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* Wily's final form always being weak to the weakest weapon in the game works on three levels. In universe Wily would expect Mega Man to never bother attacking with a weapon that barely worked before; why use Bubble Lead when you have Metal Blades? Out of universe, the devs could always expect you to have plenty of weapon energy left for such a bad weapon. Finally, it adds another layer of challenge.
* Wily's final form always being weak to the weakest weapon in the game works on three levels. In universe Wily would expect Mega Man to never bother attacking with a weapon that barely worked before; why use Bubble Lead when you have Metal Blades? Out of universe, the devs could always expect you to have plenty of weapon energy left for such a bad weapon. Finally, it adds another layer of challenge.
* I used to be amused by one discrepancy in [[Nintendo Power]]'s coverage of the first ''Mega Man X'' game, in which they recommended fighting Storm Eagle after Chill Penguin and using your normal buster on him, and then issued a "challenge card" claiming that beating Storm Eagle first was one of the toughest challenges. Until I realized the truth. Look carefully at Storm Eagle's techniques in battle. While his weapon weakness is the Chameleon Sting, that's not what makes him so trivial to beat early in the game. The real difference is X getting the boots from Chill Penguin's stage. Try beating Storm Eagle without a dash. ''That'' can be fairly challenging.
* I used to be amused by one discrepancy in [[Nintendo Power]]'s coverage of the first ''Mega Man X'' game, in which they recommended fighting Storm Eagle after Chill Penguin and using your normal buster on him, and then issued a "challenge card" claiming that beating Storm Eagle first was one of the toughest challenges. Until I realized the truth. Look carefully at Storm Eagle's techniques in battle. While his weapon weakness is the Chameleon Sting, that's not what makes him so trivial to beat early in the game. The real difference is X getting the boots from Chill Penguin's stage. Try beating Storm Eagle without a dash. ''That'' can be fairly challenging.
* On the Japanese names: Did you know [[Rock and Roll]] were influenced by [[Blues]]? -- [[Tropers/Manga Maniac|Manga Maniac]]
* On the Japanese names: Did you know [[Rock and Roll]] were influenced by [[Blues]]? --Manga Maniac
* The art style and some character designs of Mega Man X8 were changed to make the characters look more human. This is (for now) the last game in the series... which bridges into the Mega Man Zero series, where reploids are basically indistinguishable from humans. — [[aonaselk]]
* The art style and some character designs of Mega Man X8 were changed to make the characters look more human. This is (for now) the last game in the series... which bridges into the Mega Man Zero series, where reploids are basically indistinguishable from humans. — [[aonaselk]]
* The Dr. Cossack fortress bosses in ''Mega Man 4'' are usually considered fairly easy...because Cossack is a good guy who ''really doesn't want to be doing this.''
* The Dr. Cossack fortress bosses in ''Mega Man 4'' are usually considered fairly easy...because Cossack is a good guy who ''really doesn't want to be doing this.''
* In [[Mega Man 2]], Wily's final form's weakness is Bubble Lead because it's really a hologram. The ''water''-based weapon shorts out the machine, thus deactivating it. --[[Tropers/Gancena|Gancena]]
* In [[Mega Man 2]], Wily's final form's weakness is Bubble Lead because it's really a hologram. The ''water''-based weapon shorts out the machine, thus deactivating it. --Gancena

== [[Fridge Horror]] ==
== [[Fridge Horror]] ==
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* The end sequence for ''Mega Man 2''. Assuming that tableau of Mega walking home isn't merely the devs showing off the NES' palette-swapping capabilities etc., that means it takes Rock ''a year to get home'' from Wily's final castle.
* The end sequence for ''Mega Man 2''. Assuming that tableau of Mega walking home isn't merely the devs showing off the NES' palette-swapping capabilities etc., that means it takes Rock ''a year to get home'' from Wily's final castle.
** On the other hand, {{spoiler|During the four seasonal shots, seven of Rock's nine weapons are referenced in color scheme and falling items -- fall has leaves (Leaf Shield) and a red/gold color scheme (Atomic Fire). Winter has snowflakes (Metal Blade) and a gray color scheme (Bubble Lead). Spring has cherry blossoms (look like Quick Boomerang) and a pink color scheme to match (Quick Boomerang again). Summer has rain (Buster shots) and a blue color scheme (Air Shooter). Can't show Crash Bombs because he has no ammo left for that weapon. Don't want to show Time Stopper because the journey's taking a long time as it is.}}
** On the other hand, {{spoiler|During the four seasonal shots, seven of Rock's nine weapons are referenced in color scheme and falling items -- fall has leaves (Leaf Shield) and a red/gold color scheme (Atomic Fire). Winter has snowflakes (Metal Blade) and a gray color scheme (Bubble Lead). Spring has cherry blossoms (look like Quick Boomerang) and a pink color scheme to match (Quick Boomerang again). Summer has rain (Buster shots) and a blue color scheme (Air Shooter). Can't show Crash Bombs because he has no ammo left for that weapon. Don't want to show Time Stopper because the journey's taking a long time as it is.}}
* Remember Quint, the Mega Man Killer from ''Rockman World 2''? Remember that he is canonically a kidnapped and remodelled Mega Man from the future? [[Fridge Horror|Now, think about why Rock is no longer around in the X Series]]. - [[Tropers/Ace Of Scarabs|Ace Of Scarabs]]
* Remember Quint, the Mega Man Killer from ''Rockman World 2''? Remember that he is canonically a kidnapped and remodelled Mega Man from the future? [[Fridge Horror|Now, think about why Rock is no longer around in the X Series]]. -Ace Of Scarabs
** Debatable. 9 and 10 don't refer to the Game Boy games in their plotlines; note which games are absent in 9's ending and the secret stages in 10 are bonus stages, and not plot relevant.
** Debatable. 9 and 10 don't refer to the Game Boy games in their plotlines; note which games are absent in 9's ending and the secret stages in 10 are bonus stages, and not plot relevant.
** On the contary, canon never states from what point in the future Quint had been stolen from, so he might have been taken from a point further in the future.
** On the contrary, canon never states from what point in the future Quint had been stolen from, so he might have been taken from a point further in the future.
*** No, it's established that Quint is taken from 37 years in the future.
*** No, it's established that Quint is taken from 37 years in the future.
* It's been stated that X considers Zero his only friend. Why? Because all of the others he had made either [[Ax Crazy|turned Maverick]] ''(such as Volt Catfish)'' or were [[Killed Off for Real]]. In a deeper sense, you can even assume that these events have resigned X to not form meaningful bonds with anyone, save for the one robot who has persevered through it all so far. - [[El Rodrigo]]
* It's been stated that X considers Zero his only friend. Why? Because all of the others he had made either [[Ax Crazy|turned Maverick]] ''(such as Volt Catfish)'' or were [[Killed Off for Real]]. In a deeper sense, you can even assume that these events have resigned X to not form meaningful bonds with anyone, save for the one robot who has persevered through it all so far. - [[El Rodrigo]]
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