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Mythology is a genre of works, [[Older Than Dirt|one of the oldest]] genres recognized (that is, codified as a genre) today, and is also a major contributor to the origin of the [[Fantasy]] genre. Though often thought of as a "dead" genre that only contains ancient works, mythology exists in most religions and cultures, and continues to be invented and reinterpreted all the time - the [[Hero's Journey]] is a myth cycle, to name one group of modern myths. The genre is generally divided into myths and legends, although the differences between them are fuzzy, subjective, and somewhat culture-specific.
{{Trope workshop}}
Mythology is a genre of works, [[Older Than Dirt|one of the oldest]] genres recognized (that is, codified as a genre) today, and is also a major contributor to the origin of the [[Fantasy]] genre. Though often thought of as a "dead" genre that only contains ancient works, mythology exists in most religions and cultures, and continues to be invented and reinterpreted all the time. The genre is generally divided into myths and legends, although the differences between them are fuzzy, subjective, and somewhat culture-specific.
Mythology has been passed around using several different media: while the genre certainly began with [[Oral Tradition]], it also includes [[Literature]] composed in writing from the start, as well as [[Music]], visual arts, and [[Theatre]].
Because bodies of mythology have huge numbers of authors and are continually developed over centuries or millennia, any given story is likely to come in [[Depending Onon the AuthorWriter|multiple versions]], so internal contradictions are pretty much inevitable, so beware of [[Continuity Snarl|Continuity Snarls]]s. Most religions (especially the non-Abrahamic ones) do not have a defined [[Canon]] that accepts some stories and excludes others. Because cultures, religions, and theology change over time, myths and legends from different centuries may handle the same subjects, deities, and human characters in very different ways, leading to constant [[Adaptation]] and re-interpretation. For this reason, it is not a good idea assume that any story is [[Older Than Dirt]] just because it's mythical.
In English the words "myth" and "mythology" are often used to mean "widely believed falsehood" or "total fiction, ", which is why many people object to using such words for their own culture. [[I Thought It Meant|However]], the older meanings of these words lack the negative connotations. "Mythology" is also the study of myths and legends, and as a genre myths are not automatically defined as false or untrue. Though myths can be analyzed like fictional stories, the reality behind them is usually theological subject, especially when divine figures are involved.
<small>(to be commented out: This page is not the place to give your opinions or discuss whether any particular myth or religion is true or false.)</small>
Myths are sacred narratives dealing with subjects such as deities, God, acts of creation, the afterlife, the nature of human souls, and the origin of good and evil. They may tell a [[Creation Myth]] or [[Just-So Story]], express theology and cosmology, or relate themes and tropes to human nature. Most cultures and religions have some mythic narratives, though people both within and between traditions differ in how literally or metaphorically they interpret and believe their myths.
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Legends may concern the ancestors of a particular culture or family, or the origin of a human group, institution, or practice. They often also cover what we call history today.
'''[[Folklore]]''' and '''[[Fairy Tales]]'''
The term "folklore" was coined in the 19th century as an umbrella term for the entirety of the traditions of a people, ethnic group or subgroup. Folklorists (people who research folklore) divide their subject of study into four areas: physical (artefacts, folk art, traditional costume), behavioral (customs, rituals, festivals, traditional games), cultural, and oral. The part of folklore that interests us on this wiki is typically the oral one, also called [[Oral Tradition]].
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Typical forms of folk narratives are folk tales, folk legends and folk ballads. Even shorter forms of oral tradition include folk songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, and jokes.
'''Folktales''' are often equated with [[Fairy Tale|fairy tales]]s, though folklorists prefer the former term as "fairy tale" is a somewhat vague term that has no hard definition. The classification of folktales is a matter on which much ink has been spilled; the following is a list of common categories, though these are not necessarily complete nor mutually exclusive:
* Wonder tales: Quintessential fairy tales, whowhich deal with mostly young heroes or heroines overcoming supernatural enemies, [[Curse|curses]]s or enchantments; often receiving equally [[Supernatural Aid]] in the process. Examples: "[[Rapunzel]]," "[[Sleeping Beauty]]," "[[Rumpelstiltskin]]," "[[Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (novel)|Snow White]]," and many more.
* Realistic Tales (a.k.a. "novellas"): Tales werewhere supernatural elements play only minor parts or none at all (though the plot may not necessarily be ''probable''). Examples: "King Thrushbeard," various stories of the "[[Judgment of Solomon]]" type.
* Stupid Ogre Tales: Clever, mostlyusually young hero outwits a stupid ogre, giant, devil, or some other non-human enemy of that kind. Examples: "[[The Brave Little Tailor]]," "[[Jack and the Beanstalk]]."
* [[Beast Fable|(Beast) fablesFables]]: Moral tales that very frequently use animals, with their associated stereotypes, to exemplify a lesson. Examples: [[Aesop's Fables]], "[[The Farmer and the Viper]]" type tales.
* Animal tales: Tales with animal heroes. They rely on the same [[Animal Stereotypes]] as beast fables, however they aim for pure entertainment, not moral lessons. Almost always, the tale is about how an ostensibly weaker animal outwits a larger, stronger or otherwise seemingly superior one. Examples: "The Hare and the Hedgehog," "The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids."
* Religious Tales: Superhuman/divine forces punish evil or foolish behavior and reward honest or morally exemplary behavior. In the West, they often took the form of "legends of Saints," but the type itself is not tied to any specific religion. See "[[Honest Axe]]"-type stories; even Perrault's comical "[[The Ludicrous Wishes]]" is at its core a religious tale.
* [[Just-So Story|Just -So Stories]]: What it says. Can be moral in tone, funny, or both. Example: "How the Bear lost its Tail"
* Cautionary Tales: Tales told specifically to children to deter them from undesirable behaviour by means of [[Scare'Em Straight]]. Consequently they often result in a [[Downer Ending]]. "[[Little Red Riding Hood]]" is a quintessential cautionary tale.
* Nursery Tales: Tales specifically intended for smaller children. They often take the form of a "chain tale" (or "cumulative tale") –- the same loop repeats over and over again (though with a little change each time). The plot is usually quite silly, as the fun is more in telling them lively, and they often contain verses that children can learn. Typical nursery tales are "[[The Gingerbread Man]]" and "[[Goldilocks]]" (a.k.a. "The Three Bears").
* Tall Tales: Obvious absurdities for entertainment's sake. The name derives from a specific type of such stories about people or things that are improbably tall, such as the [[Paul Bunyan]] stories. But Tall Tales are not necessarily about tall things; the [[Tom Thumb]] stories, about a hero that is impossibly ''small'', are (ironically) rooted in the Tall Tale genre too.
* Joke Stories and Anecdotes: Funny stories about people that are [[The Ditz|exceptionally dumb]], clever [[Trickster|tricksters]]s that make fools of their fellowmenfellow men, and other droll stories. Often satirize human flaws like avarice, hypocrisy and foolishness.
'''Folk Legends''' differ from folk tales in that they have an (at least vaguely) fixed setting in time and space. In their origins, they are passed down as something that really happened, or at least ''possibly'' happened; this is their difference from folk ''tales'', which are always considered to be non-factual. Of course, the modern age has made this distinction a little more blurry, as we don't believe any more in the historical reality of "[[The Pied Piper of Hamelin]]" (a folk legend) than we do in the story of "[[Hansel and Gretel]]" (a folk tale). Even today, however, the notion that there is "a true core" behind legends is still quite common. Many folk legends are [[Ghost Story|ghost stories]]; others extol the memorable deeds of [[Folk Hero|Folk Heroes]]es. To think that all folk legends are products of past ages is a mistake, though: The modern age continues to spawn its own folk legends, commonly called [[Urban Legend|Urban Legends]]s.
'''Folk Ballads''' are not so much a separate genre, but rather folk tales or folk legends packaged in folk song (see [[Narrative Poem]]).
== List of works{{examples|Works pages for myths and legends: ==}}
(This list is a work in progress.)
=== Largely Religion and Myth ===
* [[Aboriginal Australian Myths]]
* Abrahamic Sacred Texts
** ''[[The Bible]]'' -- The ''Old Testament'' and ''New Testament''
** ''[[The Quran]]''
** ''[[The Talmud]]''
* [[Aztec Mythology]]
* [[Celtic Mythology]] (Welsh and Irish)
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* [[Mesopotamian Mythology]]
** ''[[Enuma Elish]]''
** ''[[Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld|Inannas Descent to The Netherworld]]''
* [[Native American Mythology]]
* [[Norse Mythology]]
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* [[Slavic Mythology]]
=== Largely Legend ===
* [[Ars Goetia]]
* [[Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti]]
* [[Chupacabra]]
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* [[Twenty Five Tales of the Vetala]]
* [[Wendigo]]
* [[The White Witch of Rose Hall]]
==== Heroic Legend ====
=== Arabian ===
* The [[Arabian Hero Cycles]]
=== FolkloreChina ===
* ''[[Journey to the West]]''
=== Classical (ancient Greek and Roman) ===
==== Heroic Legend ====
== Arabian ==
* The [[Arabian Hero Cycles]]
== Classical (ancient Greek and Roman) ==
* ''[[The Aeneid]]''
* ''[[The Iliad]]''
* ''[[Odyssey|The Odyssey]]''
* The lost works of the [[The Trojan Cycle|Trojan Cycle]].
*** ''[[Cypria]]''
*** ''[[Little IliadAethiopis]]''
*** ''[[AethiopisLittle Iliad]]''
*** ''[[Sack of Ilion]]''
*** ''[[Returns]]''
*** ''[[Telegony]]''
* ''[[The Metamorphoses]]''
* Many works of Ancient Greek tragedy:
** ''[[Ajax]]''
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** ''[[The Women of Trachis]]''
=== English ===
* ''[[Beowulf]]''
=== Finnish ===
* ''[[The Kalevala]]''
=== French ===
* ''[[The Song of Roland]]''
=== German ===
* ''[[Nibelungenlied]]''
=== Indian ===
* ''[[Mahabharata]]''
* ''[[Ramayana]]''
=== Irish ===
* ''[[Táin Bó Cúailnge|Tain Bo Cuailnge]]''
=== Mesopotamia (Sumerian/Babylonian/Akkadian) ===
* ''[[The Epic of Gilgamesh]]''
=== Norse ===
* ''[[Nibelungenlied]]''
* The [[The Icelandic Sagas|Icelandic Legendary Sagas]], such as:
** ''[[Ragnar Lodbrok and His Sons]]''
** ''[[The Saga of the Volsungs]]''
** ''[[The Saga of the Jomsvikings]]''
** ''[[The Saga of Hrolf Kraki]]''
** ''[[The Tale of Norna-Gest]]''
* The Kings' Sagas, such as:
** ''[[Heimskringla]]''
=== Persian ===
* ''[[The Shahnameh]]'' -- Contains some of the first tales of [[Knight in Shining Armor|Knighthood]], [[Heroic Albino|Underestimated Albinos]] and [[Talking Animal|talking]] [[Giant Flyer|Giant Birds]] such as the Simurgh.
=== Russian & Ukrainian ===
* The ''byliny'', heroic lays that often feature [[Russian Mythology and Tales|the bogatyrs (old times heroes)]]
=== Welsh ===
* [[King Arthur]] was a Welsh hero before he morphed into the [[Non-Action Guy]] known from many a [[Chivalric Romance]].
* The ''[[Mabinogion|The Mabinogion]]''
==== Religious Legend ====
[This category is for stuff like the Christian legends of saints, if we had any such works. I wonder if the ''[[The Life of Milarepa]]'' belongs into this category.]
* ''[[The Life of Milarepa]]''
==== Folk Legend: See the 'Folklore' section below. ====
* [[Mountain Folklore]] -- old American folklore offrom the Appalachian mountains.
* [[Nautical Folklore]] -- sailorsSailors' folklore throughthroughout the ages.
=== Folklore ===
* [[Nautical Folklore]]
* [[The Liar (folktale)|The Liar]]
* [[Ara the Handsome]]
==== Folktales and folktale characters [Literary Fairy Tales will go ''only'' on [[Fairy Tale]], traditional fairy tales will be on both indexes.] ====
[Literary Fairy Tales will go ''only'' on [[Fairy Tale]], traditional fairy tales will be on both indexes.]
* [[Fearsome Critters of American Folklore]]
* [[Ludas Matyi]]
* [[Golem]]
* [[Headless Horseman]]
=== Fairy Tales ===
* "[[Adalmina's Pearl|Adalminas Pearl]]"
* "[[Ara the Handsome]]"
* ''[[Arabian Nights]]'' -- Huge collection of Middle Eastern and South Asian folktales. Big-ass [[Framing Device]].
** "[[Aladdin (novel)|Aladdin]]"
** "[[Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves]]"
** "[[Sinbad the Sailor]]"
* The [[Baba Yaga]], a recurring figure in Russian folktales
* "[[Beauty and The Beast]]"
* "[[The Black Swan]]"
* "[[Bluebeard]]"
* "[[The Brave Little Tailor]]"
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* "[[Brother and Sister]]"
* "[[Childe Rowland]]"
* "[[The Children of Lir]]"
* "[[Cinderella (novel)|Cinderella]]"
* "[[Dick Whittington and His Cat]]"
* "[[Donkeyskin]]"
* "[[East of the Sun and West of the Moon]]"
* "[[The Elves and The Cobbler]]"
* "[[The Emperor's New Clothes]]"
* "[[The Enchanted Stag]]"
* "[[The Fair One with Golden Locks]]"
* "[[The Frog Prince]]"
* "[[Hansel and Gretel]]"
* "[[Hop-o'-My-Thumb]]"
* "[[Jack and the Beanstalk]]"
* "[[Jack the Giant Killer]]"
* "[[King of the Golden River]]"
* "[[The Liar Folktale]]"
* "[[The Light Princess]]"
* "[[Little Red Riding Hood]]"
* "[[The Ludicrous Wishes]]"
* [[Merlin]] figures as a supporting character in some English fairy tales.
* "[[Molly Whuppie]]"
* "[[Peter and The Wolf]]"
* "[[The WhitePied WitchPiper of Rose HallHamelin]]"
* "[[The Princess and the Pea]]"
* "[[Puddocky]]"
* "[[Puss in Boots (novel)|Puss in Boots]]"
* "[[Rapunzel]]"
* "[[Rumpelstiltskin]]"
* "[[The Shadow (novel)|The Shadow]]"
* "[[Sleeping Beauty]]"
* "[[The Snow Queen]]"
* "[[Snow-White and Rose-Red]]"
* "[[Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (novel)|Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs]]"
* "[[Sun,The Moon,Steadfast andTin Talia|Sun Moon and TaliaSoldier]]"
* "[[Sun, Moon, and Talia]]"
* "[[Tatterhood]]"
* The [[Tom Thumb]] tales
* "[[The Twelve Dancing Princesses]]"
* "[[The Ugly Duckling]]"
* "[[The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids]]"
* "[[The White Duck]]"
* "[[Yeh Shen]]"
=== Nursery Tales ===
* "[[The Gingerbread Man]]"
* "[[Goldilocks]]"
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* "[[Three Little Pigs]]"
=== Beast Fables ===
* [[Aesop's Fables]]
=== Tall Tales ===
* [[Paul Bunyan]] tales
* [[Crooked Mick]] tales
* [[Fearsome Critters of American Folklore]]
==== Folk Legend [remove from [[Fairy Tale]]] ====
[remove from [[Fairy Tale]]]
=== Individual legends ===
* "[[The Pied Piper of Hamelin]]"
* "[[The White Witch of Rose Hall]]" -- A famous ghost story from the island of Jamaica.
* "[[The Life of Milarepa]]"
* "[[Tristan and Iseult]]"
=== [[Folk Hero|Folk Heroes]]es ===
* [[Benjamin Franklin]]
* [[Beowulf]]
* [[Davy Crockett]]
* [[Johnny Appleseed]]
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* [[William Tell]]
=== ... and other Characters of Folk Legend ===
* [[The Devil]]
* [[Eastern Zodiac]]
* [[Faust]]
* [[Merlin]]
* [[Western Zodiac]]
=== Folk Legend Subcategories ===
* [[Urban Legends]] -- modern day folk legends.
==== Folk Ballads ====
* The [[Child Ballad|Child Ballads]]s (a.k.a. ''The English and Scottish Popular Ballads'' by Francis J. Child, 1882-98)
* "[[Tam Lin]]"
* "[[Murder Ballad]]"
==== Beings of folk belief ====
=== Australia ===
* [[Yowies and Bunyips and Drop Bears, Oh My!]]
=== China ===
* [[Chinese Vampire]]
=== EuropeEgypt ===
* [[Ouroboros]]
=== Europe ===
* [[The Fair Folk]]
* [[Medusa]]
* [[Pegasus]]
* [[Unicorn]]
* [[The Wild Hunt]]
=== Ireland ===
* [[Leprechaun]]
=== Japan ===
* [[Youkai]]
** The [[Kappa]]
** The [[Kitsune]]
** ... and other [[Multiple-Tailed Beast|Multiple Tailed Beasts]]s.
** The [[Tanuki]]
* [[Kaiju]]
=== Northwestern Europe ===
* [[Selkies and Wereseals]]
[Much more could be collected in this category.]
==== Folklore subcategories ====
* [[Mountain Folklore]] -- old American folklore of the Appalachian mountains.
* [[Nautical Folklore]] -- sailors' folklore through the ages.
* [[Russian Mythology and Tales]]
[[Category:Myth, Legend and Folklore]]
[[Category:Oral Tradition]]