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* Most of the "drama" in ''[[Walkyverse|Roomies]]'' and ''[[Walkyverse|It's Walky]]'' is either [[Narm]] or [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|Wall Banger]] material. ''Roomies'' was generally agreed to be [[Cerebus Syndrome]] gone bad, but ''It's Walky'' [[Indecisive Parody|never seemed to figure out what it was trying to do]]. Whether it be the over-the-top [[Wangst]] of Sal (complete with a distracting, out of place accent), the seriousness with which Joyce's "innocence" is given (complete with trauma over forcibly being shown generic porn) that requires ignoring other events to work, the on and off competency/seriousness of the Saturday-morning cartoon-style alien villains, or the excessive amount of time spent mourning the pointless deaths of all the designated victims, the only consistent reaction is to roll one's eyes at it all. At least the comedic parts work fairly well when they shows up.
* Ellen describing her "second life" in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' would have worked wonders as a dramatic climax... but gets shoved forcibly into this territory when you realize that, aside from one reference almost two ''years'' prior, none of what she's talking about was ''hinted'' at before the [[Info Dump]]. By the time she starts discussing Archie, the chimera without a sex drive, you'll find it impossible to take it seriously.
** Of course, that's how Dan lulls into distraction the readers with short attention span. Archie was foreshadowing that became more and more transparent later.
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{{quote|'''Citizen:''' Wow! It's so great that I avoided dying! I'll celebrate by closing the blast-doors!}}
* [[Anders Loves Maria]]. The sheer amount of human misery hoisted upon these characters goes past the point of believability when {{spoiler|Anders is arrested for assault after a night of angst-induced cocaine-binging incited by a sleazy reporter who plans on selling the story, during which he struck someone (causing his arrest), landing him in the same cell as the man who he had arrested for assault earlier who is ALSO the brother of his baby mama, forcing him to miss the birth of his child and the DEATH of said baby mama.}}
* A less obvious example in [ this] recent strip of [[Supernormal Step]]. It features a freaky girl appearing on some screens and singing a song that's really creepy... until you realize that it perfectly fits the meter of the Gilligan's Isle theme tune. At which point it becomes hilarious.
* During its run, ''[[Supermassive Black Hole a Star]]'' had an art shift to a darker, [[Film Noir]] art style. While some characters' looks were tweaked slightly, others weren't, resulting in [ dramatic lighting for a character whose nose is bigger than the entire rest of his head].
* "[ WOW! Hot a What Baabhabhiat]"
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** Also, when Karkat reveals that {{spoiler|he didn't perfect the genetic sequence of the frog that created the kid's universe, dooming their timeline, he says that he gave their universe cancer. While it is a very shocking and upsetting development, the line "SORRY I GAVE YOUR UNIVERSE CANCER" has been met with laughter and many distasteful cancer jokes.}}
* ''[[Awkward Zombie]]'' [ illustrates]:
{{quote|[[Bravely Default: Flying Fairy|Bravely Default]] is a game that tries to have sad, poignant moments, but then forgets that it let you dress your entire party in discount Elvis halloween costumes and wear them to the funeral.}}