/wiki/Michael Baycreator
"Why isn't everything exploding?!"
Michael Bay is the devil.
—Common belief among a lot of film buffs.

"I love it when people get really mean and call you a 'hack'. It's like, don't they see how well these movies are doing? They make an impression around the world.
I met this guy in Bali who lives in a hut with a TV, and he loved The Rock. That means something, doesn't it?"

Michael Bay
"There are tons of people who hate me. They hate my movies and whatnot. But you know, hey, my films have made a lot of money around the world. 2-something billion dollars, that's a lot of tickets. They said that I wrecked cinema. They said that my, uh...cutting style. They say I cut too fast. And yet now you see it in movies everywhere. Do I take pride in people knowing my style? I think it's nice people know a director has a style. And you can reinvent yourself too."
Michael Bay
"I'm one of the few directors - it seems like a dying art - that actually shoot a lot in the camera."
Michael Bay

"To tell the truth, shooting action bores me now. But the audience has grown to like what I do and expect visually stimulating excitement.
Staying in that genre is me being safe."

Michael Bay
"Michael Bay is actually an amazing director, he's just a horrible human being. His movies aren't the way they are because he's bad, they're that way because he's a deeply cynical person who thinks the average American movie-goer is a racist, sexist, mouth-breathing idiot. His movies are big, dumb, explosion-filled spectacles, full of racist stereotypes, sexist portrayals of women, and lots of waving American flags in the background because he thinks that he can make the most money by appealing to the lowest common denominator. And his bank account seems to suggests he's not wrong."
_trashpanda_, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Rotten Tomatoes Score Megathread (Reddit)

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