Live-Action TV/Tear Jerker/Lists that need to be split by individual works: Difference between revisions

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=== [[GeneralGlee/Tear HospitalJerker]] ===
* When Will leaves Glee to go become an accountant and then returns after hearing the Glee kids singing "Don't Stop Believing".
* While [[Soap Opera|soap operas]] in general are liable to have a few tearjerkers mixed in with all the [[Narm]], one would be hardpressed to find a span of time more rich with tearjerkers than 1994-1995 on ''[[General Hospital]].'' In those two years, you had Monica Quartermaine's breast cancer, [ Stone and Robin's HIV/AIDS] and perhaps the most tearjerking story ever on soaps, [ BJ's heart]. Dominique's death in 1993 after hearing her unborn baby's heartbeat (carried by surrogate Lucy) was another good one.
** Karen admitting to ex-boyfriend Jagger that she had been sexually abused as child, felt unworthy of love, and that ''that's'' why she pushed him away and broke up with him always got to me.
* BJ's death, which is on here, has to be THE biggest tear jerker a soap has ever done. Too many moments to name, here are just some of the biggest tear jerkers
** Bobbie and Tony talking about giving BJ's heart to Maxie. Bobbie's response is so raw and so emotional, yet so believable.
Tony: I want Maxie to have BJ's heart
Bobbie: Oh no! NO! It's. too. soon!
Then saying Bobbie telling Tony "You're not thinking straight. You're angry, you're punishing me"
** Felicia finding out BJ's heart is the heart her daughter is getting. A mother's joy is turned to grief.
Felicia: Oh, God. . .not Barbara Jean! Not Barbara Jean's heart! Oh NOOO!! (collapses on the ground sobbing, Bobbie goes over and hugs her as if to say "It's OK, it's not your fault, don't be upset). A grieving mother still takes time to comfort her distraught sister in law and they cry together. . .I'm tearing up writing this. Kristina Wagner and Jackie Heyman
** Tony saying goodbye to his daughter: I will give my heart to you, and no one will ever be able to hurt us again.
** The scene of Tony laying his head on Maxie's chest listening to his daughter's heart beating within Maxie. Brad Maule deserves all the praise he got for this story, he doesn't say anything in that scene, yet doesn't need to.
What were the writers trying to do to us? Make us cry? Make us feel the pain? Well, it worked
=== [[Generation Kill]] ===
* Sergeant Brad Colbert in ''[[Generation Kill]]'' has a [[Heroic BSOD|really affecting moment]] when he realises that a Marine under his command {{spoiler|has shot a young Iraqi boy}}. The fact that Colbert's nickname is "Iceman" for his usually detached and cool attitude
* Navy Hospitalman Second Class Robert Timothy "Doc" Bryan trying to treat and protect a little boy before the group of Marines is overwhelmed by local civilians desperate for help and have to leave.
* When Evan Wright says goodbye at the end. Oh man, the feeling of "it's better left unsaid" because what they'd been through together meant there was just way too much to put into words completely laid me out. It was also that, even though he'd become accepted by the Marines as a friend, he's NOT one of them - he's the odd one out.
* The end of the seventh (last) episode, where the energy and tension of the invasion is winding down. Each of the characters (except [[Heroic Sociopath|Trombley]]) loses his momentum and, when he has a moment to think, realizes what they've all been through. Ray detoxing and provoking Rudy, Godfather defending his decisions in the field... and especially Lilley's video of footage.
=== [[Ghost Whisperer]] ===
* "Save Our Souls": A room on a cruise ship is haunted by the ghost of a stowaway name Lorelai, where she saw her lover kissing another woman. {{spoiler|It turns out the woman she saw was only giving him a goodbye kiss, because neither wanted to marry each other even though they were supposed to. When Lorelai saw this, she ran away and hid in an access shaft, but slipped and plummeted to her death. The captain orders her body be tossed overboard, and she is never found. Her lover then spent years trying to find her across the world, to no avail.}}
=== [[Glee]] ===
* When Will leaves Glee to go become an accountant and then returns after hearing the Glee kids singing Don't Stop Believing.
* When Quinn found out about her pregnancy.
* The club performing "Keep Holding On" in Throwdown in support of Quinn, particularly when she lets out one sob at the very end just before the credits start up.
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=== [[TheGossip GoldenGirl/Tear GirlsJerker]] ===
* The [[Grand Finale]], for sure.
* The second half to the end of the episode where the girls stay in a homeless shelter for the night, looking for a misplaced lottery ticket worth $10,000. They do find it but give it away to help the needy, having briefly experienced and lived as they did (and talked to some people, one of which was one of Sophia's friends and a big Tear Jerker of its own).
* Rose's heart attack, particularly the scenes where her other three friends decide that they will take care of her, and each other, no matter what happens to them in the future.
* Blanche's reunion with her husband, which turned out to be [[All Just a Dream]]. In fact, it was a dream that she had already experienced several times, but she always woke up ''just'' before she was able to hug him. In this (presumably final) time, she did, finally moving on from his death.
* The end of the episode where Sophia successfully convinces a friend not to commit suicide.
* Phil's death (Sophia's son, [[The Ghost|who was often referred to in the series but never actually seen]]). Watching Sophia, normally the most stout and strong-willed of the four girls, completely break down when it finally sets in to her that her son is gone is nothing short of heartbreaking. Here's the [ clip].
* Blanche weeping over her father's death after spending the past several hours in complete denial of it.
=== [[Gossip Girl]] ===
* Blair reading the letter she wrote to Serena.
* Chuck coming to Blair to break apart in her arms and perhaps get some comfort after the death of {{spoiler|his father}}. Also the scene earlier in the episode when Blair finally tells him she loves him, and he just drives off.
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=== ''[[Great Teacher Onizuka (live-action series)]]'' ===
* The live action ''[[Great Teacher Onizuka]]'' episode where Tomoko pours her heart out during the public speaking part of the competition.
=== [[Grey's Anatomy]] ===
* End of season two, {{spoiler|Denny's death and Izzie curled up next to him on the hospital bed.}}
* Season 3. The 'woman with two uteruses' subplot in the episode "Let The Angels Commit"
* "Damage Case", where an intern from a rival hospital causes a car crash and {{spoiler|severely injures a pregnant woman, who dies from her injuries.}} The scene where the intern {{spoiler|begs the woman's father to forgive him}}.
* "Into You Like a Train"...
{{quote|"Can I ask you something? ...Do you believe in heaven?"
"I do... Don't you?"
"...I want to." }}
* End of season 5 where they find out that it was {{spoiler|George}} who was {{spoiler|hit by a bus after pushing a girl out of its path}} and {{spoiler|he dies}}. Or when Meredith and Derek give their hospital wedding to {{spoiler|Izzie and Karev}}.
* That episode where Molly from [[The Unit]] was guest starring as a patient whose sister thought she was having serious hallucinations about {{spoiler|falling in love with a man she met on a cruise and planning to marry him}}. Her sister did not believe her and kept chalking the halluncinations up to the brain tumor that Molly's had for a while. Derek was the only one who really believed her. Molly has the surgery and she dies but what made this a true tearjerker was when {{spoiler|the man actually shows up at Seattle Grace and tells Meredith and Molly's sister that he and Molly really met and fell in love and was going to get married as soon as she got better}}.
* In season 2, ''Break Through''- When Meredith's DNR patient that she intubated by accident dies, she quickly leaves the room and goes to hide in a supply closet to have a quiet little panic attack. Derek, who is currently back with Addison, follows her and manages to calm her down enough for her to choke out, "I.. I can't- I don't- ''I don't want my mother to die alone!''" When you find out later just what kind of hideously abusive childhood Meredith had, the fact that she has any shred of affection for her mother at all, much less to this point, it makes it all the more heartbreaking.
* Dear God, the episode where Eric Stoltz's character {{spoiler|is executed}}, along with the storyline about the kid who needed a kidney and would have gotten it from the serial killer had the killer not had surgery. The scene where his mother is getting ready to say goodbye... And one of the final scenes where {{spoiler|one of the female doctors broke down in tears, ashamed of herself for earlier trying to stop the surgery on the serial killer so the kid could have his kidney, and starts praying for forgiveness...}} Damn you, Grey's Anatomy. Just... damn you.
* In season 5 there is an episode with a little girl who is terminally ill and there is nothing left they can do for her but her father just keeps on fighting for her and trying to raise money to take her to Mexico and get her some special treatment. Eventually she {{spoiler|dies in his arms while he tells her how beautiful Mexico is.}}
* Seeing {{spoiler|Charles Percy}} die in Bailey's arms.
** Dear God most of that season's finale. [[Sassy Black Woman|Bailey]] {{spoiler|crouching in terror under a bed}}
* So many of the scenes between Cristina and Owen in Season Five, but especially the scene when he's having the panic attack and the scene when he's in the shower and describes how his best surgery involved lying on top of a guy to apply pressure to the wounds and slow the bleeding for two hours in order to save him. He tells Cristina that the guy wrote a letter thanking him... and then killed himself.
* ''The bomb episode''. Every single moment of it, whether invoking sad tears (when Derek finds out that it's {{spoiler|Meredith holding the bomb, followed by his patient promptly flat-lining}}, {{spoiler|almost everyone leaving Meredith alone in the room}}, or, you know, {{spoiler|''the bomb going off''}}) or happy ones (Bailey's {{spoiler|baby being born and being named after George}}), the entire episode is ''made'' of this trope.
* When George's mom comes to the hospital and Callie tells her about Arizona and Sofia.
* After a 39 hour day when Meredith goes to answer the door expecting the pizza delivery and it is {{spoiler|the social worker holding Zola. "She's yours."}}.