Moon Logic Puzzle: Difference between revisions

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[[File:honey_8907honey 8907.jpg|link=Gabriel Knight|frame|Just wait until you have to figure out where to use the cross-stitch itself... <ref>Stick the cat hair in the honey and apply to face.</ref>]]
{{quote|<i>I know that this game took a lot of work, but you can't make people think they'll need to take the cat and cover it with gasoline if they want to proceed...</i>|'''0EndlessNameless0''', ''[[The Trapped Trilogy|Pursuit]]'' [[Newgrounds|user review]]}}
[[File:honey_8907.jpg|link=Gabriel Knight|frame|Just wait until you have to figure out where to use the cross-stitch itself... <ref>Stick the cat hair in the honey and apply to face.</ref>]]
{{quote|<i>''I know that this game took a lot of work, but you can't make people think they'll need to take the cat and cover it with gasoline if they want to proceed...</i>''|'''0EndlessNameless0''', ''[[The Trapped Trilogy|Pursuit]]'' [[Newgrounds|user review]]}}
Sometimes, it's easy to see how to [[Solve the Soup Cans]] - give the chicken noodle soup to the guard with the cold, trade the tomato for the red orb, and pour the cream of mushroom into the chalice with [[Super Mario Bros.|Mario]] engraved on the side. The puzzles may be challenging, but given enough thought, the solution follows a logical progression.
And then sometimes, standard logic just won't get you to the right answer, no matter how hard you try. To find the solution, you have to look at the problem in a way that may seem entirely unintuitive on its face. This is ''not'' a [[Guide Dang It]]; all the information you need to complete your objective is right there in the source. Some people will be able to make the intuitive leap almost immediately, others will struggle for hours and still never spot the bend in logic that leads to the answer.
If a frustrated player eventually does reach for the strategy guide, there will be two common reactions on discovering the answer: If the puzzle is well written, the answer will make complete, brilliant sense in hindsight, and the player will respect the puzzle designer, perhaps curse themselves for giving in to the strategy guide, or for needing it in the first place. Other times, the clues that would have led to the solution seem so out of left field that it leaves the player wondering "how was I supposed to know ''that''?" Such "out of left field" examples might entail figuring out the third meaning of a [[Double Entendre]] [[Brick Joke|someone you talked to 20 hours ago made]] or listening to the unlisted audio track included on the bonus disc that didn't come with the rental. It makes sense after you read the answer, but you still don't think anyone could possibly solve it on their own. Even a highly skilled, [[Genre Savvy]] puzzle-solver will occasionally get stuck on one of these. When this is bad enough that hundreds of players will get stuck on this puzzle, it's [[That One Puzzle]].
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* Riff's ocean puzzle in ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' took the player base months to figure out: during exploration of the sea, 43 islands were found that each had a single strange tiki idol, and when those islands were plotted on a grid and connected with lines, they spelled out a name which could be used to summon the tiki god himself.
** And the reason why? Because one player thought to include an apostrophe.
** "Big Rock + Hot Buttered Roll = Heart of Rock and Roll" almost makes sense in retrospect, but there are others, like "bunny liver + popsicle stick = liver popsicle", that seem to strictly come from left field. <ref> Actually, that one's pretty justified. In the tutorial, you learn how to combine items to make food. The items you have are lemons, oranges, strawberries, popsicle sticks - so you are expected to make popsicles out of those. But, you can also have bunny livers from killing bunnies earlier - so the game's trolling you by saying 'yes, that combination works too! There you go!'</ref> And there are others, like lihc eye pie ([[It Makes Sense in Context|that's the correct in-game spelling]]), that are based on puns. These also make sense in retrospect, but first have to be found by trial and error.
** Some of the puzzles require the player to know what the devs' favorite band is. This would be the [[Brick Joke]] variant, since hints at that very fact are sprinkled throughout the game.
* ''[[King's Quest I Quest for The Crown]]'' contained one puzzle where the player had three attempts to guess a Rumplestiltskin character's name, with the sole hint in the game being a letter saying "sometimes it pays to think backwards". In the original edition, this implied spelling "Rumplestiltskin" using an alphabetic ''cipher'' where Z=A, Y=B, and so on (the answer was thus "Ifnkovhgroghprm"); this proved too difficult for most players even in its time, so for the game's [[Enhanced Remake]] the solution was simplified to just spelling "Rumplestiltskin" backwards.
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* That codec number from ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' is an odd intersection of this and [[All There in the Manual]], in that it's ''literally'' [[No Fourth Wall|in the manual]] (well, on the packaging at any rate). Many people thought that when they told you to look on the back of the CD case, they meant the case of the CD you just got in the game (which you can't look at), or another similar in-game item, leading players to wander all over the levels either trying to use the disc, or finding whatever item was being referred to.
** There is a way around not having the game case: call Campbell about four times and Meryl's number will be added to your list of Codec frequencies.
* While the puzzle isn't particularly difficult or strange in terms of effect, ''[[Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake]]: Solid Snake'' deserves a special mention for containing one of the [[So Bad It's Good|best]]/worst puzzles ever to be placed in a video game. It is replicated here in text form for your troping entertainment:
{{quote| You are attempting to bypass a gate, which has a high-voltage laser across it. Behind the gate, there is a guard, who has the ability to shut the gate off, and has been instructed to do so only at night. Your task is to somehow trick the guard into shutting off the gate. Thought about it? Good. Look behind the spoiler tags for the solution.<br />
{{spoiler|You must backtrack to a laboratory, where there's a pair of eggs which can be taken. One egg will hatch into a snake, which eats your rations - the other will hatch into an owl, which will eat the snake if it hatches while the snake is in your inventory. Hatch the owl, and head back towards the fence. Then, equip the owl. The owl hoots, the guard, despite the BROAD DAYLIGHT, declares it night-time, and switches off the gate.}} }}
** That really is strange. [[Comically Missing the Point|Wouldn't they want the gate to be on during the night?]]
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** It's worth noting that in this series, your goal during cross-examination is seldom to disprove what the other person is saying directly. It's to find anything, anything at all that's contradictory about their statements and jump on it. Phoenix admits to himself (and the player) that he's just blindly bluffing a lot of the time.
* The first ''[[Discworld]]'' adventure game. Most of the puzzles don't make sense even in retrospect. [[Terry Pratchett]] jokingly summed it up as follows:
{{quote| '''Pterry:''' "To get the walkthrough, you have to take the sponge from Nanny Ogg's pantry and stick it in the ear of the troll with the tutu, then take the lumps and put them in the pouch with the zombie's razor."}}
* ''[[Professor Layton and the Curious Village]]''
** One puzzle which frustrated many players literally requires knowledge of the QWERTY keyboard layout -- whichlayout—which is, of course, not actually used within the game, but which can be found within PictoChat on the DS if someone doesn't have a keyboard at hand. It also requires seeing that the candy bar on which the puzzle is written has {{spoiler|bite marks in it}} which are easily missed, but which make up part of the solution, and which are not mentioned in ''any'' of the in-game hints. Oh, and also, the puzzle is phrased in terms of SMS messaging, thus suggesting a completely different keypad layout that's entirely a [[Red Herring]]. This puzzle was so absurd that it was completely changed in the European release of the game, replaced with a mathematical puzzle.
*** It was probably changed because the QWERTY keyboard isn't consistent throughout Europe. Germany's top row says QWERTZ and France's says AZERTY, for example.
** One puzzle mentions a device that makes a hole in a piece of paper and then marks the whole with a line. {{spoiler|The answer they're looking for is "compass" as a compass is used to draw a circle by hinging a pin with a pencil. Of course, if you think "line" means "straight curve" (arguably the correct definition) you're never going to figure it out and this puzzle comes off as a particularly bizarre jump in logic.}}
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* ''[[The Fools Errand|The Fool's Errand]]''. Sure, most of the riddles still had text in the help menu, but while that might have provided theory, ambiguous wording obfuscated mechanisms. The Death Puzzle in particular is a huge leap from anything else in the game (mostly wordplay and logic challenges). Players needed to catch a fast-moving symbol with the mouse pointer (while avoiding another). The only way to solve the puzzle is to {{spoiler|interfere with the mini-game by activating the program's pull-down menu, halting the animation and allowing the user to align the mouse for the payoff click, or find a way to move the symbol without moving the mouse (the latter was the intended solution, but the former, a glitch caused by the Macintosh's single-tasking nature, was [[Ascended Glitch|deemed a valid alternate solution by the developer]]).}}
* An example of when this goes wrong can be found in an obscure puzzle game called ''The Crystal Key''. At one point, you're in an alien docking bay, trying to get a ship to take off before a [[Star Wars|Darth Vader]] [[Expy]] can find you and force-choke you. All the keys on the ship's control panel are labeled in an alien language. You're supposed to have written down the coordinates of the ship you docked at the very beginning, then you're supposed to enter in those same coordinates. Apparently, it's taken for granted not only that you remember the coordinates, but that you'll know the aliens use base-10, arrange their keys in the same order as on a telephone number pad, and use the same coordinate system as is found in your ship. Note in particular that the keys are arranged as on a ''telephone'' keypad, with 123 at the top. Which, of course, is different from the layout of the PC keypad that's likely to be closer at hand for someone playing the game.
* One that may take hours or be solved instantly, depending on how you think: in ''Blades of [[Exile]]'' you encounter a group of [[Fun with Acronyms|GIFTS: Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Spiders]], [[Planet of Steves|each named Spider]]. One acts as a [[Beef Gate]] and won't let you past unless you can prove you know the chief. The proof is to tell him the chief's name.
* A puzzle in the "oddly-angled" room within ''[[Zork]] II'' required the player to traverse it in the traditional directions of a baseball field, starting from home plate: southeast, northeast, northwest, southwest. Though hinted with various baseball puns and equipment in the room, the concept seems out of place in the fantasy setting, not to mention kind of unfair for non-American players.
** And even for Americans who [[No Sense of Direction|just don't know the compass directions]] of baseball fields.
* [[Infocom]]'s ''[[Leather Goddesses of Phobos]]'' starts out with the player in a prison cell. Some players have been stuck in that cell for ''hours'' -- {{spoiler|the cell door isn't locked. When you go into Trent/Tiffany's cell, they admit they never thought of trying the door.}}
* ''[[Scooby Doo]] Mystery Game'' involves a puzzle where you actually have to microwave a cowbell that's lodged inside a block of ice. [[Violation of Common Sense|Metal. In a microwave. Yeah. That makes sense.]] Also, you can't enter a maze until you hang one of those little tree-shaped air fresheners on a tree branch. Then, in order to see once you're in the maze involves building a homemade flashlight, one piece of which is behind a refrigerator. Which you're supposed to just push out of the way. That wouldn't be such a leap if you played Fred, but you play Shaggy...
* ''Death Gate'' had two infuriating puzzles of this type.
** One was opening the treasure room in the tower of the Brotherhood. You have a code list, but all it says is "Buy their time to die" above a list of in-universe Arianus continents. You also can find a book that explains the codes change based on the time of month. To open the wall with lots of hands, you have to look at what continent currently obscures the sun from that place, then use that continent to figure out what word to use from the "Buy their time to die" phrase (it's the word above the name of the continent) then if it was for example "die", you have to press Diamond Iron Emerald hands. First letters for the materials they're made of. Aside from the Brotherhood book, and the code list itself, there are NO clues about this whatsoever. Good luck getting this without a walkthrough. They do show you the materials in the item descriptions at least.
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** Fortunately, simple brute force also works for solving the puzzle. The reflected image is supposed to tell you which section of the nearby bookcase to inspect, but if you systematically click every section of the bookcase, you'll eventually find the one that triggers the puzzle solution.
* One optional battle in ''[[The World Ends With You]]'' pits the player against a pig lying asleep on the battlefield which wakes up and instantly escapes after a single hit. Pigs can usually only be killed by the weakness shown in their thought bubbles. The solution is to close the DS, thereby putting it in "sleep mode," which instantly kills the pig since its weakness was apparently sleep.
* Though solvable, some of ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'' games technically fall under this principle. (Even ''[[The Legend of Zelda (video game)|The Legend of Zelda]]''. Blowing a whistle causes a windstorm to suck you to another area, and defeating all enemies in an area somehow opens the doors. Just because this stuff is old news to puzzle gamers doesn't mean it wasn't mind-blowing to people in its day.)
* ''[[The Secret of Monkey Island]]'' has Guybrush being thrown off a bridge attached to an idol. You have exactly 10 minutes to solve this problem, that's how long he can hold his breath (as was stated earlier, and indeed after 10 minutes you die, one of the few times you can actually die in a ''[[Monkey Island]]'' game). There are TONS of sharp objects all around you, just barely out of reach, so the solution is...? Just do what you did in Space Quest and Larry all the time: pick up the idol and walk away. You had in your pockets for a while before that sequence. It could be less of a Moon Logic Puzzle and more of a [[Late to Thethe Punchline]] moment.
** If you wait long enough, you get a scene where two guys meet up on the bridge. One of them has a knife he just committed a felony with and thinks about throwing it in the water. If he dropped it, it'd be right next to Guybrush. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|He decides to keep it and walk away.]]
* ''[[Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge]]''. At a certain point you have to find something to turn off a pump to reveal a pathway behind a waterfall. The solution was to plug a hypnotised monkey into the pump and turning its tail. Yup, it's a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|monkey wrench]]. (Bonus points for non-English players - that's not a puzzle that translates very well.)
** Also in the second game, near the end you have to use an elevator, but the door won't close because the combined weight of Guybrush and a huge immovable crate exceed the weight limit. Guybrush has to be holding a balloon and two surgical gloves filled with helium in order to be light enough to ride the elevator.
** ''[[The Curse of Monkey Island]]'' has an even better one. You need to make a snake throw up (let's ignore for a moment whether or not snakes ''can'' throw up). So what's the answer? Put an ipecac flower into a carafe of pancake syrup!
{{quote| [[Lampshade Hanging|"It's syrup of ipecac. That seems...logical..."]]}}
* ''[[Laura Bow|Laura Bow: The Dagger of Amon Ra]]'' has this. The player will be hinted toward two questions throughout the game {{spoiler|"What room do you leave without entering?" and "What room do you enter without leaving?"}}, twin riddles that will come to haunt you near the end of the game {{spoiler|in the cult of Amon Ra's secret meeting room}}. The answers ''are'' given, but in a slab found in Olymia's office. [[Bilingual Bonus|In hieroglyphs.]] Even if you take the time to decipher the message, it is told in a long passage that still doesn't ''directly'' give you the answers and, to the ones that don't know the answers otherwise, will sound interesting but otherwise useless and will be very easy to overlook what the answers were. {{spoiler|womb and tomb.}}
* ''[[A Vampyre Story]]'' has a lot of [[Moon Logic Puzzle|Moon Logic Puzzles]]. The solution to almost every puzzle is hidden either in dialog (when you look at a critical item, its ingredients will be described; you will later need to replenish this supply, and to complete a different puzzle you collect the source of these ingredients), in characterization (you need to distract a man; he's a bit of a womanizer, and if you're willing to stretch your imagination real hard, the courtesan outside could be considered mildly attractive), or in the expectation that you will possess some bit of knowledge which is fairly common, but easy to overlook because it's not brought up in conversation much (I shit you not, one puzzle requires you to know basic color theory and the attendant terminology).
* ''[[Assassin's Creed II]]''
** The glyph puzzles, where a common theme must be found between paintings, a code cracked, or anomalies found in photographs. Most of them are fine, but one or two of the painting puzzles are outright frustrating if you don't pick up on the weird hints they give you, or haven't been following the framing story too closely. Luckily, if you get it wrong enough times, Shaun Hastings can give you some advice that makes it clearer, but until then, who knows! (and sometimes that doesn't help much) The codes can be even worse.
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**** Not really. If I remember correctly, on the screen it says "Nothing is true, Everything is permitted", a line commonly used to describe the assassin's beliefs in the first game. When you look at it as part of the solution as opposed to something random the answer becomes obvious. The answer (for those still confused) {{spoiler|is any combination. "Everything" is permitted indeed}}.
*** The glyph puzzles seem to be targetted directly at players familiar with the puzzle style of [[Alternate Reality Game|alternate reality games]], and as they're off the critical path you don't actually have to solve them to complete the game.
* The Hell's Gate dungeon in ''[[Tactics Ogre]]''. Checking the Warren Report has a rumour about Hell's Gate opening up, but a player would have to specifically check for that rumour in particular in order to access it. The Shaman sidequest also has a similar example, as well as recruiting all the four sisters - If one has Sisteena and Seleye, they will show up in a scene when Olivia is recruited (she is the only one who joins by default), then before one fights the fourth sister, Shelley, you are given a large hint that she's playable and that you shouldn't kill her. Of course, after that, [[Guide Dang It|it's a wonder how people discovered it.]]
* The ''[[Nancy Drew (video game)|Nancy Drew]]'' game ''Danger By Design'' requires purchasing an ancient decoder from a vendor and a book of ciphers from another vendor, then finding a message in the final room, then ''encoding'' that message with the date shift cipher from the book, then inputting the encoded message into the decoder to eventually get a message in French with the numbers to unlock the door.
* Beating the [[Final Boss]] of ''[[Chrono Cross]]'' ([[Golden Ending|correctly]]) requires spells with certain colors and sounds associated with them to be cast in a certain order. Without casting the spells in the correct order, beating the boss correctly would be impossible. It would be a [[Guide Dang It]], but the correct order is found in the game... in two random rooms of the final dungeon, the order the second last boss first attacks in, the order you face the previous bosses, or the order of the solutions to a side boss' riddles, with no indication that they would be important later on.
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** Additionally, the order is intentionally hinted at and countered by the final boss, who will use the opposite element of whatever the next in the order is until he is low on health. When his health is low, he will instead casts the elements in the correct order, allowing you to simply use the [[MacGuffin]] when the pattern is done.
* ''Temujin''. Can't figure out how to fix the painting? Have you tried {{spoiler|heading into that other museum room, throwing the ball to break off a bit of horn from that one goat head, and then adding that to the paint?}} [[Sarcasm Mode|What do you mean you didn't think of that?]]
* Pretty much any question on ''[[The Impossible Quiz]]'' that isn't an outright [[Guide Dang It]] (or an [[Unexpected Gameplay Change]]) is this. For example, one question asks you to "Pick the smallest" of several circles. The correct choice? {{spoiler|The dot on the "i" in "Pick", which is, indeed, the smallest circle.}}
* ''[[Homestar Runner|Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People]]'' makes it clear, at one point, that you need to steal an item from Bubs and pin it on Coach Z to progress. Bubs has a solid gold record sitting on his counter and is away, but if you try to take the record, a flashing alarm appears with a robot that summons Bubs (and the record is super-glued to the wall, so it can't be removed no matter what you do). Would you believe you have to steal {{spoiler|the flashing alarm}}?
* At one point in the ''[[Sam and Max]]'' episode ''Moai Better Blues'', you have to return to Stinky's Diner from Easter Island within a short time. Striking a magical red gong on Easter Island will open a portal to another red gong, and among the [[Cow Tools|various trash]] in Stinky's is a [[Chekhov's Gun|nondescript gong]]. So what to do? ''Paint that gong red too!''
** Humorously, Sam and Max comment on how gullible whatever mystical force controlling these gongs must be for that to work.
* One of the first interactive-text games, ''[[Colossal Cave]]'' (aka ''Adventure'') required you to state what weapon you were using to attack an enemy. If you just typed "attack monster", the game would reply, "With what? Your bare hands?" Normally, you'd have to enter "attack monster with sword". An exception to this rule was when you were faced with a fire-breathing dragon ...
{{quote| ATTACK DRAGON<br />
>With what? Your bare hands?<br />
[[Blunt Yes|YES]]<br />
[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|>Congratulations! You have just vanquished a dragon with your bare hands! (hard to believe, isn't it?)]] }}
* ''[[The Trapped Trilogy]]'' consists near-entirely of unintuitive trial-and-error puzzles, but each game has its own [[That One Puzzle]]:
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* Every part of every single [[Myst]] game ever. Well, except the [[Scenery Porn]] bits.
** Some of it's a bit closer to plain ol' [[Solve the Soup Cans|soup cans]] but especially terrible bits include, in Uru, when you have to take hydrophobic one-jump fireflies into a cave behind a waterfall to have enough light to see. You're an explorer, and you don't have the sense to bring a flashlight? Or go back to Relto and grab a firemarble? And even if you DO get through with some other light source or by feeling your way through, you can't activate the triggers until you come back with fireflies!
* ''[[Limbo of the Lost]]'' has the now-infamous Soul Vial puzzle, where the player has to obtain a green-tinted vial containing the also-green soul of a warrior. To do this, the player needs to find an empty green-tinted vial, fill it with water ([[Water Is Blue|which is rendered as thick blue instead of clear]]) and mix that with saffron to create a substitute to make the exchange with. This puzzle, of course, not only relies on the fact that the player assumes that the [[Water Is Blue]] instead of clear, but also assumes that the player knows what saffron is and what it does -- anddoes—and by extension, you would also know that putting saffron in water makes it ''yellow'', not ''green''!
** It makes ''clear'' water yellow. Therefore, blue water would become green.
* At one point in ''Stupid Invaders'' you have to get down a hole in the middle of the desert. In order to do this, you have to use a garden hose as a rope. Fair enough. However, instead of throwing one end of the hose down the hole and climbing down, as any normal person would do, the character ''[[What an Idiot!|decides to hold onto the hose and jump down the hole]]''. Since he held onto a point of the hose that was too low, he smashes on the ground and dies. So what do you do? The interface doesn't allow you to tell him to just climb down the hose or to hold onto a higher point of it. Turns out, you need to find a skull in the desert and use its teeth ''to cut the hose shorter''. Yeah, that's right, the character simply refuses to hold onto the correct point of the hose until it has been shortened for no good reason at all! Guess they call the game ''Stupid Invaders'' for a reason...
* Some of ''[[RunescapeRuneScape]]'''s quests have puzzles like this. Some just plain have ridiculous logic, while others are just stupid hard.
** Just one example. At one point, you find yourself in a prison cell. You need to attract the attention of your deaf neighbour through the window between your cells. To do this {{spoiler|punch a hole in an accordion with a broken ink bottle, put a pipe into the hole, airproof the hole with inky paper, use your makeshift vacuum pump to catch a seagull, then play the accordion to ''fire the seagull into your neighbour's room''}}.
* Collecting a footprint clue in ''Murder on the Orient Express'' requires that you cast the thing in cake batter, then prevent the batter from falling apart by putting it in a big bowl of ice. Even your character's own dialogue admits how goofy the resulting "evidence" looks.
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** Also the infamous Shakespeare puzzle on Hard Riddle mode, which requires a basic knowledge of the plots of [[King Lear]], [[Hamlet]], [[Romeo and Juliet]], [[Macbeth]], and [[Othello]], and the ability to decipher an amazingly cryptic riddle involving numbers significant in the plays, that [[Bat Deduction|if it weren't the actual answer]], would almost certainly be considered [[Insane Troll Logic]].
* [[The Problem with Licensed Games|The video game adaptation of]] ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit?]]'' has a puzzle requiring the player to call Jessica Rabbit for clues on how to progress. As noted in the [[The Angry Video Game Nerd|Angry Video Game Nerd's]] [ review], most players would think to find a phone in-game to call Jessica with, when they actually have to call her toll-free number ''in real life'' and get the clues from Jessica's recording. But don't bother calling nowadays; it now leads to a porn line.
* In ''[[The Longest Journey]]'', at one point you need to get a large piece of iron off an electrified metro track. How does one accomplish this feat? By combining a clamp, a clothesline and a rubber ducky. Did I mention that to get the clamp you need to use the ring your father gave you to close an electrical circuit to fix the plumbing system of your apartment building so the clamp isn't needed to hold a pipe shut? And the duck requires the player to feed a pigeon outside their window, and it will fly down to the grate in the canal the duck is trapped under. The pigeon jars the grate, which both releases the duck, and the chain the clothesline is on. The worst part is that this action is prone to a bug in which April will act as though there's something missing from your Rube Goldberg contraption -- socontraption—so that even if you managed to figure it out, you ''still'' might be told that you're wrong (incidentally, this is one of several [[Game Breaker|game-breaking]] bugs which can only be got around by restoring a previous saved game). Also, there's a band-aid on the duck. April has to remove the band-aid, blow up the duck, and then remove it so it'll deflate and the clamp will close automatically. This puzzle stands in stark contrast to most of the other ones in the game, seeing as they are generally based on ''actual logic'', instead of a college student, for no good reason, meddling with several pieces of machinery she has no business operating.
** Later on, you have to take some candy from the jar April works at. Problem is, if the player chooses to look at the bar instead of manipulating it, April specifically says her boss doesn't like the employees eating the candy. The player might reasonably assume that this is just for the characterization of April's boss, and they shouldn't or can't take the candy, and not even bother to try. The player, admittedly, might decide to go all the way back to the bar just to retrieve the candy when they need it, so they can {{spoiler|roll it in stinky ooze and give it to a cop. The cop spits it out, and the guy he's watching thinks it was on purpose and chases him off. Yes, April will decide to, as far as she knows, ''poison a police officer'' to meet her admittedly-desperate goals.}}
** How do you remove a police officer from an accident scene?Bribe him with a soda, which the game indicates is the right thing to use? Nah, that won't work. {{spoiler|Ride the subway clear across town to put the soda in the paint shaker you may have noticed some time ago, then ride the subway all the way back, then walk to the cop and hand him the soda which has somehow not gone flat so that it sprays him in the face, forcing him to leave to change his armor?}} Correct! Please note that the solution is, in essence, intuitive, but the game forces the player to go about it in a really convoluted way. {{spoiler|The game could've simply had April shaking up the soda behind her back before handing it to the cop.}} It would've been a bit of a [[Deus Ex Machina]], but given that the audience knows April is an intelligent and capable young woman, it would probably be a more logical solution than the one that made it into the game.
* In ''[[Phantasmagoria 2]]'', one of the first puzzles you must solve is getting your wallet out from under the couch. You can [[I Can't Reach It|very clearly reach all the way under there with your hands]] (though the actor makes a valiant effort to pretend otherwise when you try), and could likewise move the couch itself without difficulty (this option doesn't present itself). The solution is to entice your pet rat to fetch it for you with a granola bar. If you listed the hundred most intuitive ways to retrieve a wallet from under a couch, this almost certainly wouldn't be on there.
* ''[[Police Quest]]: Open Season'': The skeleton key you have to obtain from a mundane-looking soda can, and the lighter in the mouth of the severed head in the refrigerator, which you combine with a can of hairspray to make a flamethrower to neutralize the Big Bad (the lighter isn't there the first time you look in the fridge, [[Guide Dang It]]).
* The following quote for the [[Zero Punctuation]] [ review] of ''[[Zack and Wiki|Zack & Wiki]]'' is actually talking about how the game ''averts'' this by only holding one item at a time.
{{quote| ''"Most of your average adventure game experience was spent carting a truckload of miscellaneous knick-knacks around, patiently rubbing them all one by one against everything else in the hope of hopping onto the train of logic unique to the game's designer."''}}
* [[Douglas Adams]]'s text adventure ''Bureaucracy'' is filled with this; in order to progress, you frequently have to use [[Insane Troll Logic]] to deal with a world designed and run by demented [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|Obstructive Bureaucrats]]s. (For example, what good is a check for negative three hundred dollars?) On the other hand, there's one puzzle, consisting of a [[Locked Door]], for which the solution is ''so straightforward'' that being too familiar with adventure game tropes can be a problem. {{spoiler|To get inside, just knock on the door.}}
* In ''[[Time Gentlemen Please]]'', there's a moment where you have to uncork a bottle, obtaining both the cork and the bottle's contents. The bottle is made of glass. However, Ben pointedly refuses to break the bottle with any of the heavy or sharp junk in his inventory, and refuses to open it with his bottle opener magnet, insisting on uncorking it. Turns out uncorking it requires a pig's corpse and a time machine.
* ''[[Starship Titanic]]'' can be like this at times. Even one of the developers admitted "These are not the thoughts of a normal person" when discussing a puzzle that involved a chicken and a suction tube.
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** [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|And the "please" dialogue box is case sensitive, and you have to do it several times to finally get him to tell you.]]
* ''[[Strife]]'' features an interesting mess. A man at the tavern asks you to steal a chalice from the Order's sanctuary and bring it to the governor for a reward. {{spoiler|This will probably get you killed when the governor locks his office door and sics several dozen Order mooks on you. You can escape out a window but it's still a pretty bad idea.}} You wouldn't figure this out unless you {{spoiler|talked with the guy you were sent to kill by another man}} and managed to put two and two together. Notably, doing this early on makes the game unwinnable since {{spoiler|after finishing a few Front missions, you need to talk to the Governor to get your next mission. So even if you survive the attack you cannot advance the plot.}}
* ''[[EarthboundEarthBound]]'' has a few of these. Getting past a giant statue of a pencil, for example, requires you to obtain and use a {{spoiler|[[A Worldwide Punomenon|Pencil Eraser.]]}}
** And to get past an eraser statue? {{spoiler|Eraser Eraser.}}
* ''[[Grim Fandango]]'' mostly plays fair with its hints (and changed the genre by trying to make it obvious what objects could and could not be interacted with), but it has a few of these, [[Disappointing Last Level|mostly late in the game]]:
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* ''[[Albion]]'' has a weird little example. You are in a room. There are two doors and a sign on the wall saying you may go through the doors if you want. Naturally, if you try to open the doors, they are locked. The solution? {{spoiler|Well, if you try a door a second time, it will open with no problem.}} Likely, you'll puzzle over it for some time the first time and try everything (there's not much you can do), and then manage to get out without knowing how you did it, but if trying it a second time immediately see what the trick was.
* ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (video game)|The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy]]'' text adventure. All of it.
* In order to beat the next to last level of the first X-Men game for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, you need to destroy a computer terminal and wait for Professor Xavier to tell you to "Reset the computer now!" How? {{spoiler|By pushing the reset button on the console itself.}} This made the game [[Unwinnable By Mistake|impossible to beat]] on the Sega Nomad since {{spoiler|that system didn't have a reset button}}. Way to think ahead, Sega.
* ''[[Doodle God]]'' is this. It's all that is. There is no plot except you combining random objects, sometimes sensibly (lava+water = steam and stone), sometimes randomly (fish + knowledge = octopus?).
* 7th Level's ''[[Monty Python And The Quest For The Holy Grail]]'' involved this throughout the whole game. A parody of point-and-click adventure games, this involved a reeeeeally long registration process at the very beginning. Guess what? The registration is necessary to complete a later section. Fortunately, you get to go back if you didn't complete it the first time around.
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** Disregarding the overcomplicated process of making the moustache, it actually makes a bit of sense; by adding an eye-catching feature like a moustache to the person you're impersonating, you're drawing attention away from other facial features that would've been much more difficult to emulate, such as jawline or nose shape.
* The ''[[Sub Machine]]'' series has a ''lot'' of point and click puzzles going on. Often times it makes sense; you put the "Lightning Stone" into the exactly-same-shaped-hole in a device to power it up, that sort of thing. But then there are the times that you patiently mouse over the entire screen of 12 different areas to find [[Pixel Hunt|one background stone to shift aside]] which gives you a seemingly normal rock that you use to counterbalance a seemingly immobile statue's set of scales to open the door and let you fill a basin with lava and... The scary part is that this sort of trail is less of a [[Mind Screw]] than the overarching story of the series itself.
* ''[[Simon the Sorcerer]] 2'' features a puzzle that is relative straightforward: Use a pair of fuzzy slippers to sneak past a monster. But the way of GETTING those slippers is absolutely bizarre, you have to use the "wear" command on a dog, which turns said dog into a pair of slippers via magic. Note that [[Captain Obvious|while Simon is a sorcerer]] that is the only point in the game where you can do magic just like that.
* ''[[Final Fantasy]]'':
** ''[[Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (video game)|Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles]]'': In order to cross through the final Miasma Stream and face the final boss, you need to find the Unknown Element hidden in the desert. Getting the Unknown Element involves casting certain spells on certain landmarks in a certain order throughout the desert. Said order is disguised as a poem told to you by Gurdy. Problem is, Gurdy tells you the poem in a sequence of [[Random Encounters]] with him. This combined with the extreme non-linearity of the game means that the player might not have gotten the poem from Gurdy before reaching the desert -or worse, gotten it so long before that by the time it becomes relevant they've forgotten about it. Once you've triggered the random encounter the only way to see the poem again is to flip through your journal... Assuming you even remember you have it.
** A well written one appears in Final Fantasy Adventure. Eight and Palm Trees, got it? Some people got it right away. Others spent years trying to figure out the puzzle. The solution? {{spoiler|Walk in a figure eight path around some palm trees in the desert}}.
* The final puzzle in System's Twilight, your goal is to reboot the system by {{spoiler|quitting and reopening the game}} but requires a giant leap of intuition since there are no hints given and most(if not all) game guides only partially reference the solution.
** In the original ''[[Final Fantasy XII]]'', in order to gain the Zodiac Spear, and incredibly powerful weapon, you had to ''not'' open four specific chests. Open even one, and the Spear is [[Lost Forever]]. There was absolutely no clue in game as to which four chests you had to leave unopened, the solution only obtainable [[Guide Damn It| from a cheat sheet]]. Fortunately, they got rid of this condition in the remastered version.
** Also in ''XII'' there is the side-quest involving Ktjn, a viera. Ktjin is full of self-doubt, feels overshadowed by her older sister, has no idea what she wants to do with her life, and asks the player for advice each time they encounter her. Most heroes would give her the old [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are]] speech, but {{spoiler| while you ''can'' do that, ''you should not''. In order to truly inspire Ktjin and get the best reward (Platinum Sword in the origina, Runeblade in ''Zodiac'') [[Tough Love| you have to give her the ''harsher'' reply each time]]. She ''will'' appreciate it in the end.}}
* The final puzzle in System's Twilight, your goal is to reboot the system by {{spoiler|quitting and reopening the game}} but requires a giant leap of intuition since there are no hints given and most(if not all) game guides only partially reference the solution.
** Or, more likely, you get frustrated by it to the point where you {{spoiler|[[Rage Quit]] in mid-puzzle}}, thus solving it accidentally.
* "[[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn|THE GOAT LEAVES NO TRACE BEHIND.]]" The puzzle consisted of three goat statues with differently-shaped bases, three correspondingly-shaped holes they needed to go into, and a floor that would change colors where one goat had passed, so the others wouldn't cross its trail. It would be an impressively tough puzzle anyway, but the hint pretty much tells you the ''opposite'' of what you need to know to solve it. {{spoiler|However, [[Stop Helping Me!|Insight Psynergy]] actually does something useful for this one.}}
Line 140 ⟶ 141:
** Secondly, that "Sky above Earth, Earth above Sea" thing? It's not as obvious as it sounds. If you look at each tome in your key items menu, you'll see their description, followed by a seemingly random series of black blobs and dashes. What do you need to do? {{spoiler|Stack the three tome's lines on top of eachother, in the order the riddle says.}} Then you'll reveal a message...
** And herein lies the third problem. You see, [[Bilingual Bonus|the message is in Japanese.]] So if you haven't studied that language, you're stuck here. Furthermore, it's a Hiragana word written in Katakana, which could throw off even fluent speakers. Presuming you can read it, you now need to know what it means. It says {{spoiler|"Haniwa". Translation: "unglazed earthen objects fashioned in ancient Japan".}} So now what?
** As it turns out, this refers to a random object that appeared to be nothing but decoration in an area you visited right at the start of the game. In the {{spoiler|Teacher's Lounge}} is a {{spoiler|statue}} that fits the description of a {{spoiler|Haniwa}}. Except it was never referred to as a {{spoiler|Haniwa}} before. And if you're not Japanese, you probably don't know what a {{spoiler|Haniwa}} looks like anyway.
** What makes this even worse is that when you FINALLY find it, which REALLY isn't likely without a guide, Megaman [[Hand Wave|Handwaves]] the whole thing by claiming the {{spoiler|statue}} has symbols on it that match the tomes. Symbols that '''are not visable to the player!''' Thankfully, the reward for all this is just money. An absolute fat ton of money, but still nothing required for [[One Hundred Percent Completion|100% Completion.]] See it in all it's glory [ here.]
* So, you're ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]: [[Strange Journey]]'', and you've just beaten the boss halfway down the last dungeon and found yourself in a huge, open area full of platforms supported high in the air on stone pillars. You explore a bit and... you're stuck. The path just ''ends''. You can check everywhere for hidden doors, examine your automap for suspicious-looking squares with a missing wall, but to no avail (and the game itself gives you absolutely no hints). The solution? {{spoiler|Walk onto the empty air}}.
* ''[[Devil May Cry]]'' 3 on the fourth mission you enter in a room with two doors, a statue and a staircase which leads to another door. The doors before the staircase are locked including the one you just came true so you have to go through the staircase but once you're in the middle of it it will break send you to a room full of enemies and then back to the room you were but with the doors unlocked. You fight the miniboss after the door in the middle and the mission ends. On the next mission you will eventually acquire the item soul of steel which hints to the statue in the mission before. So, of course, you go back there but nothing happens if you try to use the item on the statue. What to do? {{spoiler|after you acquire the soul of steel an invisible platform will be formed on where the stairs crumpled earlier on! You can walk on the air now and reach for the next door.}}
* ''[[Might and Magic]]'' had quite a few situations like this in the earlier games. For instance, completing the second game (something very few players were expected to do at the time) required gaining an artifact called the Elemental Orb, which is located in a hidden part of Dawn's Mist Cavern. However, to access this hidden room, you need four items found in the game's four castles. Once you get into this room, you find the Orb itself prevents magic from working while there, and you have to fight some powerful Guardians to get to it. Once you defeat them, then comes the hard part; even after claiming the orb, magic ''still'' doesn't work, meaning you're trapped in the room unless you leave it behind! {{spoiler|Soution: Bring a hireling along - preferably a powerful one who doesn't need magic to fight - and once you have the Orb, give it to the hireling. Then Dismiss the hireling.<ref>No matter where you are in this game, even after traveling to an Elemental Plane or to the past via a [[Time Machine]], you can always dismiss a hireling, which sends said hireling back to the last inn.</ref> Leave the dungeon using magic, then meet up with the hireling and hire him again. He'll have the Orb in his inventory. And yes, this little bit of meta [[Loophole Abuse]] is the way you are ''supposed'' to do it.}}
* The ''[[Soulsborne]]'' games are known for difficult levels, mooks that are as difficult as bosses in other games, and bosses that make [[Final Fantasy| Kafka and Sepiroth]] look like kindergartners, so naturally, they have a LOT of stuff like this. These are only the most notorious examples:
** In the original ''[[Dark Souls]]'', there’s the way you get back to the Undead Asylum, the starting era. (And by the way, there are more than one good reasons to do so, as there will be a new [[Bonus Boss]] there and an item that is used to access the Painted World of Ariamis). {{spoiler|To do so you have to take a lift near Firelink Shrine and hop off halfway up, scale a ledge that seems to serve no purpose, until you can leap to another tower, follow more ledges to the top, and find a giant nest with giant eggs. You’ll get a button prompt titled “Curl Up Like a Ball”. Once you do so, there will be another prompt called “Stand Up”, but you must NOT do that. After a full 20 seconds, the mother bird comes, grabs your character, and drops them off at the Asylum. Now, in all fairness, there is an NPC in Firelink who might tell you (among dozens of other things, including telling you to get lost) that he saw the bird fly off with someone, but you might have to talk to him about a hundred times first.}}
** In ''[[Dark Souls 3]]'', the Ringed City DLC is only obtainable once you’ve progressed very far in the game, so a player might think there’s not much left that can challenge them. Wishful thinking. In the final area there’s an NPC named Lapp who tells you that the Purging Monument - which he cannot find - is needed to progress further. There’s a slab nearby that tells you to “Show Your Mortality”. Huh, okay, “mortality” was something in the first game… It was the inverse of “hollowing”, but this game has no equivalent… But in that game, hollowing could be reversed with a Purging Stone, and that ''is'' an item in ''this'' game, and you need to find a Purging Monument! Puzzle solved, right? {{spoiler|Uh, no, do so and you’ll only waste a Purging Stone. (Sadistic devs, remember?) Truthfully, there is no “monument” to find, you have to backtrack to the swamp area. Then you either have to use a Young White Branch or the spell Chameleon each of which turns your player into a monument that fits the area. If done in the swamp, it might turn you into an odd ghost-like creature called a Humanity. (Might, mind you, while the swamp is the only area where it can turn you into a Humanity, there are other options.) Oh, and if you take even one point of damage, the effect will be undone, so make sure you kill [[Big Creepy-Crawlies| the big locust monster]] that you encountered on the way first.}}
** In ''[[Demon Souls]]'', Yuria is a [[Hot Witch]] (with [[Nice Hat| a really cool hat]]) who can teach you advanced spells - but first you have to rescue her from a tower prison. Once you gain the keys to access the tower, it seems the topmost floor (where Yuria languishes) is inaccessible; you likely won’t even see the [[Fat Bastard| Fat Official]] up there, or realize he can lower a staircase to let you up. Not that he will {{spoiler| unless you go hunt other Fat Officials until you have a complete set of their armor and then put it on so the guard thinks you’re an ally. Obviously the devs thought this would be a tough one because no player would want to wear that armor for any other reason, because it isn’t very helpful and makes you look ''stupid''. Once you do this, there seems to be one more problem that might confuse the player - Yuria won't talk to you and tells you to go away. Why? She thinks your a jailer because you're wearing the armor, [[Stating the Simple Solution| just take it off]].}}
** In ''[[Dark Souls 2]]'', the boss of the Earthen Peak is Mytha the Dark Queen, [[Snake People| a lamia]] who carries her severed head and uses it [[Epic Flail| like a flail]]. What makes the boss fight dangerous, however, is not Mytha’s attacks, but the arena, where you have to fight her knee deep in poisonous sludge. This will force your character to fight with a continual Poison debuff, meaning you’ll spend far more time trying to avoid Mytha and healing yourself than making any offensive actions. And even if you ''do'' wound her, the poison heals her! In order to even the playing field you have to drain the sludge, but how do you do that? Simple, {{spoiler|you go to the bonfire, light a torch, climb onto a ledge near the bonfire (that clearly does not lead anywhere) up to where the hub of the windmill is (which is obviously made of metal) and set fire to it. Which destroys the windmill and disables a pump mechanism that prevents Mytha’s lair from draining. The chance of figuring this out yourself is very slim, there’s no NPC that can tell you this and the windmill has no button prompt at all unless you are actually holding a lit torch. Still, when you figure this out, it makes the battle with Mytha much easier. Not ''easy'', mind you, ''easier'', this is still Dark Souls.}}
** Whether ''[[Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice]]'' can be considered a ''Soulsborne'' game is debatable due to the difference in genres and combat systems, but it still has a lot of this stuff. For example, while almost all the quests for the [[Golden Ending| Return Ending]] are hard to find (many can only be done when certain conditions are met) the hardest is the one where you have to bring the Divine Child two Persimmons of the Serpent, which is a nice name for Dried Serpent Viscera. Getting them requires finding a hidden cave behind a poison swamp (yes, this is ''definitely'' a Soulsborne game), where you discover [[Physical God|the Great Serpent]] itself lounging in it. So, you have to fight the Great Serpent to get its viscera? Uh, no, NOT a wise idea, you’re dead if it even sees you. {{spoiler|What you have to do sneak around the cave towards a cowering Monkey, and then use your Puppeteer Ninjitsu skill on it; this causes the Monkey to panic and flee, [[We Need a Distraction| distracting the Great Serpent]] and exposing a grapple point behind it; use it, and then enter the temple it was guarding, which contains the viscera of a smaller - and dead - serpent.}}
** In ''[[Bloodborne]]'', getting the Moon Rune is one of those puzzles where you wonder how in the world anyone discovered it. Only three are in the game, and one of them is obtained by first {{spoiler| defeating Micolash, Host of the Nightmare, an act that causes [[Eldritch Abomination| the Brain of Mensis]] to plunge down a dark shaft. Then you have to descend using an elevator into the gloomy chamber where it landed and confront it (it’s a giant, ''very ugly'' brain-thing with a big eye on the front, but it won’t attack you if you do not strike first) and then make a “Make Contact Gesture” (gestures are usually only used in online PVP to greet other players) and then hold it ''for a full minute'' before it gives you the rune. You can fight it then if you want, [[Bonus Boss| but doing so is optional]].}}
** ''[[Elden Ring]]''. If you are unfortunate enough to accidentally confront [[Eldritch Abomination| the Three Fingers]] (or curious to do do it on purpose), an embodiment of malevolent Chaos that lurks behind an ominous door in the Cathedral of the Forsaken, you will be tainted by the Frenzied Flame, a curse that will eventually turn the player into the [[God of Evil| Lord of Frenzied Flame]], which means your playthrough (likely dozens of hours long) is locked off from all but the [[Bad Ending]] of the game. But don’t despair, there is a cure! {{spoiler|First defeat Commander O’Neil, who drops and Unalloyed Gold Needle. Take it to Gowry who tells you to take it to Millicent, who then tells you to meet here in three locations (all are easy to miss). Do that, and she tells you to get a Valkyrie’s Prosthesis, which is in the Shaded Castle. Then fight and defeat the Godskin Apostle, go find Millicent in more locations, find her Summon Sign in the most difficult optional area of the game (unlocked by defeating a mini boss), help her defeat her four evil sisters, then take the Unalloyed Needle back to her before she dies. Then you must defeat Malenia, Blade of Miquella (the hardest boss in the game), pick the flower that appears to gain Miquella’s Needle, find the hidden trail of rocks in Crumbling Farem Azula, use the portal to get to the lair of Dragonlord Placidusax (the ''second'' hardest boss in the game) defeat him, and then, ''while still in the arena'', use Miquella’s Needle, which will cure the Frenzied Flame. ''Good luck'' figuring all THAT out without a cheat sheet. Of course the irony of all this is, if you ''do'' have a cheat sheet, it would likely also tell you to stay the hell away from the Three Fingers so you won’t have to go through all that.}}
* ''[[Pokémon]]'':
** One of the most innovative and interesting game mechanics introduced in the franchise was how Mons would evolve when they gained experience. In most cases, a Mon simply had to reach a certain experience level, but many Mons evolved in special ways, like with items (such as Pikachu), being traded (like Haunter) traded with an item (Scyther), maximum Happiness (Chansey), or maximum Happiness at a certain time of the day (Umbreon). Some Mons had weird and/or gimmicky evolution conditions, like Tyrogue, who evolves into one of three Pokemon, depending on how its ATK compares to its DEF, Nincada (which evolves into two Pokemon when it reaches lvl 20, but only if its trainer has a free space in their party and at least one Pokeball in their inventory), or even Inkay, who evolves if the player turns his console device upsidedown when it reaches lvl 30. (Yeah, that’s pretty cool.) But the Mon that really fits this Trope is the Galarian Yamask, introduced in ''[[Pokémon Sword and Shield]]''. Unlike the original Yamask from ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'' who evolves into Cofagrigus simply by hitting lvl 34, the Galarian Yamask is complicated to say the least. First you have to battle other Pokemon until its hp is lowered to least 49 lower than its total via attacks, without it being knocked out. (Level does not matter, so long as it has enough hp to survive, and losing hp via means other than Pokemon attacks, like weather conditions or the move Curse ''do not count''.) Then you must take the wounded Yamask to the Dusty Bowl (an area not even close to where you can catch a Yamask) find an unassuming arch-shaped rock formation, and run under it; if that is done, your Yamask evolves into Runerigus. Naturally, most players evolve Yamask after looking the solution up online, but it’s hard to imagine just how anyone discovered this in order to post it online. There’s not a single clue in-game that suggests the arch is important, there's no clue that this alternate evolution of Yamask even exists (no trainer, not even Ghost Pokémon specialist Allister uses it until the Galarian Star Tournament at the post game) and it’s almost impossible to discover this by accident, seeing as once you catch a Yamask on Route 6 there’s really no reason to take it to the Dusty Bowl to level-grind it.
** In ''[[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]'' (specifically the “Indigo Disk” DLC) the method in which you unlock Meloetta (a [[Olympus Mons| Mythical Pokemon]]) is another of those events that is so complex you wonder how anyone discovered it - indeed, the authors of most internet guides on the game say that when this was first revealed by a blogger on [[TikTok]], they thought it was a joke. To wit, {{spoiler| first you go to a certain clearing in the Coastal Biome near a waterfall and find a breeze where leaves blow around your character; the breeze occurs in a few areas, but when you stand in the correct one, the background music will tone down. Then you have to spin your character clockwise for ten seconds (as in, the special “spin animation” that occurs by twirling the left control stick continuously) Once that is done, you must turn the camera on and switch to the Sepia filter. If this works, you will hear Meloetta singing and it will appear nearby, allowing the player to battle and catch it.}} The only clue you get about this is a vague hint from an NPC, which is very easy to miss.
== [[Alternate Reality Game]] ==
* Many ''[[Perplex City]]'' cards of higher difficulty.
* [ Junko Junsui]/She Stirs, which was only arguably even an ARG (it insisted it was not) was notable for being heavily investigation/communication based and only rarely involving puzzles, but it STILL gave into this several times. Resulted in several [[Face Palm]] moments for all of the major players when the solutions to each puzzle turned out to be obvious looking back, but only if you happened to guess just the right thing.
* where.gif. [ Friggin where.gif!] The image was a mirror image of a circle, with the square root of sixty four inside it. From this, the ARG gamers were supposed to figure out to {{spoiler|find the digit location of eight eights in a row in the number pi, not including the 3 point. And then type it, ''backwards'', in the admin box.}}
* ''[[In theThe Groove]] 2'' released their song-unlock codes this way every month or so, but no matter how hard the puzzles got the rabid fanbase could always solve them in a matter of hours, if not minutes.
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== [[Game Show|Game Shows]]s ==
* Some of the more esoteric clues from ''[[Jeopardy!]]'' will be like this, mainly by throwing a "[ tease-out metric]" that all but gives away the right response in what would otherwise be a much harder clue (e.g. "As [[Popeye]]'s adopted baby could tell you, April brings this flower." "What is {{spoiler|Sweet pea}}?")
* [[Only Connect]] drifts from unusual connections into this at times - The most infamous example probably being a sequence question, the answer being the next in the sequence: Central = 1, Circle = 2, District = 3, ??? - The answer being {{spoiler|1=Bakerloo = 4. London Underground lines sequenced by the correspondingly coloured snookerball value.}}
Line 167 ⟶ 180:
* There's apparently the special sort of bad gamemasters who turn games into "read my mind" puzzles. Usually the players either get too frustrated and never return or go loonie and ram everything they can [[Off the Rails]] with extreme prejudice on general principle. As posters on /tg/ [ described the experience] -
'''poster 1''': At first, we described it as having to jump through hoops to get anywhere. <br />
'''poster 1''': Then it became jumping through hoops in a particular order in a room full of hoops, some of which are dummy hoops. <br />
'''poster 1''': Then it became jumping through hoops in a particular order, in a room full of hoops with some dummy hoops that'd reset your attempt, and the hoops were all invisible. <br />
'''poster 1''': Then: the hoops were on fire too. <br />
'''poster 2''': The description I got from a friend who had to deal with a DM like this went "It was like playing Sherlock Holmes in a sensory deprivation tank." }}
* In mainstream ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' vampires tend to have traditional weaknesses; they hate garlic and mirrors, can’t cross running water, must be invited before entering a home, and are destroyed by sunlight, and can be killed if a stake is driven through its heart and its head is then cut off and the mouth filled with holy wafers (or the equivalent). Standard stuff. However, ''[[Ravenloft]]'' in 2nd Edition made it harder with [[Our Vampires Are Different| a plethora of non-human vampires]] (as in, not human before becoming undead), and all of them had different weaknesses. For example, take the Dwarven Vampire. It has no problem crossing running water, but cannot cross a line drawn with powdered metal; it doesn’t need to be invited, but cannot enter a structure that is not at least partially made of stone (you’re safe in a wooden thatched hut, but a sitting duck in a large dwarven fortress). To actually kill one, it must be impaled on a naturally formed stone stalactite or stalagmite (one created by magic will not work), then its heart must be cut out, soaked in oil for three days, then burned. Yeah, try figuring all ''that'' out without consulting the ''Monstrous Compendium'' entry. And that’s for dwarves, there are separate methods for elf, gnome, halfling, drow, and kender vampires, plus human variants like the cerebral vampire, and vampires of ''all'' varieties in Ravenloft become [[Stronger with Age]], making them resistant or immune to some weaknesses. In all fairness, this is meant to encourage roleplaying, storytelling, and in-game research, concepts common in a Ravenloft setting.
== Webcomic ==
* Being a combination of webcomic and [[Interactive Comic|reader-progressed adventure game]], ''[[Wicked Awesome Adventure]]'' frequently brings its characters up against this trope. It lampshaded a [[Moon Logic Puzzle]] with [ this] turn.
* ''[[Problem Sleuth]]'' gloriously parodies this sort of puzzle, in part by applying the usual [[Insane Troll Logic]] to the entire setting. Even giving it its own [[Game FAQsGameFAQs]] category, "Weird Puzzle Shit".
Line 182 ⟶ 196:
* The much-hated "Rockbusters" segment on ''[[The Ricky Gervais Show]].''
** Karl also thought up a few "lateral thinking" puzzles. They prompted Ricky Gervais to respond with this one:
{{quote| "A bloke, just in his swimming trucks, walks into a swimming pool full of man-eating sharks. He walks around for a bit, and slowly gets out the other side, and he's not bitten or anything. Why not?" Answer: {{spoiler|I was lying about the sharks.}}}}
== Other Puzzles ==
* Lateral thinking puzzles, when they actually give you enough information to solve them on your own and don't have an out-of-left-field [[Tomato Surprise]].
* There is [ one particular puzzle] which you will either get right away (if you have the right mindset) or be stumped on for hours (if you don't). As explained by the article writer:
{{quote| There are logical puzzles that are very difficult, and some that are trivially easy. But there is one that is both. At least in my experience. I have told the following to a substantial number of people. About half look at me in bafflement and do not know what the question is. The solution is so obvious to them that they have to see someone ponder over it for an hour to believe that anyone could not see the solution instantaneously.}}
** The answer is: {{spoiler|if the grandfather died immediately, [[Undead Author|how do we know what he was dreaming?]]}}
*** This is the basis of a ''Twilight Zone'' episode, sort of. {{spoiler|A man comes into a room, feverish, ill, lies on a couch, and falls asleep. He dreams of terrible tortures, and running from his unseen tormentor, before dying by falling off a cliff. When he is discovered to have died of a heart attack in his sleep, someone comments that he wants to go like that, "Peacefully," in his sleep.}}
* During an episode of ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', the gang come across an exam center that grants a badge if you score high enough on their exams. Unfortunately for them, most of the questions are these. For example, in a silhouette question, they're given a circle. You'd expect it to be one of the Voltorb family, but nope. {{spoiler|It's a Jigglypuff shown from above.}}
** This particular question is repeated in ''[[Hey You, Pikachu!]]'' during the Pokemon Quiz. Even when the player knows it's {{spoiler|Jigglypuff}}, the player still needs to specify that it's the {{spoiler|''top of'' Jigglypuff}}.
== Real Life ==
* Zen [[Koan|Koans]]s. Consider: A monk asked Zhaozhou, "What is the meaning of the ancestral teacher's coming from the west?" Zhaozhou said, "The cypress tree in front of the hall". This is an actual koan from The Gateless Gate.
** The real trick is, that's not the answer. That's a ''question.'' The student is expected to learn and understand this exchange, and come up with the proper response.
* The [[MIT Mystery Hunt]] is practically ''made'' of these types of puzzles.
* Think of words that end with "-gry". The first two are "hungry" and "angry". There are three words in the English language. Which is the third one? .<ref>"language", of course</ref>.
** Another variation that works best when spoken uses the pronounciation of "-gry", in which case the answer is "agree", "degree", "pedigree" or any such word.
* Which weighs more - a pound of gold or a pound of feathers? <ref>The feathers weigh more, being measured in avoirdupois pounds that are somewhat heavier than troy pounds.</ref>
Line 207 ⟶ 221:
* The Ace Attorney online gag-trial "Glase Canon: Ludicrous Lawyer" is full of (failed versions) of this.
* ''Sideways Arithmetic from [[Wayside School]]'' is built around weird puzzles. How much is EARS plus HEAR?
{{quote| "SWEAR!" And [[Butt Monkey|Todd was sent home on the kindergarten bus because you're not supposed to swear in school]].}}
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