Mary Poppins: Difference between revisions

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* [[No Antagonist]]: The film has no antagonists, except Mr. Dawes Sr., George Banks and all of the Dawes children.
* [[No Antagonist]]: The film has no antagonists, except Mr. Dawes Sr., George Banks and all of the Dawes children.
* [[Not Even Bothering with the Accent]]: Ed Wynn in his [[One-Scene Wonder|brief appearance]] as Uncle Albert.
* [[Not Even Bothering with the Accent]]: Ed Wynn in his [[One-Scene Wonder|brief appearance]] as Uncle Albert.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Ellen whenever Admiral Boom fires off his cannon and when she cries "It's the Master!" during Step in Time.
* [[Oh, No, Not Again]]: "Ahh! They're at it again!", "They're at it again, step in time! They're at it again, step in time!"
* [[Oh, No, Not Again]]: "Ahh! They're at it again!", "They're at it again, step in time! They're at it again, step in time!"
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Minor aversion. One of the female names rattled off in the penguin scene is "Jane". Presumably they aren't referring to Jane Banks.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Minor aversion. One of the female names rattled off in the penguin scene is "Jane". Presumably they aren't referring to Jane Banks.