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When you become your own worst enemy in a way you couldn't imagine...
The '''Mirror Mook''' is a type of [[Mook]] or other NPC that mimics the player in some manner - ranging from something as simple as copying or mirroring their movements, all the way to copying the player themselves. BeingParticularly tough enemies of this kind are usually [[Mirror Boss]]es. While commonly implemented via generatedgeneration or mass-producedproduction by an actual [[Magic Mirror]], iscreation aby commonsomeone implementation,with butmirror-based notpowers aor strictelse requirement.coming Particularlyfrom tougha enemies[[Mirror ofUniverse]], thisnone kindof these are usuallya [[Mirrorstrict Boss]]esrequirement.
Compare [[Evil Knockoff]]s, a common form of Mirror Mook, and [[Superpowered Mooks]], some of whom may have the same powers as the hero. [[Sister Trope]]s include [[Shadow Archetype]], [[Evil Twin]] and [[Evil Counterpart]], as well as their many subtropes (e.g. [[Fighting a Shadow]]). Mirror mooksMooks may or may not be the product of a special [[Doppleganger Attack]], and might also be [[Robot Me|mechanical in nature]].
Contrast [[Mirror Match]], which can occur in games with [[Player Mooks|playable Mirror Mooks]], and [[Mega Manning]], which lets ''you'' copy mooks and bosses' powers. Mirror Mooks and Bosses are a common feature of games that employ [[Meta Multiplayer]], with these NPCs/enemies representing other players in some manner.