executed anyway). Roxanne herself admits, she knew he wasn't fit to have any real power or prestige, because of his greed and lack of decency.
* [[Uriah Gambit]]: It's a strange one to be honest (especially the visual novel version): The idea was to have Lute exorcise the Succubus that had been causing trouble in the Boan region up till then. However, the Prefect knew full well that there was no chance that anyone who was sent to Boan would be sufficiently trained in anything, much less exorcism specifically, so him ordering Lute to try was basically a death sentence. At the same time, the Prefect was also considering using Lute for his plans to set up Roxanne for committing adultery and then he'd divorce her, but again he was expecting Lute to fail and die, so it came as quite a shock when it backfires and Lute not only survives but befriends the Succubus.
* [[Villain by Default]]: He is an aristocratic jerk.
* [[What Happened To The Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|Following his heart attack or stroke in the Visual Novel, we never see him again, but all signs point to him having died from it. In the anime, the last we see of him, he and his assistant are thrown in prison and he is laying motionless on the floor while the assistant kneels over him}}.
* [[Xanatos Backfire]]: He had tried to pull 2 [[Xanatos Gambit|Xanatos Gambits]]s on Lute and both get turned around on him. First in setting him up to take on a Succubus with no skills or preparation to actually succeed. To everyone's utter surprise, Lute is actually able to survive and even befriend Shamsiel. (Unbeknownst to everyone including Lute himself, he is half-incubus which allowed him to survive her.)}} Then, when Lute came to collect on his "reward", the Prefect panicked, but Madoise suggested (quietly) that they use Lute as bait for Roxanne to commit adultery with someone so that the Prefect could discredit her and seek divorce. That one is also botched by outside variables: First is the succubus, Shamsiel, whom Lute had befriended, because she was keeping an eye on Lute and had discovered the Prefects dark intentions and conspiracies. The second is that the Prefect was suffering from a heart condition, and when time came to catch Lute and Roxanne in the act, he instead suffers a heart attack (or stroke). Either way he eventually dies from it.)