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Mass Effect 2/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Alas, Poor Villain is NOT a YMMV trope)
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** Even during a romance she is nasty and abrasive.
** And then there are the people who have no problem with overly-brazen tomboyishness, but are extremely put off by her psychopathic, misanthropic, and generally [[Ax Crazy]] tendencies. Although that might have been okay, if she was at least somewhat ''personable'' about it.
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: As revealed by her loyalty mission, {{spoiler|Jack was constantly tortured by Cerberus in order to turn her into the ultimate weapon. When she was a kid, she would be thrown into an arena to fight to the death against wild animals and other biotic kids, in addition to the brutality she had to endure from the scientists and guards.}}.
'''Jacob Taylor'''
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]: The strongest complaint fans have is that he is "boring.". Even after his loyalty mission where Shepard and company find out that {{spoiler|Mr Taylor Sr has forced his crew to eat toxic food, driven off or murdered the males, and kept the women as sex slaves}}, he merely shrugs it off (and becomes offended if Shepard insists that he should express anything otherwise). This becomes fridge brilliance when Shepard gains access to the {{spoiler|Shadow Broker's}} dossiers and finds Jacob was placed on the team because he's a "stabilising element.". He's supposed to be this way, and with [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|good]] [[Ax Crazy|reason]], [[Knight Templar|considering]] [[The Atoner|how]] [[Blood Knight|screwed]] [[Classy Cat Burglar|up]] [[He Who Fights Monsters|the]] [[Cowboy Cop|rest]] [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|of]] [[Serial Killer|Shepard's]] [[Broken Bird|squaddies]] [[Blue and Orange Morality|are]].
* [[Base Breaker]]: Jacob is [[The Scrappy]] to many a fan, for various reasons:
** His criticism of Thane (and lack of similar scenes with the more obviously objectionable team-mates) in his boarding scene and his suggestion to space [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Legion]] rather than re-activate it have drawn ire from fans
** His stoic demeanor, disposition and low-level development makes him come off as one without much of a personality.
** His romance path often invokes [[Stop Being Stereotypical]] (Sneakingsneaking into the Captain's Quarters). It also gives off vibes of being rather forced, by comparison to the other romances.
** In the third game, he cheats on Shepard with Brynn Cole, admitting that he wasn't sure if he'd ever see Shepard again, even though it'd only been six months and Shepard didn't die this time.
* [[Memetic Molester]]: Jacob wants his prize.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Heavy risk... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4ze_R3TevE But the PRIIIIIZE].
* [[Narm Charm]]: His romance path is not known for being especially well-written, though it did provide a nice meme.
* [[Tier-Induced Scrappy]]: He is by far the weakest character in the game. His skills are Pull (an okay move, but useless against enemies with barriers), Incendiary Ammo (okay ammo power, but weak compared to others like Warp Ammo and Armor Piercing Ammo and redundant considering that Grunt and Shepard may also have it), and Barrier. His weapon selection could be worse, but he'd have to be able to use heavy weapons, which no one but Shepard can do, in order to make up for his shortcomings.
** What really screws him up is Barrier because the AI keeps auto-casting that for no reason. He is actually a pretty well-balanced character who is good at crowd-control thanks to Pull and Inferno Ammo and won't die as often as most of the other characters thanks to his high HP.
*** The Barrier problem is negated if you have the ''Lair of the Shadow Broker'' [[Downloadable Content|DLC]], as you can redistribute his talent points entirely and simply choose not to spend the leftover point on Barrier.
'''Miranda Lawson'''
* [[Base Breaker]]: Quite possibly one of the biggest examples in the entire trilogy. Most fans either love Miranda or absolutely loathe her. ItsIt's hard to find a fan who has a neutral opinion of her. Some find her hot, others find her blatant status as Fanservice (complete with many a shot of her ass) annoying. Some feel sorry for her, others think she's whiny and arrogant. And then there are some who don't like her for her [[Knight Templar|loyalty to Cerberus]].
* [[Canon Sue]]: [[BioWare]] uses Miranda to explore the entire concept of the [[Mary Sue|perfect human]]. She's unbelievably gorgeous, brilliant and skilled. She is those things because her father, an egotistical prick, designed her that way in a lab. [[Deconstructed Trope|Miranda is tortured by all of those gifts, seeing in them constant evidence of her father's influence.]].
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]
* [[Les Yay]]: Since most of her dialog for Shepards of either gender is the same, her behavior can come off as this towards a female Shepard, not to mention that there's [[Dummied Out]] dialog still in the game indicating that at one point [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcQe0ZyXo58 she could be romanced by a female Shepard], which might make this technically an in-universe example.
** Taken [[Up to Eleven]] in the third installment, to the point where you're honestly surprised nothing comes of it. On-screen, anyway.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: DAT ASS.
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Her face looks a little... off at times. [[Fridge Brilliance]] comes in when it's meant to be perfect, thus looks a little off.
* [[Wangst]]: The main reason she's reviled by certain fans. It's not that she doesn't have a reason to be upset, it's because she drones on and on about how much it hurts her to be perfect and how her father was emotionally distant, especially during a romance, whereas every other character besides Jack has much bigger problems that they don't complain about. The fact that she says that she was always given what she wanted and grew up in wealth has not helped matters.
* [[Ear Worm]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXiU6kiq_Ms Singing Mordin.].
* {{spoiler|[[Too Cool to Live]]}}: {{spoiler|Survival during final assault unlikely.}}.
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'''Zaeed Massani'''
* [[Base Breaker]]: Some fans think Zaeed is a total badass. Others view him as a stereotypical [[Bounty Hunter]], a cheap knock-off of [[Knights of the Old Republic|Canderous Ordo]], or yet another [[The Generic Guy|generic guy]]. There are also some people who just dislike him for [[Psycho for Hire|being a bastard.]].
* [[Cargo Ship]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9-dLzzQuVM&feature=related This] video ships Zaeed with his rifle, [[I Call It Vera|Jessie.]].
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Zaeed once went out to dinner with his family. He was the only survivor.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Letting the refinery and everyone inside burn to make sure he kills Vido.}}.
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* [[Complete Monster]]
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Some of the fanbase consider her actions to be ''completely'' the fault of her genetics, which are in turn Samara's fault, and thus ''Samara's'' the monster for hunting down a serial murderer who kills solely for her own benefit. In spite of the fact Samara's other daughters have the same genetic disorder, neither of ''them'' went on a killing spree, Morinth never shows so much as a single redeeming feature or hint of remorse and her argument for Shepard saving her is that she is already as powerful as her mother, so she would be a more powerful ally. She ''will'' kill Shepard if she is given the opportunity -; hell, that's how you recruit her, by offering yourself as bait. As awful as her early life must have been, she's spent the subsequent four hundred years burning out the brains of innocent victims to boost her own power ''for fun''.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: As per the vampirism parallel. Also, asari.
* [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bitch]]: Samara considers her as such, calling her "The bravest and smartest of [her] daughters."
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'''Quarian Admirals'''
* [[Never Live It Down]]: The name of Zaal'Koris's ship, the ''Qwib Qwib'', so named because it's a repurposed ship that was originally non-Quarian and the Quarians are unable to format the ship's registration documentation. [[Tempting Fate|Tali warns Shepard not to ask about the name,]], but Shepard can inquire anyway.
** The ensuing dialogue implies that there are Quarians toting names that end in vas Defrahnz or vas Iktomi, completely unaware of what they sound like to humans.
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* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: To the degree that people want him back in ME3''Mass Effect 3'' as a squadmate.
** Most people wanted him as a squaddie as early as in ME2''Mass Effect 2'' after seeing him for the first time in one of the pre-release trailers.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: Two if you save him.
'''Kelly Chambers'''
* [[Base Breaker]]: Yet another polarizing character, due to her "psychological assessments" being generic with no real insight, her apologist attitude, and her memetic status as a [[My Girl Is Not a Slut|complete slut]]. On the other end of the spectrum, some people like her sweetness and her status as Cerberus' [[Token Good Teammate]].
* [[Player Punch]]: {{spoiler|Remember when you told her you'd get everyone through the mission alive? If you didn't go through the Omega-4 relay quickly enough after the Collectors invaded the ''Normandy'', you get to watch her disintegrated alive and screaming.}}.
* [[Poison Oak Epileptic Trees]]: So, how did the [http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/105/index/1506800/1 Varren scale-itch]{{Dead link}} get on board? [[But You Screw One Goat!|Do you really want to know?]]
** [[Perverse Sexual Lust|Yes we do. In graphic detail]].
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* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: [[Large Ham]]. [[Memetic Mutation|Memetic]] [[Precision F-Strike]]. [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]. [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]. [[Badass]]. [[Worthy Opponent]] to one of the most popular characters in the fandom ([[Epileptic Trees|probably]]). Her popularity ''far'' overshadows [[One-Scene Wonder|her screen time]].
* [[Epileptic Trees]]: There are more than a few involving her, one being that she's acquainted with Wrex, {{spoiler|which is heavily hinted at in-game.}}.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Okay, Aria may not be straight-up evil, but she is a crime lord, and she's sexy even for an asari.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Once more: "Don't ''[[Precision F-Strike|fuck]]'' with Aria."
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* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: She's at least as popular as some of Shepard's squad thanks to her combination of being a [[Cool Old Lady]] and [[Deadpan Snarker]].
* [[Epileptic Trees]]: Some believe she's Liara's father. Yep, father, with asari being one sex and all.
** The game itself seems to heavily imply this, as one of the videos Shepard can watch {{spoiler|in the Shadow Broker's archives}} is footage of Aethyta sitting at home alone, drinking, and staring at a holograph of (what is almost undeniably) Liara.
** {{spoiler|Confirmed in ''Mass Effect 3''}}.
* [[Crack Ship]]: It's mostly a joke, but Harbinger/Shepard, drawing upon such lines as "I KNOW YOU FEEL THIS,", is oddly popular.
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: "'''Assuming direct control! This hurts you. If I must tear you apart, Shepard, I will. We are Harbinger. Direct intervention is necessary.'''" And so on and so forth.
* [[Memetic Mutation|Memetic Mu]]'''[[Interrupting Meme|ASSUMING CONTROL]]'''
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'''The Collector General'''
* [[The Woobie]]: {{spoiler|Many people feel sorry for it considering it was most likely under Harbinger's control it's entire life and the ending cinematic has it looking around in what looks like confusion and sorrow when Harbinger releases control.}}.
** {{spoiler|If expressionless bug aliens could make an [[Oh Crap]] face, that's what it would have done right then.}}.
'''Gavin Archer'''
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Forcing his brother to take part in Project Overlord.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[What an Idiot!]]: Yeah, go ahead and shoot your gun at a supremely pissed off [[Good Is Not Nice|PARAGON]] [[Badass|COMMANDER SHEPARD]]. [[Sarcasm Mode|That will]] [[Pistol-Whipping|end well.]]. In the end, probably the only thing that saved his life was that Paragon Shepard was more worried about helping his brother than killing Archer.}}.
'''Tela Vasir'''
* [[Best Boss Ever]]: Vasir is an asari Spectre. An asari Spectre ''Vanguard.''. Especially awesome if your Shepard is also a Vanguard.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: The reason she works for the Shadow Broker is [[Not So Different]] from why Shepard works for Cerberus. She has [[With This Herring|no choice, because the Council gives SPECTREs squat]]. The Commander would be going nowhere fast without the intelligence and funds Cerberus provide, funds that always match or better what credits you can scrounge. [[Tragic Villain|She has much less to work with]].
** While her situation is understandable, she takes way more enjoyment in what she does than she needs to. She has a worringly sadistic grin when threatening her hostage, her troops shot down civilians who were wounded, and she killed a lot of security guards at the hotel, even though she could have gotten them on her side by pointing out she was a Spectre. Her racism against Purebloods also makes her motivation for targeting Liara very suspect.
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** Not only is it a horrific sound in itself, but the volume for it is ''incredibly'' loud. At a normal volume, on a normal TV, the scream is downright earsplitting. If you're wearing headphones or have a surround sound system, it'll blast your brain out of your skull.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]] [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|Station Attendant]]
* [[The Woobie]]/[[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: {{spoiler|Born with autism, exploited by his own brother, turned into a machine against his will, and insane from the strain of being in charge of a computer network. This guy's life is just one heartbreak after another. Unfortunately, he's incredibly unstable and dangerous, and become so withdrawn and broken, he doesn't realize the harm of his actions.}}.
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]: Were they ungrateful and paranoid about Shepard, or was their reaction a natural one to their former commander (and possible lover) coming back into their life after two years of being dead as part of a terrorist organization?
* [[The Scrappy]]: Quite a few people hate them for their reaction on Horizon, even if they did not in ''[[Mass Effect]] 1''.
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