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This trope describes a situation in a work of fiction, in which a prominent vehicle used by characters in the story is itself endowed with the qualities of being a character in the eyes of the audience. This is especially probable if said vehicle is essential to the advancement of the plot of the work or the actions of the main characters. Such endowment is represented by sorrow or grief in the event of the destruction of said vehicle. See [[Spaceship Girl]] for when the ship is literally a character.
== Anime ==
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* ''[[Back to the Future (film)|Back to The Future]]'' Franchise - The destruction of the DMC time machine at the end of the third film has been known to cause some viewers to shed a tear or two.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek the Original Series]]" - ''[[Star Trek III: The Search For Spock|The Search for Spock]]'' - When the original Enterprise burned up over Genesis, Star Trek fans cried the world over.
* ''[[Star Trek Generations]]'' - Essentially the same thing with the Enterprise D. [[Running Gag|That's what happens when you let Troi drive.]]
* ''[[Chitty Chitty Bang Bang]]'' - This instance of the trope is not so much the fault of the audience as it is the fault of the main characters who endow Chitty as a character themselves. One may notice that the characters only take it so far; for example, they never refer to Chitty as 'he,' only as 'it.'
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== Tabletop Game ==
* ''[[Rogue Trader]]'' supports it in mechanics: in addition to choice of hardware and crew training level, PC and NPC ships have quirks or complications - normally, one roll on Past Histories table and one on Machine Spirit Oddities (such as "Martial Hubris" or "Stoic").
== Web Original ==
* This is often literally true of spacecraft in ''[[Fenspace]]'' -- even if [[Applied Phlebotinum|handwavium]] didn't create a governing [[Artificial Intelligence]] outright, the inevitable quirking results in ships with unique "personalities".