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{{quote|''"I think her bad guys are badder than my bad guys"''|'''Echo''' (Dollhouse)}}
The hero is in a situation with two unpleasant alternatives and [[Sadistic Choice|no other options]] are available to him. Begrudgingly, he holds to his moral code and chooses the lesser'''Lesser of twoTwo evilsEvils'''.
Compare [[Black and Grey Morality]], when those who are technically the "good guys" are the lesser evil.
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* ''[[Ponies Make War]]'': This is pretty much the justification for {{spoiler|allying with Discord}} in order to defeat [[Big Bad|Titan]]. As {{spoiler|Celestia}} puts it, they've dealt with the former before, and besides, "better the devil you know".
== [[Literature]] ==
* Roughly half the plot of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' consists of dealing with these. In particular, "Gentleman" Johnny Marcone (a very powerful, cunning, and ruthless gangster) and Lara Raith (the ''de facto'' leader of one of the three Vampire Courts) fully qualify as evil despite both having moments of sympathy, but Harry Dresden and co. end up allied with them more often than not, if only because they're forces of stability who have no use for the wide-scale destruction many of the ''real'' villains have planned. Harry still doesn't trust either of them farther than he could throw them (which is wise, since both are certified [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulative bastards]]).
** {{spoiler|In ''Changes'', Harry becomes Mab's Winter Knight because he needs a power boost to save his daughter, and Mab is the least evil option.}}