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* [[All Just a Dream]]: {{spoiler|The "Una Noche de Pesadilla" (A Nightmare Story) story}} turns out to be this.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: Billy and Quasim, though they have very good reasons to be in this trope.
* [[All for Nothing]]:
** Due to the [[Wham Shot]] described below, it becomes evidently clear {{spoiler|Miss Hit never had any chance to truly erase Henrietta and fulfill her plans even when she technically succeeded.}} The subsequent [[Villainous BSOD]] afterwards is not surprising at all.
** A [[Laser-Guided Karma|karmic]] example happens with {{spoiler|Victor}} in the fourth album. {{spoiler|He betrays Frank's Gang and suffers numerous indignities at the hands of Morty's Gang to get tickets to come back to Miedópolis, only for Morty to reveal he had no intention of giving them to him and was using him as a means to hurt Frank.}}
* [[All There in the Manual]]: There's several information about the characters and setting that isn't present in the comics.
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Although he is a male character and isn't really popular, Morty definitely fits this trope [[Ax Crazy|to insane levels]]. His girlfriend Guillotine is more of a [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]].
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* [[Darker and Edgier]]: Downplayed in "El Perfeccionator". While the story remains comical, things like split personalities and Frank's [[Character Development]] makes the story slightly darker compared to the other ones. Not to mention the character of [[Knight of Cerebus|Miss Hit]].
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Everyone in the comic has acted like this at least once. [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]] is pretty much the king of this trope.
* [[Deconstruction]]: Features quite a bit of this.
** Both Victor and Morty deconstruct the [[Alpha Bitch]] trope, despite being male. Victor's attitude leads him to be ostracized by others, to the point even his friends can't stand him. Morty meanwhile is an [[Ax Crazy]] [[The Sociopath|sociopath]] whose insanity and cruelty makes him a terrible leader and thus unintentionally sabotages himself and his gang.
** Frank deconstructs [[Insufferable Genius]], as his obsession with his intellect is a coping mechanism for his poor self-esteem brought by his physical appearance.
** [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] is deconstructed with {{spoiler|Miss Hit}}, more specifically the "evil side is the inferior/expendable one" plot. {{spoiler|Miss Hit is sick of dealing with Henrietta's [[Ill Girl]] status, and her evil plan is a way to reassert her superiority after a lifetime of feeling weak. When she's faced with the truth that the "weak" personality she hated so much is her real self, whether she likes it or not, she completely shuts down in a way that makes her [[Alas, Poor Villain|pitiable]] despite her previous acts.}}
** The Muerte Chunga team (Morty's Gang) deconstruct [[Opposing Sports Team]] in the fourth album. Not only do their dirty tactics bite them in the ass many times, their collective [[Stupid Evil|assholery and stupidity]] means they spend most of the match fighting [[With Friends Like These...|each other]] rather than focusing on their rivals, only managing to score due to occassional clever thinking and sheer dumb luck. {{spoiler|Their dysfunction is precisely the reason why they end up losing the match in the end, just like what would happen in [[Real Life]].}}
* [[Did You Actually Believe?]]: In the fourth album. {{spoiler|When Victor asks for the deal Morty and him made (joining his gang in exchange for tickets to Miedópolis), they [[Evil Gloating|smugly state]] they never intended to keep the bargain, and only used him to piss off Frank and get his brains.}} Douches.
* [[Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)|Double Standard: Abuse; Female on Male]]: Subverted. Miss Hit decking Frank is [[Played for Laughs]], but at no point this is seen as admirable or justifiable, and Miss Hit is clearly portrayed as a psychopath. The fact the series applies [[Slapstick Knows No Gender]] only furthers the subversion.
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** And then there's Mr. Abra.
* [[Fictional Sport]]: Calabacesto (Pumpkinball). It’s the main theme of the fourth album.
* [[Five Second Foreshadowing]]:
** In the second album, after Miss Hit's [[Villainous Breakdown]], Frank briefly looks at Victor's truth mirror and mutters he didn't really lose {{spoiler|Henrietta}} after all. {{spoiler|He then baits Miss Hit into looking at the mirror, revealing Henrietta to still be the dominant personality.}}
** In the fourth album, Gus makes a rock model to serve as the Fresita team's fifth member, turning it into a girl due to Momses' protests. {{spoiler|Not long after, Piruja arrives to serve as the team's missing fifth member.}}
* [[Flanderization]]: Frank being a ([[Bungling Inventor|sort of]]) [[Gadgeteer Genius]] was merely alluded in the first album. From the second album onwards, this has become Frank's main character trait. [[Tropes Are Tools|And that is a good thing, actually]]. Same with Lupo's [[Sleepyhead|constant sleepiness]], among others.
* [[Foil]]: Many examples.
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** As does [[An Ice Person|Nieve]] stealing Lupo's younger sister Lupe's doll. This is more noticeable when it's shown Lupo and his family are very poor. No wonder [[Big Brother Instinct|Lupo]] got mad at her.
** [[Manipulative Bastard|Morty]] does this constantly in the fourth album.
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: Lupo constantly trolls, mocks and snarks at Victor. Since Victor is a [[Spoiled Brat|spoiled]] [[Jerkass|jerk]], this comes across as hilarious and well-deserved (especially if Victor insulted him first). Heck, [[Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist|Victor]] in general is a frequent target of this.
** In the second album, [[Evil Redhead|Miss Hit]] punching [[The Bully|Quasim]] and knocking him out ''twice''. Sure, she's evil, but he was an unlikable bastard who had it a long time coming (especially considering he was a [[Karma Houdini]] in the first album).
** Quasim himself has a moment in the first album when {{spoiler|he punches [[Big Bad|Rattus Sapiens]] down the sewers, bringing him back to a normal rat.}}