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** There's also a gun called the Revenant.
** Go ahead and pick the Renegade ending in the ''Overlord'' DLC. Does that final image look familiar at all?
* [[Foe Yay]]: Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh acts a little ''too'' friendly when Legion is brought to the Flotilla, to the point where there are now more than a few fanfics shipping the two (referring to Legion as "''marvelous machine''" doesn't help things).
* [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]:
** During {{spoiler|his mini-mission}}, Joker wonders if he's dooming the galaxy by {{spoiler|hooking up EDI}}. At one point, he mutters, " I have to spend all day computing pi because Joker plugged in the Overlord." Then comes the ''[[Tear Jerker|Overlord]]'' [[Nightmare Fuel|DLC]]...
** A [[YouTube]] user made a [ video] that depicted the series ending like ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]''. It was meant as a joke, but turned out to be prophetic when the third installment came out six months later and the fans' reaction towards the ending being similar to ''Evangelion'''s 16 years earlier.
** One of Jack's lines is "If I die, I'm haunting you, Shepard," a typical [[Badass Boast]] that shows her [[Hidden Depths]] that she believes in that sort of thing. In ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', those who have died haunt Shepard.
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** The Widow. And enough skill on the player's part to headshot enemies.
* [[Genius Bonus]]:
** The ship that Morinth left Illium on is the ''Demeter''. In Greek mythology, Demeter was an extremely powerful goddess who lost her daughter to the underworld and walked the earth endlessly searching for her. Sounds a bit like a certain justicar... which makes this a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|literal]] [[Mythology Gag]]. For bonus points, the Demeter was also the name of the ship the Count travelled on in Dracula.
** Does the name of Jacob's father's ship (the ''Hugo Gernsbeck'') sound familiar to you? If you're a sci-fi buff, it should. Hugo Gernsbeck is generally considered the father of modern science fiction and founder of the ''[[Amazing Stories (magazine)|Amazing Stories]]'' magazine. It's who the [[Hugo Award]] is named after. Although considering that the ship named after him is populated in the game by a bunch of self-centered jackasses who routinely perform [[Mind Rape]] on their crew, it's not the ''best'' tribute they could have given the father of modern science fiction...
* [[Goddamn Bats]]: Husks, on any difficulty. They don't use guns, they just run up to you and start whacking you. Mowing them down before they can get to you can be hard because they move ridiculously fast. They also tend to swarm you while you're focused on trying to shoot down something else. They have a few [[Weaksauce Weakness]]es (biotics, [[Kill It with Fire|being set on fire]], [[Kill It with Ice|being frozen]], being shot in the legs), but these tend to not be particularly useful if you're facing [[Zerg Rush|ten at once]]. Excepting Soldiers with a Revenant machinegun and Adrenaline Rush.
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*** This trick actually works on any non-heavy weapon in the game... even the Widow. The key is hitting the melee button once the ejected thermal clip is visible.
** There was also a button trick that allowed a character as early as level 6 to [ max out every ability]. This was removed by a patch on May 17, 2010.
** The save file transfer doesn't properly import your handling of Conrad Verner. It defaults to the Renegade response, which has you "shoving a gun" in his face and inadvertently making him go "hardcore". There are hex fixes that allow one to see [ the ME1''Mass Effect 1'' Paragon Flagged start.].
** If certain conditions are met while Charging as a Vanguard, Shepard's shield will shoot through the roof, going from between 150-325 to somewhere close to 4000. It only lasts for a single mission, but you could essentially go through the rest of it meleeing things to death;, and yes, charging would indeed refill it to max.
** In ''Arrival'', a sound bug can result in the indoctrinated troops on the asteroid screaming nonstop due to a looping voice file (which plays in nicely with the subject matter, even if it's unintended).
** Every weapon's firing rate slows down tremendously during Adrenaline Rush... except the DLC Mattock.
** Could also be a little of [[Guide Dang It|Guide Dang It!]]. On Aria's side quest with the Eclipse cache, standing in just the right place and firing the ML-77 missile launcher allows you to complete the quest with no crates destroyed. The bug -: the missile homes in on anything classified as hostile and when one of them hits the mech while fired just outside of the area that triggers the crate destruction, that mech will walk towards you without activating the other mechs. This allows you to essentially bait all the mechs into attacking you one by one, allowing you to ambush them. You can do this to only one mech at a time and must ensure that your squadmates don't blunder into the area that triggers crate destruction.
* [[Holy Shit Quotient]]: Gets taken [[Up to Eleven]]. Especially in the loyalty missions.
* [[Like You Would Really Do It]]: Subverted. Shepard dies ten minutes into the game, and is brought back... but can potentially [[Killed Off for Real|die for real]] at the end of the game, so, yes, they ''would'' really do it. Then subverted ''again'', in that save games where the entire team dies won't carry over to ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', and it is the only story-possibility that the [[Expanded Universe]] directly contradicts and ignores.
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** [ SHEPARD IS PLEASED].<ref>Shepard's [[Uncanny Valley]] rape face is used to make any situation more uncomfortable.</ref>
** "I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions!" *PAWNCH* <ref>A reporter who made you look bad no matter what you said in the first game returns; if you didn't punch her the first time, you can punch her now, and say that line.</ref>
** I'm Commander Shepard, [[Celebrity Endorsement|and this is my favorite page on TVtropes.]] <ref>A Paragon Commander Shepard may get discounts from any Citadel Store by offering an endorsement, which is "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel". S/Hehe can do this with ''every'' store, however, without worry. Eventually, every store will have the aforementioned recording. Mark Meer (the voice for male Shepard) has stated that he gets bugged by many of his friends to make a custom ringtone for them based on that line.</ref>
** [ Ah yes, 'Tropers'...] The internet subculture allegedly recording recurring story elements seen across a number of fictional genres. [[Gas Leak Coverup|We have dismissed this claim]].<ref>The turian Councilor who hated you in the first game continues to not believe you that Reapers are real despite his change of heart at the end of the last game (and the giant Reaper corpse in the middle of the Citadel)--... and he uses turian air quotes (they only have two fingers and a thumb) to do it.</ref>
*** [ Councillor Valarn can dismiss any claim!] He dismisses things out of existence!
** Shepard removes Tali's mask to reveal...<[ Insert photoshopped face here]> <ref>The player has never seen a quarian without a helmet on--: the first time Tali takes hers off, the camera cuts away, and fans decided to supplement for themselves.</ref>
** "I should go"."<ref>How Commander Shepard usually ends a conversation.</ref>
** Garrus is '''impressive'''.<ref>One of Garrus' combat shouts, usually after sniping a headshot. For himself and you.</ref>
** Thane is '''excellent'''.<ref>One of Thane's combat shouts, to compliment the player.</ref>
** "Can it wait? I'm in the middle of some calibrations." <ref>When Garrus has nothing else to say, he says that. He never finishes with the calibrations, ever, and has only two conversations in the game.</ref>
** "WE KNOW GAVORN'S TRICKS! WE LEAVE!" <ref>What one member of the brutal and primitive vorcha race will say to if you just walk up and start talking to him.</ref>
** [ "But the PRIIIIIIIZE."] <ref>When romancing Jacob, he'll come to Commander Shepard right before the [[Pre-Climax Climax]] leading to the suicide mission and seduce you with cringe-worthy, cheesy-porn level lines, including "Sneaking into the captains quarters... heavy risk. But the prize."</ref>
** "You humans are [[Hypocritical Humor|all racist]]!" <ref>A turian civilian at C-Sec customs declares one of the human officers to be racist every time she holds him up for small things like trying to sneak a 15-inch serrated blade aboard.</ref>
** "I had reach, she had flexibility." <ref>Garrus is talking about a female turian crew member on an old ship he served on. He says this line to emphasize their talents in combat... and in bed.</ref>
** "Geth do not ''intentionally'' infiltrate." <ref>The C-Sec customs officer, when asked about tightened security, says that she's there to ensure there are no geth infiltrations. If Legion, the geth party member, is with you he'll tell her geth don't infiltrate. She assumes he's a (non-sentient) VI --... and Legion says that line.</ref>
** [ "I AM A BIOTIC GOD!"] <ref>A volus--a guy from a race of small, squat, rotund race of merchants--insists he can wipe the floor with anyone while stoned off his ass.</ref>
** "Humans are a blight on galactic purity!" <ref>A crazy "prophet" batarian on Omega is loudly announcing to anyone who can hear that humans are an abomination unto space.</ref>
*** "You, sir! You are a blight."
** "What can you tell me about [x]?" <ref>Shepard has a very blunt way of asking about what s/he wants to know in the "Investigate" dialogue option.</ref>
** That freakin' [ dancing turian] made me fail an update!!! <ref>During Thane's loyalty quest, at one point, you will stop at a bar/club area and a turian (which looks suspiciously like Groundskeeper) walks over to some humans and asari then dances like he freaking owns the place.</ref>
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]: This is the game that created a legion of Cerberus sympathizers (especially PS3 owners who couldn't see any of Cerberus' crimes and horrible experiments in the first ''Mass Effect''), with defenders taking everything the Illusive Man says at face value. To say the least, there were people who wanted to protest the third game when it was revealed that Cerberus were antagonists once more.
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]:
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** The music ''constantly'' playing while you explore will drive you to madness.
*** ''So'' worth it when you get to the solar system and try to probe Uranus.
{{quote|'''EDI''': [[What the Hell, Hero?|Really, Commander?]]... Probing Uranus.}}
** If you do something to enemies (such as [[Kill It with Fire|set them on fire]]), they will let out a scream that goes on for about thirty seconds before they shut up.
** '''Assuming control. Shepard, if I must tear you apart, I will. This hurts you.''' During combat, [[Boss in Mook Clothing]] [[Big Bad]] Harbinger is painfully able to spray comments about you and your teammates at about the same rate as his weapon.
** The screams of the VI during the ''Overlord'' DLC seems designed to make you jump out of your seat and tear off your headphones. During the trek through the inert geth ship, the designers go out of their way to blurt out the noise at just the right time to scare the crap out of the player—theyplayer... they even lampshade it with a crew log about Halloween.
** And this time, instead of the enemies using the same lines [[Overly Long Gag|over and over and over and over]], it's your teammates. But they are right, though--... [[Gravity Sucks|gravity is one mean mother]].
** The "whooshing" noise that the doors on the ''Normandy'' make when they open and close, especially since they do so automatically whenever Shepard is within five feet of them, so you hear a chorus of that sound every time you walk down the hall.
* [[Most Wonderful Sound]]:
** The "Mission Accomplished" track. It sounds so... [[Buffy-Speak|accomplishing.]].
** Ironically enough, "assuming control" becomes this when {{spoiler|Legion}} says it on {{spoiler|its}} loyalty mission.
** Using Slam is the grinding sound of using biotics couple with bones breaking. Oh yes.
** The Widow. Boom. Headshot. And you're probably hearing it in slow motion, since if you HAVE it you're either an Infiltrator and get [[Bullet Time]] when you look down the sight, or a soldier and using Adrenaline Rush to help conserve ammo.
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** The hapless merc standing near a window during Thane's recruitment mission. "I've got nothing more to say to you—"
* [[Paranoia Fuel]]:
** See those cameras in ''Overlord''? They track you. ''Everywhere.'' (Atat least you can shoot them.).
** The ads on the Citadel, which seem to know ''EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU'', right down to who your [[Love Interest]] is.
** "Nine out of ten Tupari drinkers recommend Tupari to their friends! '''The last one is on my list."'''
*** "I know you're weakening. Tupari is on your mind! ''Give in''."
* [[Player Punch]]:
** The destruction of the ''Normandy''. Being reunited with Ashley/Kaidan. Seeing {{spoiler|your crew get kidnapped when the Collectors attack the second Normandy.}}. Seeing what happens {{spoiler|to the people abducted by the Collectors, especially if it happens to your crew because you didn't get to them in time.}}. Plenty more. ''Mass Effect 2'' likes this trope.
** A good chunk of the loyalty missions are also this. You have a ''really'' [[Dysfunction Junction|messed up squad]].
** Project Overlord may as well be entitled "Player [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]" after you reach the end and find out {{spoiler|the ''[[Being Tortured Makes You Evil|real]]'' reason why David went [[Ax Crazy]]}}. [[Pistol-Whipping]] the person responsible is the '''''Paragon''''' response.
** If anyone was actually thinking or hoping they would find all of the abducted colonists alive at the end and be able to save them, they were tragically mistaken.
** The ending of "''Arrival"'' DLC is an enormous punch in the gut for both player and Shepard. {{spoiler|Shepard is forced to destroy an entire solar system and its 305,000 batarian inhabitants in order to prevent an imminent Reaper invasion. Hackett notes that even though he knows Shepard did the right thing, the Alliance ''will'' force him/her to pay for this and that the batarians will attempt to do the same thing.}}.
* [[Replacement Scrappy|Replacement]] [[Scrappy Mechanic]]: The Mako planet-roving gets replaced with two: The Hammerhead, and planet scanning. Even [[BioWare]] admits that, in retrospect, planet scanning was handled poorly in ''Mass Effect 2''. On the official forums at least one [[BioWare]] employee has said that "nobody liked" it, and as a result the planet scanning system has been completely overhauled for ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' so that it's less tedious and time-consuming.
* [[Rewatch Bonus]]: Keep an eye out for someone who has [[Memetic Mutation|assumed direct control]] when watching the surveillance footage on Freedom's Progress.
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]:
** When the [[Play Station 3]] port was announced, an epic [[Internet Backdraft|meltdown]] unfolded over Bioware releasing Mass Effect on another platform.
** A small minority of fans felt that ''Mass Effect 2's''s faster-paced combat meant that the game was dumbed down to increase it'sits appeal to the [[Lowest Common Denominator]].
* [[Replacement Scrappy|Replacement]] [[Scrappy Mechanic]]: The Mako planet-roving gets replaced with two: The Hammerhead, and planet scanning. Even [[BioWare]] admits that, in retrospect, planet scanning was handled poorly in ''Mass Effect 2''. On the official forums at least one [[BioWare]] employee has said that "nobody liked" it, and as a result, the planet scanning system has been completely overhauled for ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' so that it's less tedious and time-consuming.
* [[Ships That Pass in the Night]]: Kolyat (Thane's son) and Oriana (Miranda's younger sister) are fairly popular for a couple who've never even been on the same planet at the same time.
* [[Special Effects Failure]]: Despite being a visually sound game, it does fall into this on a few occasions. Most common are issues with clipping, which, if you tried to list them all, could probably get a whole page all to themselves.
** Miranda's physical features sometimes verge on this trope. See [[Uncanny Valley]] below.
** During the first conversation with Garrus on the ''Normandy'', Shepard is meant to be leaning on a railing, but ends up leaning on thin air.
** During the meeting with the Council, Udina's eyes notably clip through his character model when he walks in.
** When you wake Grunt up, and he pins Shepard against the wall, his shoulder armor visibly clips through his upper body, and Grunt's upper arms ''always'' clip through his armor.
** Mordin's eyes often clip through his eyelids, and Miranda's neck tends to clip through her collar.
** Literally, every time you go speak to Joker, his chair swivels around to face you... and clips through its own mounting.
** Because there's [[Loads and Loads of Characters|twelve party members]], and they're largely interchangeable during missions, cutscenes often use the same animations for each character. This works fine for the most part, but can get strange if you have Garrus and/or Grunt in your party—theirparty: their models are noticeably larger than the rest of the characters', meaning that an animation or pose which works for the other ten characters ends up... not working for Garrus or Grunt. For example, bring Garrus on Tali's loyalty mission—duringmission... during {{spoiler|Tali's trial}}, check the background. Garrus is sitting in the stands...with his arms clipping through his legs.
** Bringing Zaeed to Garrus' recruitment mission triggers an extra conversation between him and Tarak. At the end, there's a closeup of Tarak's face--... ''[ with his head clipping through the camera]''.
** During character customization, the player can select a variety of eye shapes for either Shepard. It's possible to pick eyes for Fem!Shep which ''are incapable of fully closing'' because her eyelids have a fixed size.
** The Illusive Man's cigarette has been known to move independently of his hand. Presumably, he cuts his tobacco with eezo.
** A long-standing glitch during Garrus' loyalty mission causes the entire back wall of the area it takes place in to not be textured properly. On one hand, the trippy effect created by it helps with the overall uneasy atmosphere of the encounter. On the other hand, there's zero doubt that this isn't intentional, and it's straight up broken.
* [[Tainted by the Preview]]: The first teaser for the game was met by quite the reaction, as was [[Tattooed Crook|Jack's]] reveal.
* [[Take That]]: Tela Vasir, at the cheapness of Vanguards.
* [[Tear Jerker]]: There a couple moments in some of the characters' loyalty missions. But the big one is at the end of the Project Overlord DLC. {{spoiler|By the time Shepard has made it to the final boss, he/she has learned that Dr. Archer's exploited his autistic brother by integrating him with a VI, trapping him in a reality of perpetual suffering. After defeating the final boss, Shepard chews Archer out for what has happened to David, who now lives '''physically''' plugged into the facility's computer system.}}
{{quote|'''Shepard:''' {{spoiler|So you'd sacrifice your own brother's happiness for your own ambitions!?}}
{{spoiler|(''Archer looks David, who has just shed a tear, in the eye.'')}}
'''David:''' {{spoiler|The square root of 906.01 is...}}
'''Archer:''' {{spoiler|...30.1... What I've done to David is unethical. If he dies, it's unforgivable.}} }}
* [[That One Boss]]:
** Tela Vasir. If having her use the same Charge power as Vanguards wasn't enough, she can also knock you out of cover with a Shockwave power, and can use a Barrier power to make her even more of a [[Damage Sponge]] than she already is. Plus, she can summon Rocket Drones and Shadow Broker Engineers, making her a [[Flunky Boss]].
** Tela Vasir.
** In ''Arrival'', the Object Rho battle if you are going for the [[Last Stand]] achievement. Luckily, this one's optional;: the game will continue even if you fail.
* [[That One Level]]:
** The disabled Collector ship can be this, especially the first room. The problem is, you hardly ever get anything other than low cover, which Harbinger excels at knocking you out of, which results in you getting cut apart by Collectors and Scions unless you get back in immediately. It doesn't help that the Illusive Man forces you onto it, and that he's leading you into a trap because you're taking too long.
** [[Elite Mooks|Horizon.]]. [[Demonic Spiders|Horizon.]]. [[Goddamn Bats|Horizon.]]. [[That One Boss|Horizon.]]. If you pick the wrong team or class, it may be easier to just begin the game from scratch.
* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]]: In the first game, it was revealed that Cerberus was behind the Thresher Maws that killed a [[Sole Survivor]] Shepard's squad. Shepard works with Cerberus in this game, but is never given a chance to call anyone in Cerberus out for the events on Akuze or the background-specific sidequest from the first game (in which it's revealed that there was another survivor, Corporal Toombs, who was captured and used as a test subject by Cerberus scientists). All you get is a very angry email from Toombs calling Shepard out for working with Cerberus, much like everyone else in the game.
* [[Uncanny Valley]]:
** A lot of the faces just don't look ''quite'' right. Miranda's potato-shaped face (i.e., she does not look like she does on the game box) is probably the most noticeable one. The Unreal Engine 3's age is starting to show with its inability to handle flowing water without significant modification; PC Gamer's review wondered why the characters cried "oil slicks." Dr. Chakwas's face is particularly frightening in the brief moment when she swivels in her chair to face you before a conversation.
** A lot of the faces just don't look ''quite'' right. Much of it has to do with the lighting.
** [ Shepard himself]{{Dead link}}. (It's not much better if Shepard is female.)
*** Miranda's potato-shaped face (i.e. she does not look like she does on the game box) is probably the most noticeable one.
** The Illusive Man may be this ''deliberately''. According to one dev diary, they deliberately made him perfectly symmetrical. Combine that with the normal mapping on his skin, and he's deep in the valley.
*** Dr. Chakwas's face is particularly frightening in the brief moment when she swivels in her chair to face you before a conversation.
** Jacob has big teeth. VERY big teeth. Not fangs, just big big teeth. And the way his mouth moves accentuates exactly how big they are. In certain lights they look as though made of silver or chrome too, which we can only hope [[Unfortunate Implications|wasn't intentional]].
*** [ Shepard himself]{{Dead link}}. (Itit's not much better if Shepard is female.).
** Morinth and Samara, despite being modelled on the same woman, have different animations. Samara looks a lot more normal than Morinth and her creepy square teeth and her creepy smile. Considering [[The Sociopath|who Morinth is]], this may very well be intentional.
*** The Illusive Man may be this ''deliberately''. According to one dev diary, they deliberately made him perfectly symmetrical. Combine that with the normal mapping on his skin, and he's deep in the valley.
*** Jacob has big teeth. VERY big teeth. Not fangs, just big big teeth. And the way his mouth moves accentuates exactly how big they are. In certain lights, they look as though made of silver or chrome too, which we can only hope [[Unfortunate Implications|wasn't intentional]].
*** Morinth and Samara, despite being modelled on the same woman, have different animations. Samara looks a lot more normal than Morinth and her creepy square teeth and her creepy smile. Considering [[The Sociopath|who Morinth is]], this may very well be intentional.
** Many of the female character's proportions just look wrong, particularly Miranda's (a realistic head on a spindly, very thin body but with big breasts and buttocks). In fairness to this one though, this is par for the course for many female video game characters.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Jaroth leaves a certain important datapad around for anyone to just pick up, including the freelancers walking around his base. Namely the datapad that contains {{spoiler|a message to Tarak about their plans to overthrow Aria and take over Omega}}.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Political?]]:
** C-Sec has instituted new security and travel rules, including seemingly random no-fly lists and item confiscations, as a knee-jerk reaction to a massive attack. They're so ineffective they label a pair of asari as geth infiltrators and fail to notice {{spoiler|''the geth in your party''.}}. Anyone familiar with post-9/11 airport security in the US will recognize the system and the common criticisms of it.
** Also, a great deal of the background dialogue in the planet of Illium appears to be an elaborate satire of extreme anarcho-capitalist political beliefs.
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** Even during a romance she is nasty and abrasive.
** And then there are the people who have no problem with overly-brazen tomboyishness, but are extremely put off by her psychopathic, misanthropic, and generally [[Ax Crazy]] tendencies. Although that might have been okay, if she was at least somewhat ''personable'' about it.
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: As revealed by her loyalty mission, {{spoiler|Jack was constantly tortured by Cerberus in order to turn her into the ultimate weapon. When she was a kid, she would be thrown into an arena to fight to the death against wild animals and other biotic kids, in addition to the brutality she had to endure from the scientists and guards.}}.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: SuZe was her nickname before people knew it was "Jack". Short for "''Su''bject ''Ze''ro". It's fallen out of use now, probably because hardly anyone in the game calls her "Subject Zero."
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: As revealed by her loyalty mission, {{spoiler|Jack was constantly tortured by Cerberus in order to turn her into the ultimate weapon. When she was a kid, she would be thrown into an arena to fight to the death against wild animals and other biotic kids, in addition to the brutality she had to endure from the scientists and guards.}}
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: See [[Jerkass Woobie]] above. Even after she gets some closure via her loyalty mission, she admits that she "still kinda want[s] to kill everyone [she] meet[s]. No offence."
'''Jacob Taylor'''
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]: The strongest complaint fans have is that he is "boring.". Even after his loyalty mission where Shepard and company find out that {{spoiler|Mr Taylor Sr has forced his crew to eat toxic food, driven off or murdered the males, and kept the women as sex slaves}}, he merely shrugs it off (and becomes offended if Shepard insists that he should express anything otherwise). This becomes fridge brilliance when Shepard gains access to the {{spoiler|Shadow Broker's}} dossiers and finds Jacob was placed on the team because he's a "stabilising element.". He's supposed to be this way, and with [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|good]] [[Ax Crazy|reason]], [[Knight Templar|considering]] [[The Atoner|how]] [[Blood Knight|screwed]] [[Classy Cat Burglar|up]] [[He Who Fights Monsters|the]] [[Cowboy Cop|rest]] [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|of]] [[Serial Killer|Shepard's]] [[Broken Bird|squaddies]] [[Blue and Orange Morality|are]].
* [[Base Breaker]]: Jacob is [[The Scrappy]] to many a fan, for various reasons:
** His criticism of Thane (and lack of similar scenes with the more obviously objectionable team-mates) in his boarding scene and his suggestion to space [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Legion]] rather than re-activate it have drawn ire from fans
** His stoic demeanor, disposition and low-level development makes him come off as one without much of a personality.
** His romance path often invokes [[Stop Being Stereotypical]] (Sneakingsneaking into the Captain's Quarters). It also gives off vibes of being rather forced, by comparison to the other romances.
** In the third game, he cheats on Shepard with Brynn Cole, admitting that he wasn't sure if he'd ever see Shepard again, even though it'd only been six months and Shepard didn't die this time.
* [[Memetic Molester]]: Jacob wants his prize.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Heavy risk... [ But the PRIIIIIZE].
* [[Narm Charm]]: His romance path is not known for being especially well-written, though it did provide a nice meme.
* [[Tier-Induced Scrappy]]: He is by far the weakest character in the game. His skills are Pull (an okay move, but useless against enemies with barriers), Incendiary Ammo (okay ammo power, but weak compared to others like Warp Ammo and Armor Piercing Ammo and redundant considering that Grunt and Shepard may also have it), and Barrier. His weapon selection could be worse, but he'd have to be able to use heavy weapons, which no one but Shepard can do, in order to make up for his shortcomings.
** What really screws him up is Barrier because the AI keeps auto-casting that for no reason. He is actually a pretty well-balanced character who is good at crowd-control thanks to Pull and Inferno Ammo and won't die as often as most of the other characters thanks to his high HP.
*** The Barrier problem is negated if you have the ''Lair of the Shadow Broker'' [[Downloadable Content|DLC]], as you can redistribute his talent points entirely and simply choose not to spend the leftover point on Barrier.
'''Miranda Lawson'''
* [[Base Breaker]]: Quite possibly one of the biggest examples in the entire trilogy. Most fans either love Miranda or absolutely loathe her. ItsIt's hard to find a fan who has a neutral opinion of her. Some find her hot, others find her blatant status as Fanservice (complete with many a shot of her ass) annoying. Some feel sorry for her, others think she's whiny and arrogant. And then there are some who don't like her for her [[Knight Templar|loyalty to Cerberus]].
* [[Canon Sue]]: [[BioWare]] uses Miranda to explore the entire concept of the [[Mary Sue|perfect human]]. She's unbelievably gorgeous, brilliant and skilled. She is those things because her father, an egotistical prick, designed her that way in a lab. [[Deconstructed Trope|Miranda is tortured by all of those gifts, seeing in them constant evidence of her father's influence.]].
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]
* [[Les Yay]]: Since most of her dialog for Shepards of either gender is the same, her behavior can come off as this towards a female Shepard, not to mention that there's [[Dummied Out]] dialog still in the game indicating that at one point [ she could be romanced by a female Shepard], which might make this technically an in-universe example.
** Taken [[Up to Eleven]] in the third installment, to the point where you're honestly surprised nothing comes of it. On-screen, anyway.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: DAT ASS.
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Her face looks a little... off at times. [[Fridge Brilliance]] comes in when it's meant to be perfect, thus looks a little off.
* [[Wangst]]: The main reason she's reviled by certain fans. It's not that she doesn't have a reason to be upset, it's because she drones on and on about how much it hurts her to be perfect and how her father was emotionally distant, especially during a romance, whereas every other character besides Jack has much bigger problems that they don't complain about. The fact that she says that she was always given what she wanted and grew up in wealth has not helped matters.
* [[Ear Worm]]: [ Singing Mordin.].
* {{spoiler|[[Too Cool to Live]]}}: {{spoiler|Survival during final assault unlikely.}}.
Line 187 ⟶ 195:
'''Thane Krios'''
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: His appearance in ''Mass Effect 3''.
* [[Stoic Woobie]]
* [[Too Cool to Live]]
Line 192 ⟶ 201:
'''Zaeed Massani'''
* [[Base Breaker]]: Some fans think Zaeed is a total badass. Others view him as a stereotypical [[Bounty Hunter]], a cheap knock-off of [[Knights of the Old Republic|Canderous Ordo]], or yet another [[The Generic Guy|generic guy]]. There are also some people who just dislike him for [[Psycho for Hire|being a bastard.]].
* [[Cargo Ship]]: [ This] video ships Zaeed with his rifle, [[I Call It Vera|Jessie.]].
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Zaeed once went out to dinner with his family. He was the only survivor.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Letting the refinery and everyone inside burn to make sure he kills Vido.}}.
== Secret Characters '''SPOILERS''' ==
* [[Ugly Cute]]
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Not its face, obviously (it's a just flashlight, after all), but Legion has a habit of awkwardly mimicking the movements and posture of those it speaks to, particularly Shepard. The best example is the handshake Shepard offers: Legion obviously has no clue what to do and just repeats the motions.
** In cutscenes, it moves on the same animation skeleton as its interchangeable organic teammates, leading to some oddly human body language sometimes; use it on your vent-shaft team in the suicide mission, and it somehow acts out of breath.
* [[Values Dissonance]]: A lot of Legion's dialogue involves it explaining how the geth operate in terms both Shepard and the player can understand. During its loyalty quest, Legion will agree with Renegade Shepard's point that organic and synthetic moral values are fundamentally different when the other teammate questions the moral ramifications of rewriting the programming of the heretics, explaining that organics are individuals and that consensus takes time and effort whereas there are no individuals among synthetics and that communication between them is instantaneous. Legion will even go as far as saying that it would be racist to think otherwise.
** While there are a lot of differences between the geth and organic life, it is still possible to find common ground. The following quote can be [[Values Resonance]] for a lot of people:
Line 208 ⟶ 219:
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: After killing her, Samara quietly despairs about how she's forced to kill her most talented daughter.
* [[Complete Monster]]
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Some of the fanbase consider her actions to be ''completely'' the fault of her genetics, which are in turn Samara's fault, and thus ''Samara's'' the monster for hunting down a serial murderer who kills solely for her own benefit. In spite of the fact Samara's other daughters have the same genetic disorder, neither of ''them'' went on a killing spree, Morinth never shows so much as a single redeeming feature or hint of remorse and her argument for Shepard saving her is that she is already as powerful as her mother, so she would be a more powerful ally. She ''will'' kill Shepard if she is given the opportunity -; hell, that's how you recruit her, by offering yourself as bait. As awful as her early life must have been, she's spent the subsequent four hundred years burning out the brains of innocent victims to boost her own power ''for fun''.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: As per the vampirism parallel. Also, asari.
* [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bitch]]: Samara considers her as such, calling her "The bravest and smartest of [her] daughters."
Line 216 ⟶ 226:
== [[NPCsNon-Player Character]]s ==
'''Quarian Admirals'''
* [[Never Live It Down]]: The name of Zaal'Koris's ship, the ''Qwib Qwib'', so named because it's a repurposed ship that was originally non-Quarian and the Quarians are unable to format the ship's registration documentation. [[Tempting Fate|Tali warns Shepard not to ask about the name,]], but Shepard can inquire anyway.
** The ensuing dialogue implies that there are Quarians toting names that end in vas Defrahnz or vas Iktomi, completely unaware of what they sound like to humans.
'''The Illusive Man'''
* {{spoiler|[[Alas, Poor Villain]]: In the third game.}}
* [[Internet Backdraft]]: Pretty much ''any'' topic about the Illusive Man will eventually devolve to whether he's a [[Necessarily Evil|Necessary Evil]] or a [[Complete Monster]].
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Until the final major choice of the game, ''everything'' that happens in the story is driven by the Illusive Man.
Line 231 ⟶ 240:
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: To the degree that people want him back in ME3''Mass Effect 3'' as a squadmate.
** Most people wanted him as a squaddie as early as in ME2''Mass Effect 2'' after seeing him for the first time in one of the pre-release trailers.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: Two if you save him.
'''Kelly Chambers'''
* [[Base Breaker]]: Yet another polarizing character, due to her "psychological assessments" being generic with no real insight, her apologist attitude, and her memetic status as a [[My Girl Is Not a Slut|complete slut]]. On the other end of the spectrum, some people like her sweetness and her status as Cerberus' [[Token Good Teammate]].
* [[Player Punch]]: {{spoiler|Remember when you told her you'd get everyone through the mission alive? If you didn't go through the Omega-4 relay quickly enough after the Collectors invaded the ''Normandy'', you get to watch her disintegrated alive and screaming.}}.
* [[Poison Oak Epileptic Trees]]: So, how did the [ Varren scale-itch]{{Dead link}} get on board? [[But You Screw One Goat!|Do you really want to know?]]
** [[Perverse Sexual Lust|Yes we do. In graphic detail]].
Line 244 ⟶ 254:
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: [[Large Ham]]. [[Memetic Mutation|Memetic]] [[Precision F-Strike]]. [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]. [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]. [[Badass]]. [[Worthy Opponent]] to one of the most popular characters in the fandom ([[Epileptic Trees|probably]]). Her popularity ''far'' overshadows [[One-Scene Wonder|her screen time]].
* [[Epileptic Trees]]: There are more than a few involving her, one being that she's acquainted with Wrex, {{spoiler|which is heavily hinted at in-game.}}.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Okay, Aria may not be straight-up evil, but she is a crime lord, and she's sexy even for an asari.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Once more: "Don't ''[[Precision F-Strike|fuck]]'' with Aria."
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Shepard defeats entire ''species'', and depending on playstyle can mock and/or shoot in the face just about anyone in the galaxy who so much as annoys him/her... except for one lousy crime boss with three measly bodyguards, who gets to insult you to your face with impunity. Even if you have the details of a plot to overthrow her, and have gone around the galaxy getting information which could be used against her, you can. Not. Do. Anything. Ever. What the hell?
** Aria is useful and cooperates with Shepard at every turn and never tries anything against him/her.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Quite a few players have expressed the desire to [[I'm Taking Her Home with Me|take Urz back to the Normandy with them]] after watching him follow Shepard adoringly around Tuchanka.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]
* [[Ugly Cute]]: [ Just look at that face].
** ''Good varren''.
Line 260 ⟶ 270:
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: She's at least as popular as some of Shepard's squad thanks to her combination of being a [[Cool Old Lady]] and [[Deadpan Snarker]].
* [[Epileptic Trees]]: Some believe she's Liara's father. Yep, father, with asari being one sex and all.
** The game itself seems to heavily imply this, as one of the videos Shepard can watch {{spoiler|in the Shadow Broker's archives}} is footage of Aethyta sitting at home alone, drinking, and staring at a holograph of (what is almost undeniably) Liara.
** {{spoiler|Confirmed in ''Mass Effect 3''}}.
* [[Crack Ship]]: It's mostly a joke, but Harbinger/Shepard, drawing upon such lines as "I KNOW YOU FEEL THIS,", is oddly popular.
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: "'''Assuming direct control! This hurts you. If I must tear you apart, Shepard, I will. We are Harbinger. Direct intervention is necessary.'''" And so on and so forth.
* [[Memetic Mutation|Memetic Mu]]'''[[Interrupting Meme|ASSUMING CONTROL]]'''
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: In ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', he shows up exactly once. {{spoiler|And utterly destroys Task Force Hammer, shredding Shepard's armor, and stopping the entire ground assault in their tracks}}.
'''The Collector General'''
* [[The Woobie]]: {{spoiler|Many people feel sorry for it considering it was most likely under Harbinger's control it's entire life and the ending cinematic has it looking around in what looks like confusion and sorrow when Harbinger releases control.}}.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]
** {{spoiler|If expressionless bug aliens could make an [[Oh Crap]] face, that's what it would have done right then.}}.
* [[The Woobie]]: {{spoiler|Many people feel sorry for it considering it was most likely under Harbinger's control it's entire life and the ending cinematic has it looking around in what looks like confusion and sorrow when Harbinger releases control.}}
** {{spoiler|If expressionless bug aliens could make an [[Oh Crap]] face, that's what it would have done right then.}}
'''Gavin Archer'''
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Forcing his brother to take part in Project Overlord.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[What an Idiot!]]: Yeah, go ahead and shoot your gun at a supremely pissed off [[Good Is Not Nice|PARAGON]] [[Badass|COMMANDER SHEPARD]]. [[Sarcasm Mode|That will]] [[Pistol-Whipping|end well.]]. In the end, probably the only thing that saved his life was that Paragon Shepard was more worried about helping his brother than killing Archer.}}.
'''Tela Vasir'''
* [[Best Boss Ever]]: Vasir is an asari Spectre. An asari Spectre ''Vanguard.''. Especially awesome if your Shepard is also a Vanguard.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: The reason she works for the Shadow Broker is [[Not So Different]] from why Shepard works for Cerberus. She has [[With This Herring|no choice, because the Council gives SPECTREs squat]]. The Commander would be going nowhere fast without the intelligence and funds Cerberus provide, funds that always match or better what credits you can scrounge. [[Tragic Villain|She has much less to work with]].
** While her situation is understandable, she takes way more enjoyment in what she does than she needs to. She has a worringly sadistic grin when threatening her hostage, her troops shot down civilians who were wounded, and she killed a lot of security guards at the hotel, even though she could have gotten them on her side by pointing out she was a Spectre. Her racism against Purebloods also makes her motivation for targeting Liara very suspect.
Line 292 ⟶ 302:
** Not only is it a horrific sound in itself, but the volume for it is ''incredibly'' loud. At a normal volume, on a normal TV, the scream is downright earsplitting. If you're wearing headphones or have a surround sound system, it'll blast your brain out of your skull.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]] [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|Station Attendant]]
* [[The Woobie]]/[[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: {{spoiler|Born with autism, exploited by his own brother, turned into a machine against his will, and insane from the strain of being in charge of a computer network. This guy's life is just one heartbreak after another. Unfortunately, he's incredibly unstable and dangerous, and become so withdrawn and broken, he doesn't realize the harm of his actions.}}.
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]: Were they ungrateful and paranoid about Shepard, or was their reaction a natural one to their former commander (and possible lover) coming back into their life after two years of being dead as part of a terrorist organization?
* [[The Scrappy]]: Quite a few people hate them for their reaction on Horizon, even if they did not in ''[[Mass Effect]] 1''.