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== Film ==
* Appeared in some of the [[Jerry Lewis]] comedies of the 1950s and early '60s - within the limitations of that era's censorship rules, of course.
* Babs Jansen (Martha Smith) in her final scene in ''[[Animal House]]''. Especially funny because the [[Yeah! Shot]] for Babs's segment in the [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]] freezes her in that state of undress - [[TethercatOffscreen PrincipleInertia|thereby leaving her stuck on the street in her underwear]] ''[[And I Must Scream|forever]]''!
* In fact, ''[[Animal House]]'' really got the ball rolling on this trope. Countless [[The Eighties|1980s]] teen comedies have scenes like this shoehorned in: ''Zapped!'' (where it's pretty much the ''raison d'etre'' of the plot), ''[[Weird Science]]'', ''[[Better Off Dead]]'', etc. The trope in a sense came full circle in 1995 when National Lampoon did it again in ''Senior Trip'' — this time with a young [[Acceptable Religious Targets|Mormon]] entertainer who is stripped of her gown during a riot and left in [[Outdated Outfit|women's underwear that's several decades out of date]].
* Barbara Windsor got this in just about every ''[[Carry On]]'' movie she was in. Also Patsy Rowlands in ''Carry On Matron''. One of the many nurses in ''Carry On Nurse'' was stripped by the drunken men in her ward and tied to a bed. Bernard Bresslaw in ''Carry On Girls'' (you have to see it). And I'm sure I'm forgetting many other examples in the ''Carry On'' series.
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* [[Slaughterhouse-Five]]: when Montana Wildhack first discovers herself on Tralfalmadore.
* [[Played for Drama]] in the "out damned spot scene" of [[Roman Polanski]]'s version of ''[[Macbeth]]''.
== Literature ==