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** Don't forget the Soulknife, a character class that can make an energy sword out of pure will!
** ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' spell Chromatic Blade creates a glowing in erratic colors, [[Razor Floss|needle-thin]] line of [[Hard Light]]. It can be blocked normally, but makes no sound, cuts as ''[[Absurdly Sharp Blade|sword of sharpness]]'' and disrupts many "[[Everything's Better with Rainbows|prismatic]]" spells.
** In ''[[Planescape]]'' Tulani Eladrin (onelords of the veryEladrin, [[Authority Equals Asskicking|thus among the most powerful]] "common"non-unique [[Chaotic Good]] creatures) can create these [[Summon to Hand|already in the hand]] at will, and depending on their levels the blade may range from formidable to ludicrously powerful.
* In the less known RPG "Ammo", laser swords are an excellent weapon with variable power settings. Sadly, the higher damage setting drains its energy reserve in a matter of seconds. Psi-blade are more powerful if held by fighters with high willpower, and less consuming.
* ''[[Mekton]]'' has rules for not only a laser sword, but also a laser ''axe''.