League of Legends/Tear Jerker

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Tear Jerkers in League of Legends include:

League of Legends isn't just a game about fighting a bunch of enemies, it's also a game where a lot of those enemies have tragic backstory and/or have to go those some rough stuff.


  • Lucian's past. Originally a kind badass who was good at purifying evil with his wife Senna. That all changed when they visited the Shadow Isles, where he's forced to watch Senna's soul disappear into Thresh's lamp. Out of despair, Lucian became a cruel, uncaring man obsessed with destroying all the abominations of the Shadow Isles. This is heartbreaking because he knows Senna is dead yet keeps going to respect her. Which makes all the more better when they finally reunite!
  • Then there's Amumu, whose already called the 'The Sad Mummy'! In his music video, Amumu goes looking for friends and to learn about his curse, however he can't seem to do either. Once he returns home and finds the place abandoned, the curse whispers in his head that no one will want to be his friend and he will be forever alone. Understandably upset, he yells and in his anguish, destroys the place around him. Once he's able to calm down, he's appalled at himself that he let the curse win.
    • One interpretation of his backstory is: Amumu was linked to Shurima's first great ruling dynasty, who were dying from a horrible sickness. Amumu, the youngest, endured confinement in his chambers to try and keep him safe from the sickness and met a servant girl who overheard him, sobbing through the walls. The girl informed Amumu that his last sibling had died, technically making him Emperor of Shurima. She hurried inside to comfort him, saddened that he had to bear this news alone. Amumu gave the girl a hug, but he pulled back once he realized he had doomed her to a deadly fate like his family. After the girl died, her grandma cursed the young ruler, believing Amumu had killed her. His bio cites said curse bounding Amumu in his anguish like a locust in honeyed amber.
    • Said bio also says that no matter what happens, Amumu will always be broken and lonely and without friends. He is doomed to wander the world alone, and any person who touches him will die. The mummy's cries of anguish that he will never know the comfort of companionship can be heard in the desert on long winter nights. Poor Amumu...