Live-Action TV/Tear Jerker/Lists that need to be split by individual works: Difference between revisions

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'''Alcmene:''' For every boy that's not coming home, one hundred more will and that's because of you.
'''Alcmene:''' For every boy that's not coming home, one hundred more will and that's because of you.
'''Hercules:''' Then why do I feel like I failed? }}
'''Hercules:''' Then why do I feel like I failed? }}

=== [[Heroes]] ===
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' - the ending of "Company Man". "I love you, Clairebear... (to Haitian) Go deep."
** Also the scenes in 'Cautionary Tales' between {{spoiler|Hiro and his dad}}. Especially the part where {{spoiler|Hiro meets himself as a boy: 'There are some things even Tazeko Kensei cannot change'.}} It didn't provoke actual tears, but it came very close.
** The final scene between Hiro and Yaeko.
** Any of the scenes involving Micah in season 3, episode 3. {{spoiler|Niki is dead, and Micah meets Tracy, who looks exactly like her.}}
** Virginia Gray's death.
** Isaac's death. Even though it was strongly foreshadowed at, and showed signs of possibly being prevented thanks to Hiro's attempts to change the future where New York got nuked, it still didn't lessen the impact. "I finally get to die a hero".
** And for that matter, Charlie's death and Hiro's failed attempts to save her from getting Sylared also qualify.
** One of the saddest elements of the entire series for me was {{spoiler|Stephen's story. Imprisoned by the Company for years because of a killing he perpetrated accidentally when he lost control of his ability to create vortexes, he escapes, dodging company pursuit in an effort to meet up with his family. However, when his wife fails to come to a meeting he arranged, Noah ambushes him, and, holding a gun to his head, threatens to imprison him again unless he uses his ability to kill Sylar. However, Stephen refuses to be a monster, and, with nothing left to live for, kills himself by entering one of his own vortexes.}}
** The online tie-in ''[ Dreams Until Death]''. Two random [[Red Shirt|Red Shirts]] Sylar takes down in seconds in the series were deeply in love (and, if you've read the rest of the tie-ins, were characters you might be invested in), and have a [[The Final Temptation|dream about what their life together would have been]]. No ''way'' he's coming back from the [[Moral Event Horizon]], redemption arc be damned!
** HRG and Claude's confrontation on the bridge during "Company Man." Especially the way it ends.
** "First you show me that I can be harmed by no weapon, and then you cut me deeper than any blade possibly could." He was evil but boy did Adam get the shaft hard.
** Hiro, regressed to the mind of a 10-year-old, traveling back in time and getting one last reunion with his mother.
** The end of season 1. {{spoiler|Nathan flying in at the last second and saying "You saved the cheerleader, so we could save the world." Then flying off with an out of control nuclear Peter afterwards exploding in the sky}}
** In "Cold Snap": {{spoiler|Daphne Millbrook's death.}}
*** This one.
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Daphne''': Do one more thing for me?}}
{{spoiler|'''Matt''': Anything.}}
{{spoiler|'''Daphne''': Fly me to the moon.}} }}
** "Five Years Gone," especially the exchange between Future!Peter and Ando.
{{quote|Peter: You know how he used to be, full of hope and optimism?
Ando: That's the Hiro I know.
Peter: Went away the day you died. Between you and me, I think that's why he's so obsessed about changing the past. He wants to save you. }}
* The season 3 finale, despite the [[Fridge Logic]] involved in the death (where's Claire's blood?). Not the death itself, but the sequence of events that framed it.
** 1. Fight in which {{spoiler|Nathan}} dies.
*** {{spoiler|By the time Nathan was discovered, he was long past the point where Claire's blood could have helped him. On the other hand, Bob & Mohinder were able to promptly treat HRG after he was shot.}}
** 2. Commercial break.
** 3. {{spoiler|Angela}} hunting down Matt to tell him that if he doesn't come with {{spoiler|her, Nathan}}'s going to die.
** From then on until they found the body were the most gut-wrenching 15 minutes. The only sounds out of her mouth for the rest of the episode were horrified whimpering and " {{spoiler|Mama}} needs to go [[School Days]] on Sylar's ass."
** Matt's reaction to what {{spoiler|Angela and HRG}} are asking him to do and his reaction afterward to what he's just done, showing that he's ''still a good man''.
* Jeremy Greer. God in Heaven, Jeremy Greer. {{spoiler|He accidentally kills his parents with his power to control life and death}}. Bennet and Tracy attempt to make a cover story for him, but the [[Smug Snake]] of a sheriff lets circumstantial evidence decide everything. When Bennet and Tracy do get him out, {{spoiler|an irate neighbor attempts to kill Jeremy as justice. Jeremy, not believing he can ever find a place for himself, kills the guy and refuses to heal him, despite Bennet begging him to}}, causing the cops to re-arrest him. After they bring him in, a deputy takes him out back, {{spoiler|tells him there's no room for freaks in his town, chains him to a truck, and has Jeremy dragged through the streets until he dies.}} The sheer unfairness of it all.
* {{spoiler|Nathan's final death scene}}! It's amazing how, despite how many times {{spoiler|they killed off the character}}, they still manage to make it so moving this time... {{spoiler|And Sylar taking control of the body and walking away while waving to a tearful Peter is just the icing on it all}}.
* {{spoiler|Nathan's funeral}} at the end of Upon This Rock. Pass the tissues please. And the part with {{spoiler|the fighter jets flying overhead and Peter's little smile as * one of the fighters breaks away* , as if it's Nathan saying goodbye...}} BAWWWWWWWWWW!!!
* The scene where Claire talks with the Haitian after he's mind wipped Zach. Mostly due to the devastated look on Claire's face and her sobbing plead for the Haitian to "give him back".
* {{spoiler|Joseph's murder at Samuel's hands}} in ''Thanksgiving.'' The look of horror on Samuel's face as he realizes what he's done sealed the deal of Samuel becoming the [[Ensemble Darkhorse|favorite character]] of many.
* What happened to Future Syler's little boy. It's just so horrible. [[Alas, Poor Villain|Poor, poor Sylar.]]