• In July/August 2011, Nintendo of Europe became what may be the first company to use the Let's Play phenomenon as a way of actually promoting their games. For the release of Xenoblade Chronicles, in addition to the usual trailers and such, a 7-part mini-Let's Play showcasing portions of the game was released. Later, they even held a "Make Your Own Let's Play" contest for the same game. From niche Internet hobby to promotional tool—if nothing else, it shows how far this hobby's come.
    • But then, in 2015, Nintendo of America introduced a royalties system for YouTube playthroughs that has irked many fans of the company and professionals of the let's play world, saying that Nintendo would be taking too much revenue.
  • In 2012, SEGA took down numerous YouTube playthroughs of Shining Force III and other games[1][2][3]. TotalBiscuit has since boycotted their products, never once mentioning them in his reviews.