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** While acquiring Schlock some new eyes (after his were gouged out in a particularly brutal fight) the Toughs are continually faced with a more numerous but far less able enemy. Culminates in the enemy fleet attacking Petey in the belief that any '''ex'''-Tausennigan warship can't possibly have a working AI. They are "[ rather fatally mistaken]".
* ''[[Megatokyo]]'': It is not a good idea to [ try groping Erika].
* In ''[[Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic]]'', a foxwoman finds a young man going to visit his grandmother. She takes human form, lures him with the promise of random sex, and then shifts into her foxwoman form, making it look she's going to eat him. [ Turns out the man is a shapeshifted dragon.]
** Later a variation when an adventuring party [ captured] Gren and Wolf to try and use them as guides. These two don't struggle, but for some reason fail to take this situation seriously and start giving a [[Tour Guide Gag|guided tour style lecture]] on geology and history of the Black Mountain. That she is expected home a hour ago by her beholder boyfriend and he's currently the prince-consort of the local Drow Queen may have something to do with this.
* ''[[Blip]]''
** [ Done here.] The would-be victims are a vampire and a witch. A vampire, incidentally, who appears to have once been the Queen of Demons before she and Lucifer broke up.
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* The infamous Sony CD manufacter-sponsored rootkit would probably have had a longer run out in the wild if one of the first computers it had infected [ hadn't belonged to Mark Russinovich] -- a senior Microsoft executive who invented most of the debugging, process monitoring, and system monitoring utilities for the Windows operating system, was a significant contributor to the Windows source code, and was one of the only human beings on Earth actually capable of doing the kernel-level debugging and audit of Windows XP necessary to find the rootkit in action.
** It gets better. He was also the developer of Windows' original RootkitRevealer utility.
* Some rather clumsy scammers were unlucky enough [ to catch parents of a computer security expert] with scareware. Hilarity (and irony of the "antivirus vendors" receiving a "photo of my credit card" infected with the hottest disk-encrypting malware at the time) ensues.