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Clowns are ''supposed'' to be funny. They're supposed to make everyone laugh, especially children. This is the entire point of their existence. Sometimes they succeed. But for some people, clowns awaken [[wikipedia:Coulrophobia|some primal fear]]. There are children who won't go near a clown without screaming.
Their face is... [[Uncanny Valley|fake, corpse-like,]], and most often the makeup they use [[Uncanny Valley Makeup|does NOT''not'' help]],; the emotions aren't real, the smile is just painted on. The outfit and big shoes are downright grotesque. There's something seriously wrong with a clown to some people, and this resonates deep within the part of us that still believes that there is a [[Things That Go Bump in the Night|monster in the closet]], that will get out if you don't keep the door closed. You don't want ''your'' kids around the '''Monster Clown''', but the character's parents seem oblivious to their kid's fears.
It's somewhat uncommon to find clown characters who are genuinely ''good'' - sympathetic clowns are generally a little more muted, whether or not this is faithful to the job. MoreSurly commonlyclowns who tiredly work with ungrateful children are more common, probably because they speak to the average overworked audience; they may be an example of [[Hates the Job, Loves the Limelight]]. But writers are just as likely to tap into the fear: the '''Monster Clown''' is a classic villain. Expectwho the '''Monster Clown''' to parodyparodies humor, with classic jokes becoming deadly; - acid in the plastic flowers pinned to their lapels and joy buzzers with fatal amounts of voltage, among other things. If they work in a circus, it'll be a [[Circus of Fear]]. Likewise, also expect them to crack dark jokes while killing them and laugh maniacally.
Monster Clowns are often [[Affably Evil]] or [[Faux Affably Evil]] - if they work in a circus, it'll be a [[Circus of Fear]]. Likewise, many of these clowns may or may not be [[Ax Crazy|completely insane]] and act [[Psychopathic Manchild|in a very similar manner to an overgrown child]]; they tend to commit their crimes while [[Laughing Mad|laughing crazily]] [[The Hyena|and frequently]], cracking fittingly dark jokes ([[Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor|if you can ''call'' them that]]).
Sometimes, a '''Monster Clown''' just LOOKS like a clown, and doesn't do what clowns normally do, like tell jokes or work in a circus or go to kids' parties. If there is a clown in a work that just looks like one, it's almost guaranteed that it is a '''Monster Clown'''. Because, you know, you just don't go about dressing like a clown without doing anything clowny.
Note that there are specific kinds of clowns in the real world. People may fear the ''auguste'', the stereotypical clown who acts and dress the most wildly. ''Whiteface'' clowns are unsettling because they are unexpectedly intelligent, even scheming. ''Character clowns'' - like {{w|Emmett Kelly|"Weary Willie"}} - by contrast have very muted designs, and can be difficult to identify by the TV audience; as such, that are rarely seen anymore.
Sooner or later, our heroes will have to put these clowns to the sword. And sometimes [[Joker Immunity|not even that stops them]]. Also take note that many of these clowns may or may not be [[Ax Crazy|completely insane]] and also commit their crimes [[Laughing Mad|laughing crazily]] [[The Hyena|and frequently]]. Also, sometimes you can also expect them to, while committing various horrific crimes, also act [[Psychopathic Manchild|in a very similar manner to an overgrown child]].
The point is that real-world clowns ''clown'': while clowning is intended to be funny, it can be received as ritualised (self-)humiliation, and may make modern audiences quite sick to the stomach - now imagine what the Monster Clown's [[Nightmare Fuel|sick twists on their gags will do to 'em]]. Somtimes, a Monster Clown won't even do ''that'' much... they just ''look'' like a clown, without any of the jokes or working in a circus or going to kids' parties. On the flipside of it, [[wikipedia:John Wayne Gacy|John Wayne Gacy]], one of the most famous serial killers in the United States, worked part-time as a clown - the AP [[Critical Research Failure|once used a stock photo of Gacy for National Clown day]].
Note there are specific kinds of clowns in the real world. People may fear the ''auguste'', the stereotypical clown who acts and dress the most wildly. ''Whiteface'' clowns are unsettling because they are unexpectedly intelligent, even scheming. ''Character clowns'' - like {{w|Emmett Kelly|"Weary Willie"}} - by contrast have very muted designs, and can be difficult to identify by the TV audience. You rarely see them anymore.
A subtrope of this is [[Enemy Mime]], while a villainous clown [[Played for Laughs]] instead of fear is a [[Villainous Harlequin]]. A related and overlapping trope is the [[Depraved Kids' Show Host]] related. Clowns' ghastly white makeup may put them into [[White Mask of Doom]] territory. Contrast the [[Non-Ironic Clown]]. Supertrope to [[Juggalo]].
Real world clowns ''clown'': while clowning is intended to be funny, it can be received as ritualised (self) humiliation, and make modern audiences quite sick to the stomach.
That [[wikipedia:John Wayne Gacy|John Wayne Gacy]], one of the most famous serial killers in the United States, worked part-time as a clown doesn't really help their case. You don't want ''your'' kids around the '''Monster Clown''', but the character's parents seem oblivious to their kid's fears. The AP [[Critical Research Failure|once used a stock photo of Gacy for National Clown day]].
A 2007 [ University of Sheffield study] found that both young and older children universally fear or dislike clown images. Now a lot of hospital wings for child patients will have to be repainted.
(Quote from the BBC article: Researcher Dr Penny Curtis said: "As adults we make assumptions about what works for children. We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable.")
Sympathetic clowns are generally a little more muted, whether or not this is faithful to the job. Surly clowns who tiredly work with ungrateful children are more common, probably because they speak to the average overworked audience; they may be an example of [[Hates the Job, Loves the Limelight]].
[[Enemy Mime]] is a sub-trope of '''Monster Clown'''. A villainous clown that is [[Played for Laughs]] instead of fear is a [[Villainous Harlequin]]. The [[Depraved Kids' Show Host]] seems to be related. Clowns' ghastly white makeup puts them into [[White Mask of Doom]] territory. The '''Monster Clown''' is often [[Affably Evil]] or [[Faux Affably Evil]]. You can find them at the [[Circus of Fear]], although that isn't the only place you'll find them.
The opposite of this trope is the (perhaps sadly) rarely seen any more [[Non-Ironic Clown]].
== [[Advertising]] ==
* [ The original design of Ronald McDonald, as seen in this advertisement.]
** For those of you who don't know, that's Willard Scott under that original Ronald makeup.
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* A Motel 6 commercial features a guy not being able to sleep because of all the disturbing clown paraphernalia decorating the guest room he's staying in.
* Krinkles the Clown, of Post's Sugar Rice Krinkles. [ Good Lord, where to begin?]
* [ A Bagel Bites commercial from 2021] features a silly clown and a scary clown disagreeing on everything... but Bagel Bites, of course.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime and Manga ==
* Hisoka from ''[[Hunter X Hunter]]''.
* In ''[[Akira]]'' there are two rival biker gangs. One gang, called the Clowns, dresses in clown-like outfits and acts very much like evil clowns.
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* Subverted in ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]''. Suzuki, a contestant in the Dark World Tournament, desperately wants to fit this trope, and it seems like he does after killing some laughing spectators...but then Genkai kicks his ass all over the place. {{spoiler|Afterwards, he ditches the makeup and [[Defeat Means Friendship|becomes an ally]].}}
== [[Comic Books]] ==
== Comic Books ==
* Subverted by a short-lived superhero called ''Funnyman'' whose schtick was... you guessed it....
* [[The Joker]] from ''[[Batman]]''. '''The''' [[Trope Codifier]].
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* The Painted Doll, a Joker-expy from ''[[Promethea]]''.
* Frenchy from the National Lampoon's [ Evil Clown Comics] feature which ran intermittently in the magazine in the late 80's and early 90's. He was the brainchild of Nick Bakay and Alan Kupperberg, and was not only totally bitter and diabolical but had... ahem, a way with the ladies as well. Sometimes he was too much even for the proudly non-PC Lampoon, which refused to publish one panel of a particular story.
* Naturally, the Circus of Crime (usually foes of ''[[The Avengers (Comic Book)|The Avengers]]'') has lots of them. One particular member is Eliot "Crafty" Franklin, usually just called the Clown, who is [[The Dragon]] to the Ringmaster, and sometimes the leader when his boss is in jail.
== [[Film ]]==
== Film ==
* ''[[Beetlejuice]]'': The title character from the movie.
** And as noted below, Scuzzo the Clown from [[Beetlejuice (animation)|the animated series]].
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** Even more scary when you realize he's actually an {{spoiler|[[Eldritch Abomination]]}} disguised as a clown.
*** Ironically, he chose the clown form to trick children into trusting him.
* In ''[[Poltergeist (film series)||Poltergeist]]'', towards the end a ''toy'' clown is possessed by evil spirits and ends up attacking the older brother. This was foreshadowed earlier in the movie when the boy covered up the clown with his jacket, because it was staring at him when he went to bed.
** [ Parodied] in ''[[Scary Movie]] 2'' with a clown doll who [[Mugging the Monster|finds that not all victims are helpless]].
* ''[[The Greatest Show On Earth]]'' features a gentle, altruistic, medically-inclined clown who never removes his makeup, even off-duty... because {{spoiler|he's on the run for the murder of his wife}}.
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* ''Klown Kamp Massacre'' and 100 Tears both feature killers dressed as monster clowns.
* ''[[La Casa 3]]'' has the clown doll that Henriette carries around. On few occasions it turns into sharptoothed version of itself.
* Referenced (and possibly subverted) in ''[[Star Trek: Generations]]''; a joke told by Geordi has the punchline, "The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go."
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* Pennywise from ''[[IT]]'' by [[Stephen King]].
** In the TV miniseries based on the same, [[Tim Curry]]'s portrayal of the role was so creepy, the other actors avoided him even off-camera. He is responsible for a hell of a lot of people's coulrophobia.
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** [[Irony|Ironically]], while It often used its shape-shifting ability to take the form of nightmarish imagery, one of its primary uses for the Pennywise form was to ''attract'' kids. As such, It gives adults a new reason to fear clowns: [[Adult Fear|they lure children in with balloons and dancing, only to then do unthinkable things to them...]]
* The Ankh-Morpork Fool's Guild in the ''[[Discworld]]'' series realizes that clowns scare and disgust some people. Thus, they prepare their charges through exceedingly harsh conditions to endure a lot of abuse. [[Terry Pratchett]], creator of the series, has described the guild as "the stricter sort of medieval monastery without [the monastery's] non-stop boffo laughs." He also introduces the idea that whiteface clowns are scary even to other clowns because their humor often comes from bullying others. Doctor Whiteface is described as having, under his painted grin, features "cold and proud as a prince of Hell".
** In ''[[Discworld/Making Money|Making Money]]'', Lord Vetinari proposes that some people hate clowns because clowns aren't really funny, but instead tragic:
{{quote|''They are tragic, and [[Black Comedy|we laugh at their tragedy as we laugh at our own.]] The painted grin leers out at us from the darkness, [[Nietzsche Wannabe|mocking our insane belief in order, logic, status, the reality of reality.]] The mask knows that we are born on [[Banana Peel|the banana skin]] that leads only to [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|the open manhole cover of doom,]] and all we can hope for are the cheers of the crowd.''}}
** In the Fools' Guild edition of the ''[[All There in the Manual|Discworld Diary]]'' series, the Guild's clowns, mimes and jesters are revealed to be agents of a widespread and ruthless spy ring operated purely for its own profit and power.
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* One of the secretaries at the Peoria REC in [[The Pale King]] resembles one.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Are You Afraid of the Dark?]]'' had two: Zeebo the Clown, the ghost of a criminal who haunted a haunted house (go figure); and the Crimson Clown, something of a cross between a Monster Clown and a [[Demonic Dummy]].
** Don't forget [ The Ghastly Grinner.] He's a jester but he still fits the mark.
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* ''[[Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy]]'' features a screeching purple clown named "The Audience" who lives on a cloud and produces mashed potato sculptures from his hollow abdomen. He shows no particular signs of being evil, but he's still terrifying and bizarre in the extreme.
== [[Music]] ==
== Music ==
* [[Vocaloid]]: Len Kagamine, playing Lemy/Remy Abelard, in the [[Mothy]] song The Fifth: Pierrot/Gobanme no Piero, is a very unique example of this. First, he's just an assassin who has the nickname "Pierrot" and wears a clown outfit. Second, he's not really a monster. He's just {{spoiler|been raised wrong by Santa/Julia Abelard, his adoptive mother and leader of the organization he belongs to, Pere Noel}}.
* The appropriately titled song "Clown" by the band [[Korn]].
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** There's also a quick shot of one at :04.
** More Pink: from the same album, the song ''Funhouse'':
{{quote|''This used to be a funhouse
''But now it's full of evil clowns
''It's time to start the countdown
''We're gonna burn it down, down, we're gonna burn it down. }}
** And seriously, what more can you do with evil clowns, except [[Kill It with Fire]]? The video's pretty freaky too.
* While the clowns in the video for the Arctic Monkeys' "Fluorescent Adolescent" aren't demonic monsters, given that the video is centered around a fight between two gangs of those wacky circus comedians, they're not exactly nice, either.
* [[Alice Cooper]]'s ''Can't Sleep, the Clowns Will Eat Me''.
* Ogden Edsl's [ "Kinko the Clown"] is equal parts novelty song and [[Nightmare Fuel]].
{{quote|''[[Paedo Hunt|But that was in Indianapolis]], and thanks to the liberal reciprocity laws, Kinko can be with you [[Depraved Bisexual|boys and girls]] today or anytime.''}}
* The label of some of Capitol and Wonderland Records' childrenschildren's albums had two very odd looking jester heads blowing horns on top.
* Check out [ Blotto the Clown] from the cover of White Courtesy Telephone's (one and only) CD, "Everything is Fun".
* [[Oingo Boingo]] recorded a song called "Clowns of Death" and performed under that name on a few occasions. Auxiliary band members would sometimes dress in clown costumes, billed as the Sad Klown Orkestra.
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* The [ music video] for Sublime's "Wrong Way" depicts Annie's abusive father as a clown.
== [[Periodicals]] ==
* ''[[MAD]]'' Magazine had [ "The FBI's 6 Most Wanted Renegade Clowns",] wanted for a variety of silly crimes. For instance, Lotta Fun (aka "Inky", "Dinky", and "Raoul") who was wanted for shampooing a traffic cop with rubber cement, and was last seen driving a tiny getaway car for the 112 clowns who robbed the Big Red Balloon Co. in New York; answers to "Hey you clown!"
== Opera[[Professional Wrestling]] ==
* Doink the Clown in the [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWF]], until his [[Heel Face Turn|face turn]]. Then it went downhill fast. Matt Osborne, who portrayed him, claims he took quite a lot of inspiration from [[The Joker]] while doing so. Doink also gets point for the coolest entrance theme ever, which started with the first few bars of "Entrance of the Gladiators" (aka the [[Standard Snippet]] for clowns) before turning into a very bass-heavy, very ''evil'' piece dotted with [[Evil Laugh]]ter. [ Have a listen].
* One word: Canio, from ''[[Pagliacci]]''. Seriously, people. Brush up on your classics.
** The slimy and lecherous Tonio definitely qualifies.
* ''[[Rigoletto]]'', kinda. Although he's portrayed in a sympathetic light at parts, he's still a crazy, bitter, grotesque jester {{spoiler|who indirectly kills his daughter and [[Morality Pet]], Gilda.}}
== Professional Wrestling ==
* Doink the Clown in the [[WWE|WWF]], until his [[Heel Face Turn|face turn]]. Then it went downhill fast. Matt Osborne, who portrayed him, claims he took quite a lot of inspiration from [[The Joker]] while doing so. Doink also gets point for the coolest entrance theme ever, which started with the first few bars of "Entrance of the Gladiators" (aka the [[Standard Snippet]] for clowns) before turning into a very bass-heavy, very ''evil'' piece dotted with [[Evil Laugh]]ter. [ Have a listen].
* Subverted by [[Sting (wrestling)|Sting]] in [[TNA]] during his 2011 war against the Immortal faction. Slathering over his trademark black lipstick with a grotesquely smeared red [[Glasgow Grin]], playing pranks, and [[The Hyena|laughing and carrying on maniacally]], he ''seemed'' to be a Monster Clown but was actually more of a [[Loveable Rogue]] playing mind games with the villains. Definitely a case of [[Love It or Hate It]], especially for longtime Sting fans.
* An episode of ''[[WWE Smackdown|SmackDown]]'' in April 2000 had the Mean Street Posse posing as a trio of circus clowns during a hardcore title match when they ambushed Crash Holly.
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* Used in a third-season episode of ''[[Scare Tactics (TV series)|Scare Tactics]]'' for a teenager set to babysit a little girl, only instead of a clown statue, it's the little girl's [[Not-So-Imaginary Friend]].
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Mortasheen]]'' combines this with [[Mons]] and has an entire classification of creatures (Specifically the Joker class) based on this concept.
== Tabletop Games ==
* [[Mortasheen]] combines this with [[Mons]] and has an entire classification of creatures (Specifically the Joker class) based on this concept.
** And some of them are very weird. Like the eye-chicken-ventriloquist [ Opticaper], the straitjacket-snake-clown [ Insanititter] and whatever the hell [ Madcap] is.
* The ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' supplement ''Heroes Of Horror'' is about infusing your games with anything from a touch to an overdose of the macabre, the frightening, and the unnerving. One of the monsters introduced? The "gray jester". One of the scenarios provided? A gray jester and a hag enslaving and eating children.
* The ''Dungeons & Dragons'' third party world 'Scarred Lands' (by Sword & Sorcery Studios) features the 'Carnival Krewes' - an entire society of Monster Clowns. Literally in <s>some</s> most cases.
* Also on the ''Dungeons & Dragons]'' front is House Phiarlan of [[Eberron]], an espionage-based clan/organization. One of their fronts is the Carnival of Shadows. The description claims they've enthralled Khorvaire for decades, but looking at the picture provided (Everyone has [[Angry Eyebrows|angry faces]] and the animal act includes an [[Exclusively Evil|always Neutral Evil]] monster), I'm going to have to assume the description is literal and there's some Mass [[Charm Person]] going on there.
* The Dilisnyas, one of the most treacherous and murderous of [[Ravenloft]]'s great noble houses, trace their bloodline back to a fellow by the unlikely name of Pidlwik. In the original adventure module ''I6: Ravenloft'', which inspired the campaign setting, Pidlwik's crypt identifies him as the court jester.
** The Skurra, of the Travelling Carnival, are one part this, one part [[Enemy Mime]], and all subversion; while extremely creepy (even the mutated Carnies are somewhat afraid of them, and there is a belief amongst them that some or even all of the Skurra are actually ghosts), they are not malevolent in the slightest.
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*** Similarly: the Dark Eldar, who would cheerfully torture you in a variety of horrible ways even if they ''didn't'' need to, crap their pants when the Harlequins show up. ''Even if they're just there to put on a show''.
* In the Warhammer fantasy universe isolated villages are sometimes visited by the Carnival of Chaos, what appears to be an innocuous troop of performers turn out to be the hideous daemonic servants of the god of despair, who hypnotise the simple village folk during the performance whilst they quite rapidly decompose. Models are brilliant though, complete with nurglings dressed up as circus animals.
* Let it not be said that ''[[Magic: The Gathering|Magic the Gathering]]'' doesn't know the monster potential in clowns. Say hello to the [ Chaos Harlequin].
** And then there's the Cult of Rakdos, from the Ravnica block. If the land [ Rakdos Carnarium] doesn't make your blood freeze, you need to get your head examined. A cult of slash-happy killers who consider their parties a "flop" if someone survives to tell about it - and they have a ''[[Circus of Fear|circus]]'' component to them, too? (And with a circus comes...) Thanks, Wizards, I may never sleep again.
* Naturally, there's at least one ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'' scenario (set in 1920s Germany) featuring a carnival jester who's really an [[Eldritch Abomination]] that's been traveling with the show incognito for years and causing various tragedies and disasters wherever they went.
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* In ''[[Cyberpunk 2020]]'', one street gang you can run into on the streets of [[Meaningful Name|Night City]] is the Bozos. They are described as the sort of people who get ''plastic surgery'' to look like clowns permanently, who stay up all night watching horror flicks. And committing gruesome crimes. Advice for dealing with them is "Run!"
== [[Theatre]] ==
* Essentially averted by [[Cirque Du Soleil]] in their specific clown acts. Traditional whitefaces and augustes are less intimidating than the popular conception, and some character-based clown acts largely eschew garish makeup and costuming. Indeed some clowns are downright ordinary-looking compared to the other characters. But there are villainous/mysterious characters who, intentionally or not, have appearances akin to this trope: Boum-Boum in ''Quidam'', Le Titan in ''La Nouba'', etc. Closest to the trope is the bizarre emcee Fleur in ''Alegria'': According to the [[All There in the Manual]] material, he was the court jester to the now-gone ruler of the kingdom, and now he wants to be king.
* One word: Canio, from ''[[Pagliacci]]''. Seriously, people. Brush up on your classics.
** The slimy and lecherous Tonio definitely qualifies.
* ''[[Rigoletto]]'', kinda. Although he's portrayed in a sympathetic light at parts, he's still a crazy, bitter, grotesque jester {{spoiler|who indirectly kills his daughter and [[Morality Pet]], Gilda.}}
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Video Games ==
* Joker-sama in ''[[Persona 2]]''. Unusual if only for his distinctive elegance... {{spoiler|and the fact he's the plaything of [[Eldritch Abomination|Nyarlathotep]] }}.
* In ''[[League of Legends]]'', there is a ''playable'' monster clown named Shaco. He can set invisible jack in the boxes that cause terror and fire [[Frickin' Laser Beams|laser beams]], poof into invisibility with an evil laugh, backstab people with venomed knives, and make duplicates of himself.
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** Note that it's more like this in [[Woolseyism|the old Ted]]'s script, in the original japanese version he's more of an [[Villainous Harlequin|idiot]], even after he {{spoiler|kills Leo, destroys the world, etc.}} When brought to America, he pretty much became [[The Joker]] of video games.
* ''[[Left 4 Dead 2]]'': Two words: zombie clowns. It makes honking noises where it goes, which in turn attracted the other infected to it and thus to the player. Meaning you have to make him your top priority lest you want more zombies to deal with.
* ColorMan''/''WackoMan from ''[[Mega Man Battle Network]] 1'' and ''[[Mega Man NT Warrior]]''. He looks and acts silly and harmless, but he's A-OK with trying to kill an entire bus full of people, and even tortures Roll before MegaMan deletes him. He's a lot less vile in ''Network Transmission'', but he's also the ony Net Navi causing trouble independently of the Zero Virus or the Professor's orders.
** For an even worse example from the same series, CircusMan.EXE from EXE Beast and ''Battle Network 6''.
*** Something perhaps creepier than his appearance is that one of his attacks involves transforming his body into a circular cage draped up like a circus tent, falling down on top of your character to entrap them, then several bulges appear rapidly all over the drapes implying being pummeled (dear god hopefully) all over.
*** Oh God, CircusMan. The first time you see him, you witness him doing some kind of creepy dance that drains the energy of everyone around him in that cutscene. He ''sucks up'' the energy, and then he soon uses the energy to revive [[Sealed Evil in a Can|Gregar and Falzar.]] He then opens up his chest to reveal a powerful vacuum which he uses to absorb one of the two beasts! [[It Got Worse|Oh wait, but he's not done with being a Monster Clown yet!]] {{spoiler|He later successfully uses the vacuum to capture Mega Man too, starting a rather long [[Rescue Arc]].}}
**** Don't forget about CircusMan's operator, Yuika. Yuika wears an outlandish outfit, has heart-like makeup on her cheeks, and overall acts like a stereotypical clown. She also lured several Navi Operators into Central City 3's area and thus arranged for CircusMan to steal their energy to unleash the Cybeasts in the first place, not to mention having MegaMan kidnapped as well.
** ClownManClown Man from ''[[Mega Man 8|8]]''.
** Mash, the clown robot boss from ''7''.
* ''[[Castlevania: Chronicles of Sorrow|Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow]]'' and subsequent games have the Killer Clown enemy, who juggles playing cards and throws them at you. (Get their ability and you can do that too! It's surprisingly awesome.)
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** And there was also the [[Bad Future]] event where players could see a destroyed Seaside Town full of some of the [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|monsters turned into zombies]] (ex: Zombie Hippy, Zombie Frat Boy, Zombie Zombie) And then the Zombie Clown. His in game description? "AIEEE! Ah! Gah! Sweet merciful God, no! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
** Inverted with the wacky pirate: "You'd think a clown with an eyepatch and a hook hand would be even more terrifying than a normal clown, but somehow, the combination is pretty charming"
* One of the bosses in the [[Capcom]] game ''[[Dead Rising]]'' is Adam, a deranged mall clown who attackedattacks you with ''fire breath'', ''exploding balloons'', and ''chainsaws''. Oh, and he's in the middle of a shopping mall hit by a [[Zombie Apocalypse]]. Apparently he went mad when they ate his audience, and now he runs a killer ride to keep the zombies at bay.
** Made worse by the fact that, according to him, they were all ''laughing at him...''
*** Oh, and his death scene. ''He falls onto his own chainsaws, [[Laughing Mad|laughing while they cut him up.]]''
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* Needles "Sweet Tooth" Kane from ''[[Twisted Metal]]'', who wears a flaming clown mask and stores the bodies of murdered children in his ice cream truck. The entirety of ''Twisted Metal: Black'' is actually {{spoiler|a psychotic delusion taking place inside his mind}}.
** A homicidal clown, he's essentially an [[Expy]] of [[The Joker]].
* The Jester from ''[[Devil May Cry]] 3'' is pretty creepy, even ''before'' you find out that {{spoiler|he is [[The Man Behind the Man]].}}
* Malcolm the jester in the ''Kyrandia'' adventure game series. Suffers a [[Heel Face Turn|reluctant flipflop]] in the third and final game which does ...absolutely nothing at all. He retains the same personality. He still says incredibly evil and nasty things. He just stopped killing people. (which of course nobody believes, so it's up to you as Malcolm to clear your name in the third.) Most unconvincing HFT ever, most unrepentant villain ever too. Even with his personality set to ''"nice"'' and with him talking to the sorceress Zanthia, whom he has a bit of a crush on, everything he says still makes him sound like a spiteful misanthropic [[Jerkass]] just one dagger away from a multiple homicide. He's not so much an [[Anti-Hero]] as he is the same [[Magnificent Bastard]] he was before, just without the murderous streak. [[False Reassurance|He claims.]]
* In the first chapter of ''[[Dark Cloud]] 2'' (aka Dark Chronicle), the [[Big Bad]] ({{spoiler|before we find out about [[The Man Behind the Man]]}}) is Flotsam, creepy leader of a troupe of killer clowns.
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* The GAC clowns in ''[[Dead to Rights]]''.
* ''[[Splatterhouse]] 2010'' has a level set at a theme park which is, of course, populated by demonic clowns and spin their heads, split fire, twirl upside-down on their hands kicking you with their legs and crawl along backwards on the floor if you knock them down.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'':
* In ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening|The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening]]'', the second boss is a bottle genie that looks and behaves in a manner similar to a clown.
* In ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening]]'', the second boss is a bottle genie that looks and behaves in a manner similar to a clown.
** Downplayed with Falbi from ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]]''. Not evil, actually, but [ he sure is ''ugly''.] No mystery as to why he quit the circus.
* ''[[Serious Sam]]'' II has weird looking, unicycling, manically laughing, suicide bombing clowns that attack in groups. Yeah...
* Cicero in ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]'' is an insane assassin who maintains a persona of a jester when out in public. You can also get in on the fun if you decide to wear his outfit.
* In ''[[Terraria]]'', unlocking hard mode causes Clown monsters to appear during a Blood Moon. Silly-looking as they are, they're also fairly tough, and they throw bombs that destroy blocks and can mess up any buildings you've made.
* [[Laughing Mad|Hecklar]] [ from] ''[[Cardinal Syn]]''.
* [[The Joker]] as he appears in the ''Batman Arkham'' games is every bit as [[Complete Monster|monstrous]] and [[Laughably Evil|clownish]] as you'd expect, but he plans on making an army of literal Monster Clowns in the first game by injecting his face-painted henchmen with Titan formula, which causes them to hulk out into Bane-like abominations. {{spoiler|He gets in on the fun himself by shooting himself with a Titan filled dart before the final boss fight}}. This series also gives us one of the franchise's crueler interpretations of Harley Quinn as well.
* As if the killer animatronics of the ''[[Five Nights at Freddy's]]'' series weren't frightening enough, there are quite a few with a clown motif as well.
* ''Five Nights at Freddy's 2'' has two of these amongst its bloodthirsty animatronics: the Puppet/Marionette who resembles an incredibly tall and thin pierrot that will lie dormant in his prize corner box as long as you keep a music box wound up. If you don't, he WILL kill you, and there's nothing you can do about it. As the death minigames show, he is {{spoiler|directly behind the hauntings in the first place by somehow tethering the spirits of murdered children to the pizzeria's animatronics}}. And depending on if {{spoiler|he did murder the children in the flashback minigames}}, he could be [[Complete Monster|monstrous]] [[Bigger Bad|in]] [[Would Hurt a Child|more]] [[Fate Worse Than Death|ways]] [[Humanoid Abomination|than]] [[The Corrupter|one.]]
** Introduced in the second game is the Puppet, who stands out among the animatronics by looking less like an anthropomorphic [[Funny Animal]] and more like an unnaturally thin and lanky [[Humanoid Abomination]] dressed like a pierrot. She's the biggest threat you'll face because one of the game's most important gimmicks revolves around keeping her pacified. If you fail to keep her music box wound up and focus too much on fending off the other animatronics, she'll come flying at you from the darkness like a bat out of hell, and there's no way to put her back in her box. {{spoiler|Interestingly, later games would reveal that she's an unconventional ''[[Big Good]]'' trying to help the other ghosts of murdered children like her get revenge on the man who killed them. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop her from being a menace to any and all innocent night guards who get in her way}}.
** The second is Foxy's Toy counterpart, Mangle, who is pretty much a female Foxy wearing a bunch of garishly-colored makeup along with a whacky over-sized glove. She especially fits the monstrous criteria in a literal way as she's been reduced to a tangled spider-like mess of broken machinery thanks to being abused by rambunctious visiting children.
** Also introduced in the second game is Foxy's Toy counterpart, Mangle. [[Ambiguous Gender|He]]/[[Pronoun Trouble|she]]/[[Memetic Mutation|yes]] has abandoned Foxy's original pirate motif in favor of a clownish one, and his bright colors, makeup, and whacky cartoon glove reflect upon her new career choice. She especially fits the monstrous criteria in a literal way, as he's been reduced to a tangled spider-like mess of broken machinery thanks to being abused by rambunctious visiting children. {{spoiler|He's also very likely to have been the culprit behind the Bite of '87, where an animatronic attacked someone in broad daylight and tore out their frontal lobe}}.
*** And if you thought these clownlike animatronics weren't monstrous enough, they get Phantom and Nightmare incarnations in the the third and fourth games! Like all Phantom Animatronics, Phantom Puppet and Mangle can't kill you, but they act as [[Support Party Member|Support Party Members]] to Springtrap, who ''can''. Nightmare Mangle also looks every bit as monstrous as the other Nightmare Animatronics, while Nightmarrione looks like an [[Eldritch Abomination]] that only vaguely resembles a clown, complete with tentacley appendages and the ability to [[The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You|reset your game!]]
** Speaking of Springtrap, he gets a clown-themed skin in the spinoff game ''[[Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery]]'' that makes him look like a cross between a deranged fursuiter and Joaquin Phoenix's Joker.
** Almost every animatronic in Circus Baby's Pizza World, the titular Sister Location in ''[[Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location]]'' is a Monster Clown in some form. They're hammy, theatrical entertainers who boast bright colors, while Circus Baby herself is a cute clown girl. And not only are they as murderous as the rest, but {{spoiler|they're ''designed'' to lure away children and kill them on behalf of William Afton, their creator}}.
** The Fruit Punch and Lemonade Clowns from ''[[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator]]'' are a parody of this. Their minigame has you jumpscare hyperactive children, but their "jumpscare" is a bunch of airhorn noises, and they're otherwise harmless and goofy-looking. {{spoiler|The Fruit Punch Clown ''does'' have a rare voice line where he threatens to slit your throat, but even that is delivered in a [[Stylistic Suck|heavily accented, borderline incomprehensible text-to-speech voice]]}}.
** The Daycare Attendant from ''[[Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach]]'' has two personas that invoke this trope in different ways. His Sun persona is an [[Nice Guy|aggressively friendly]] [[Non-Ironic Clown]] whose manic behavior, [[No Sense of Personal Space]], and [[Uncanny Valley]] design terrify the children left in his care. But while he doesn't ''try'' to be scary, his Moon persona ''does'', and aggressively hounds and punishes any children who stay up past their bedtime while speaking in a growly, raspy voice. When Gregory gets locked in the Pizzaplex after dark, he proves to be just as murderous as the other animatronics, and is among the most dangerous due to how hard it is to hide from him.
* The Jester in ''[[Darkest Dungeon]]'' is a rare heroic example, insomuch as ''any'' of the classes can be called heroic. Sort of a cross between a rogue, minstrel, and this Trope, he can be an invaluable asset in some situations, his singing able to calm the rest of the party and prevent the stress from doing them in. Or it can inspire them and buff their - and his - attacks.
* Lola Pop from ''[[ARMS]]'' was never intended to be this; producer Kosuke Yabuki intended her to just be a silly, fun-loving circus clown who just happened to a contender in a [[Fighting Game]] where ''every'' playable character was silly, but players were terrified of her regardless. Kosuke later said half-jokingly that he had "learned a weakness in Americans" due to them being scared of such a thing. So... if he ever decides to greenlight less lighthearted game, coulrophobia sufferers be warned...
* Mad Clown from ''[[Punch Out|Super Punch Out]]'' doesn't stop at looking the part, he incorporates all kinds of showy acrobatic maneuvers and even juggling balls into his fighting style. His juggling balls are especially dangerous because they're a prelude to a brutal instant-knockdown attack that comes out ''fast''. If you go into his fight expecting a mere Bear Hugger reskin, you're in for a ''very'' rude awakening.
* Philippe, the fourth Boss of ''[[Final Fight|Final Fight 2]]'', who battles the heroes with acrobatic kicks and a trick cane. [[All There in the Manual| According to the instruction guide]], he's been using the circus as a front for a smuggling operation while working for the Mad Gear Gang.
== [[Web Animation]] ==
Line 448 ⟶ 443:
{{quote|"Even undead, clowns are annoying."}}
* Strong Man, the Old-Timey version of Strong Mad from ''[[Homestar Runner]]''. As his name suggests, he is actually an unintelligent circus strongman who for some reason ''is always facing the camera'' and is working for [[Dastardly Whiplash|Sir Strong Bad]], The Homestar Runner's archnemesis.
* Fizzarolli from ''[[Helluva Boss]]'', Blitzo's former friend and now rival, is a clown, demon, ''and'' cyborg, plus a minion of [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Mammon, the Exemplar of Greed.]]
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' does a bit of [[Lampshade Hanging]]:
{{quote|'''Mort:''' And how did you know that girl didn't like [{{=}}66 clowns]?
Line 476 ⟶ 471:
'''Martian 2''': Or Pagliaccio! }}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* "Clowns: Satan's idea of what's funny" [ poster]
* Here's a particularly scary example of a monster clown jack-in-the-box, just scroll a bit down to see it (but be warned, it is ''very'' unnerving). Click if you dare: []
Line 487 ⟶ 482:
* "[ Nightmare Clown]" by Richard Svensson.
* [[The Grotesque|The Jester]], ringmaster of [[Circus of Fear|Le Cirque d'Abberations]] in ''[[The Tale of the Exile]]'', is one of these. He has a magically-induced deformity that gives him a permanent [[Slasher Smile]] and a tendency to mutilate others as a form of art.
* ''[[SCP Foundation]]'' has a few:
* [[SCP Foundation|SCP-993]], the "Bobble the Clown" show. Once the program starts, everyone in the room over the age of ten passes out; children under the age of ten report that an animated clown gives how-tos on cannibalism, arson, and a number of other horrifying things. Worse, whoever is creating the show (and there's a certain amount of evidence that the show itself is a sapient entity that creates and broadcasts itself) appears to be aware that the SCP Foundation has found a way to intercept and block its transmission, as the two most recent{{when}} episodes are <ref>Bobble the Clown, sitting in a chair and glaring silently at the viewer for the entire episode.</ref> and <ref>Bobble the Clown breaches classification on Foundation researchers, administrators, and SCPs, including detailed instructions on how to breach containment of a number of incredibly dangerous SCPs, with a special guest appearance by the animated version of an SCP researcher who happened to be passing by the room where the Foundation keeps the recordings they make of the show at the time shown on a clock in the episode.</ref>
** [ SCP-993], the "Bobble the Clown" show. Once the program starts, everyone in the room over the age of ten passes out; children under the age of ten report that an animated clown gives how-tos on cannibalism, arson, and a number of other horrifying things. Worse, whoever is creating the show (and there's a certain amount of evidence that the show itself is a sapient entity that creates and broadcasts itself) appears to be aware that the SCP Foundation has found a way to intercept and block its transmission, as the two most recent episodes shown right before they start blocking his broadcasts are "Bobble Hates You" (consisting of Bobble sitting in a chair and glaring silently at the viewer for the entire episode) and an episode where Bobble breaches classification on Foundation researchers, administrators, and SCPs, including detailed instructions on how to breach containment of a number of incredibly dangerous SCPs, with a special guest appearance by the animated version of an SCP researcher who happened to be passing by the room where the Foundation keeps the recordings they make of the show at the time shown on a clock in the episode.
** [ SCP-5962]; this creature is technically a cow, having been born from one at a Midwest American farm, but it resembles a large (4 meters tall) obese ( over 5 tons) monstrous version of Ronald McDonald, and it continually spits out fully-packaged McDonalds products. The owners of the farm sold it to a Chinese McDonalds franchise, where they enjoyed an incredible boost in profits for a while until the Foundation found out about it. They also found out that [[Human Resources|the food was made from human flesh]] - all of it. The bacon and fries are human cartilage and ligaments, chicken nuggets were made from, er, reproductive organs, the bread is made of hair, nails, and skin, and the coffee and ice cream, well… were made from various human waste products. [[Squick|(Yeah, a lot of folks in-story were grossed out too.)]] The weird part is, nobody knows who the victims are or [[The Unsolved Mystery|where the stuff comes from, as SCP-5962]] has never been known to attack anyone (except one time when it spewed hot coffee on a visiting [[The Rival|Burger King]] manager, [[Fridge Logic|possibly the guy who tipped off the Foundation]]), and never really does anything except produce the food - it seems relatively mindless. In fact, when analyzed, the genetic material matches that of still-living humans, who seem unharmed by this process. Worst of all, SCP-5962 is not the only SCP that came from that farm; [ SCP-4158] is another mutated cow who came from there, and possibly more that have yet to be documented.
** [ SCP-1799] ("Mr. Laugh") subverts this. While he is a clown, he is not dangerous, and is, in fact, a [[Tragic Monster]] and [[Sad Clown]].
* [[That Guy With The Glasses]] featured a video with [[Doug Walker]] doing a pretty damn good impression of [[Heath Ledger]][[The Dark Knight Saga|'s Joker]] practicing his origin story. An attempt to spin this off into a series called "Melvin, Brother of the Joker" was not nearly as well received, and the character became [[The Scrappy]] among fans. Walker has engaged in a fair amount of [[Self-Deprecation]] about this, and Melvin was killed by other TGWTG contributors during one of the donation drives.
** [[The Spoony Experiment]] featured [[Noah Antwiler]] playing "Chuckles the Fucking Jester", a character from the ''[[Ultima]]'' series. Spoony finds him creepy, screaming when he enters the room. He is also relentlessly obnoxious, making bad jokes and beating Noah with a rubber chicken for not playing "The Game" correctly. After [[It Makes Sense in Context|Spoony's robot blasts him with a laser beam]], Chuckles flees, and a mysterious figure points out his ability to cause great fear, giving him [[Blackest Night|a Yellow Lantern ring]].
Line 495 ⟶ 493:
{{quote|65. There are no evil clowns living under my bed.}}
* [[The Fear Mythos]] gives us the Jester, a masked psychopath who serves the [[Perverse Puppet|Wooden Girl]]. He sees himself as an artist who has mastered comedy, and views comedy as being anything unexpected. So if you were, say, walking your dog on a pleasant summer day, he might pop out of a bush and blow your brains out just [[For the Evulz]]. The fact that the Jester is one of the few humans who serves the Wooden Girl willingly (as opposed to being unable to control his own body like the majority of her servants) just makes him even more horrific. [ This creepypasta] gives a pretty clear indication of how utterly insane he is.
== Western Animation ==
* Can't forget Joker from ''[[The Batman]]''. Especially "Vampire Joker" in ''[[The Batman vs. Dracula]]''.
** And the Joker from ''[[Batman: The Animated Series|Batman the Animated Series]]''. As if being a monster clown every day isn't bad enough, the episode "Be A Clown" has him disguising as a slightly less creepy party clown to deliver a cake with an explosive as a candle to a party full of kids.
*** Arguably the goofy, baggy clown-outfit made him look even creepier than his normal purple tux, since it twisted his reasonably normal human proportions into the depths of [[Uncanny Valley]].
** Possibly even more terrifying was when mutagen turns him into [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|a clown-snake hybrid]] in the crossover ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles versus Batman''. In case anyone doesn't know, snakes eat turtles, making this a terrifying villain to all the heroes in this crossover.
* Frankly, there are countless times ('''not''' including that stint in ''Treehouse of Horrors'') that Krusty the Klown of ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' fits neatly into the oversized shoes of this trope. Point in fact he is scary enough to provoke heart-attacks in patients with heart conditions (namely Homer).
** "What's wrong? Oh right... My ''grotesque appearance!"''
Line 507 ⟶ 505:
** Not to mention the haunted Krusty doll.
{{quote|"Hi, I'm Krusty the Clown and I don't like you." "Hi, I'm Krusty the Clown and I'm going to kill you."}}
*:* Bart's clown bed in "Lisa's First Word". Say it with me now. "'''''[[Sickbed Slaying|If You Should Die Before You Wake!]]'''''"
:* ''And'', Krusto D. Clown from "Treehouse of Horror: Not It", [[Composite Character| a cross]] between Krusty and [[IT|Pennywise]].
*** Say it with me now. "'''''[[Sickbed Slaying|If You Should Die Before You Wake!]]'''''"
***:* [[Madness Mantra|'''Can't sleep, clown will eat me''']]
*:* In the supplement book ''Flanders Book of Faith'', onone of Ned's Humble figurines has a little girl being frightened by a clown. The title: ''First visit to the Circus''.
*:* Sideshow Bob. Okay, he's more like a Monster Ex Clown, but still, he tries to murder multiple characters and gets involved in semi elaborate revenge schemes after Bart and such foiled his framing of Krusty for armed robbery.
*:** The [[Nightmare Fuel]] aspect of Sideshow Bob was turned [[Up to Eleven]] in "The Bob Next Door". In one of his escape attempts, Bob visibly surgically removes the face of one of his cell mates and then switches it with his own, while still being fully conscious and screaming. The worst part is when Sideshow Bob stops at a rest stop and a waitress who takes an interest in him manages to pull off a loose thread used to keep his face on, causing his entire face to flap down, exposing all of his muscles and tissue. And then moments later, it happens again with his cell mate he switched faces with.
*:* In the DVD commentary for season four, one of the writers recounts a comment overheard during a meeting: "Kids are scared of clowns, and adults think they're annoying, so what the hell good are they?"
* Zombozo the Clown from ''[[Ben 10]]''.
* Although [[Pepper Ann]] didn't feature any actual monster clowns, there was one episode where Pepper Ann watched a movie that revolves around this trope: Gutter Clowns. She had nightmares about that movie.
Line 520 ⟶ 518:
** Studio boss Seymour Plotz doesn't know this, so he sends a [[Jerry Lewis]]-style clown to the water tower to entertain Wakko on his birthday. Plotz doesn't like clowns, either, so when he finds out—he does nothing. True [[Hilarity Ensues]].
{{quote|'''Dr. Scratchnsniff:''' Wakko, repeat after me: "A clown is my friend. A clown will not bite me and throw me in the basement... A clown is not a big spider."}}
*:* '''''[[IT|HE LIES.]]'''''
**:* Ironically, the clown is a genuinely [[Non-Ironic Clown]] who only tries to entertain Wakko with song and dance. {{spoiler|He earns a happy ending.}}
* In the ''[[Legion of Super-Heroes (TV series)|Legion of Super Heroes]]'', episode "Fear Factory", Lightning Lad is terrified of a clownlike doll from his childhood called "[[The Exorcist|Captain Howdy]]".
* ''[[Mighty Max]]'' had an episode (and a micro playset) involving Freako the Clown.
* In one episode of ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy]]'', Billy displays a fear of clowns, thinking they're out to conquer the world and [[Overly Long Gag|"Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!"]] After much prodding from Grim and Mandy and a trip to his [[Happy Place]], he eventually gets over his fear... by becoming homicidally angry with clowns instead of afraid. This doesn't save him from the giant clown monster Grim made earlier, which proceeded to eat them all.
** "So, it's agreed? We all hate clowns."
* Freakshow from ''[[Danny Phantom]]''.
* Dr. Rockzo, the rock n' roll clown (he does cocaine!) {{spoiler|seriously, dude; ''a lot'' of cocaine}} from ''[[Metalocalypse]]''. He's a clown that's designed to be scary (in more ways than one). Ironically, Toki loves him despite being the most childlike of Dethklok's members.
** Toki was shown to have a long-time love of clowns - there was a shot of him as a child sitting on [[Serial Killer|Gacy the Clown's]] lap (shudder). Besides, it's metal to like clowns!
* An episode of ''[[Dexter's Laboratory|Dexters Laboratory]]'' had Dexter become this in the episode "The Laughing" after being bitten by a pair of dentures belonging to a clown performing at Deedee's birthday party.
** Also partially subverted in this episode, in that Deedee stops Dexter by learning the ways of an order of benign mimes. Not to be confused with a [[Heroic Mime]].
* Binky The Clown from ''[[Garfield and Friends]]'' isn't really evil, but he is incredibly obnoxious and somewhat creepy, and provides a recurring source of irritation for Garfield.
Line 556 ⟶ 554:
** Is there any way that could have gone ''right''?
*** Considering that {{spoiler|Peter accidentally killed the man he thought was his father (Francis, not the town drunk from Ireland) while performing as Pee Pants}}, no, nothing could have gone right from there.
** ''[ I wish that scary looking clown at the end of my bed would go away!]''
* The short-lived American adaptation of Australia's teacher sitcom ''[[Sit Down, Shut Up]]'' has a Monster Clown in the form of the overly cheerful (and mentally unstable) vice principal Stuart Proszakian (voiced by Will Forte from ''[[Saturday Night Live]]''). Before he was vice principal, Stuart was a clown entertaining at a Florida prison. The second episode (where the teachers run a schoolwide fair) even had Stuart dressed in prison stripes and clown make-up (making him look more like [[Beetlejuice]]) and singing this song (set to folksy banjo music) with the following lyrics:
{{quote|''Well, you were beaten mercilessly in the shower.''
''You took an old-fashioned shiv in the crown.''
''They fired tear gas on your ass from the tower.''
''And when you got back up''
''You were feelin' down.''
''Someone sent you a prison clown''
''Someone bought you''
''Or bartered you''
''A prison clown --'' }}
*:* If anyone buys you or barters you a prison clown, scream as loud as you can and call the proper authorities. For me...
*:** It should also be of note that Will Forte also plays mentally unstable characters—includingcharacters — including those who have been convicted of sexual offenses—onoffenses — on ''SNL'' so his role on ''[[Sit Down, Shut Up]]'' isn't much of a stretch.
* An episode of ''[[Extreme Ghostbusters]]'' had the ghostbusters hunting vampire-like monsters who feed on laughter and disguise themselves as clowns, because as this page tells us, there's nothing funnier than an ominous clown with an [[Evil Laugh]] following you by night.
* Paddywack from ''[[Darkwing Duck (animation)|Darkwing Duck]]''. Beady red eyes, long grasping limbs, fangs and a bottom of the well voice. Not to mention that he was an [[Sealed Evil in a Can|otherworldly evil entity]] that fed on fear or chaos or some other kind of metaphysical claptrap and had [[Mind Over Matter|poltergeist]] [[Invisibility|powers]] [[Demonic Possession|galore]].
Line 587 ⟶ 585:
* ''[[The Tick (animation)]]'' featured the villain Proto-Clown, a rampaging superpowered brute of a clown [[Gone Horribly Wrong|created by a genetic experiment]] intended to create a perfect [[Non-Ironic Clown]]. Notably, he was barely sentient and spoke only in [[Hulk Speak]], and was only scary due to his [[Unstoppable Rage]] and ability to tear buildings asunder with his bare hands. As it turns out, he was completely harmless once calmed down, but he ''hated'' it when people laughed at him.
* ''[[Adventure Time]]'' features clown nurses, which aren't bad at first, but after Finn constantly objects, his clown nurse tells him "ITS THE ONLY WAY!" with a red demonic face accompanied by one of the worst [[Scare Chord]]s ever.
* The Clown Demons who run the carnival in ''[[The Owl House]]'' episode "Really Small Problems". While this is truly a nightmarish concept, they are the [[Affably Evil]] type who do not tolerate anyone scamming customers - [[Hypocrite|''unless'' the scammers are working for ''them''.]]
* In ''[[American Dad]]'', Roger overlaps this with [[Evil Teacher]] in his H.J. Rimmens personality, being a teacher at a clown school. Right off the bat, he admits to using mind games and emotionally abuse his students into becoming clowns, adding that 60% of them will be [[Driven to Suicide]] by the end of the semester. Of course, [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|seeing as this is Roger we're talking about]], he’s not very good at being either type of villain, and eventually loses his permit to teach clowns. A [[Flash Forward]] scene shows him as a [[IT| Pennywise]] [[Expy]] gunning for revenge against Steve, only to [[Epic Fail|get stuck in a storm drain while doing so]].
* In the ''[[Star Trek: Lower Decks]]'' episode "Mining the Mind's Mines", the psychic mines initially try to tempt the Lower Deckers [[The Vamp|by creating illusions of their fantasies]]; when the mines malfunction, however, they switch to illusions of their nightmares, which includes Klingon clowns with bat'leths for arms. While this does not specify ''whose'' nightmare this is, ''all'' of the ensigns flee in terror.
* The [[Juggalo]]s from ''[[Inside Job]]'' subvert this. They're pretty... weird, but of the six organizations who secretly rule the world, they seem the least evil. They aren't sure ''why'' they are in the overall group, but are actually very nice to their "rivals", giving Myc and Glenn pep talks after they are shunned from the festivities at the Power Struggle competition.
== [[Other Media]] ==
* Urban legend: A teenage girl (of course) is babysitting, and the parents call home to check in. "Everything's fine," she says, "oh, but I covered up that clown statue in the back hall with my jacket, it was creeping me out." "Clown statue? [[Oh Crap|We don't own a clown statue]]..."
* [ Abandoned clown train remembers you!]
== [[Real Life]] ==
* A 2007 [ University of Sheffield study] found that both young and older children universally fear or dislike clown images. Now a lot of hospital wings for child patients will have to be repainted.
== [[Real Life]] ==
** A quote from the BBC article: Researcher Dr Penny Curtis said: "As adults we make assumptions about what works for children. We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable.")
* A charity in the Netherlands is the CliniClowns, people who dress up like clowns and visit children's hospitals in order to make them feel better. After doing this for years, psychological research shows that this backfires because too many children are ''afraid'' of clowns. Oops...
** A [ Reuters article] elaborates: "The study, reported in the Nursing Standard magazine, found ''all the 250 patients'' aged between four and 16 they quizzed disliked the use of clowns, with even the older ones finding them scary."
Line 609 ⟶ 611:
* Inverted by rodeo bullfighters, who dress like clowns to deal with situations (out-of-control bulls) which would scare the living shit out of practically anyone.
* The [[Juggalo]] subculture has shades of this.
* [ Buffo, the World's Strongest Clown!] If clowns don't scare you enough, try one that can rip phone books in half without even trying.
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