My Master, Right or Wrong: Difference between revisions

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** Later, Azuma does whatever Hades tells him to do and points out that he dislikes it.
* More or less, [[Soul Eater|Crona]] to Medusa, his/her mother. {{spoiler|She tells him/her to spy on the DWMA after he/she had made friends with them...and he/she reluctantly agrees}}.
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'':
** In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! (anime)|the original anime]]'', Odion was a top ranked member of his master Marik's Rare Hunters, even though he knew Marik's plans were evil. Odion stayed by his side because he was the only one who could keep Marik's darker side at bay.
** In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS]]'', Nails has a "My Employer Right or Wrong" approach. Despite being far more competent than most of the Goha executives, he always does what they tell him, no matter how unethical or foolish their orders are, even after befriending Yuga and becoming a welcome member of the Rush Duel Club. Eventually, during his duel with Asana, she gave him [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] along with a lecture on the dangers of blind loyalty, and he saw her point, telling the Goha Siblings he was resigning his position.
* Played with with Goku in [[Saiyuki]], who starts the series as this towards Sanzo, and through the power of character development, realizes that he will continue west not for Sanzo, but for his own reasons. It helps that Sanzo prefers people live for their own reasons anyways, and thinks living for others is stupid (probably something to do with the fact that he once lived for the sake of his master, and was left with quite a conundrum when said master died)
* Seems to be the case with the Nations, in ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]''. Several points show that the Nations follow orders that they don't understand (Russia digging a trench with no tools or food, Germany looking for the Holy Grail, America having to say the Roswell UFO was a weather balloon, etc) or don't like (Ukraine crying because her boss forbid her to see Russia). One comic also has Russia say that he can befriend the Italies only now that his boss and their boss have become allies. Exactly how strict this is not made certain, although fanfiction writers like to speculate.
* In [[Pandora Hearts]], Glen Baskerville {{spoiler|apparently}} told his servants to kill everyone gathered in his mansion {{spoiler|during the chain transferring ceremony}}. Lotti was startled and asked if he was serious but committed the act nonetheless. Much later, she admits that she never knew ''why'' he ordered the slaughter that started off the Tragedy of Sablier but that since he was her master, she would not disobey him.
== Comic Books ==