Narm Charm: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Cars]] 2'' has {{spoiler|Lightning's responses to Mater trying to get away from him in England, thinking that Mater is still sore about their fight when in reality [[Why Am I Ticking?|it has nothing to do with that.]] [[Power of Friendship]] and how over the top the film is as a whole makes it work.}}
{{quote|'''Mater:''' {{spoiler|Stay away from me, or you could get hurt real bad!}}
'''Lightning:''' {{spoiler|I know I made you feel that way, but none of that matters, because [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|WE'RE! BEST! FRIENDS!]]}} }}
** Lightning goes as far as to {{spoiler|''attach himself to Mater's tow cable to keep up with him.''}} The following lines are exchanged ''twice'':
{{quote|'''Mater:''' {{spoiler|Let go!}}
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** Among his gems: "Every Bison Dollar will be worth five British pounds. For that is the exchange rate the Bank of England will set once I've kidnapped their Queen."
** For you the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life [[But for Me It Was Tuesday|but for me... it was Tuesday]].
* In ''[[Night at the Museum]] 2'', Octavius tends to come across as almost constantly narmy, taking himself way too seriously and [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|dramatically shouting/growling every other line]]. And he becomes all the more brilliant for it.
* Fully half the movies scored by [[Ennio Morricone]] have a moment where first you think: "What the hell is this music," and immediately afterward, "Holy shit [[Crowning Music of Awesome|this is awesome]]!"
* ''[[Peter Pan (film)|Peter Pan]]'': "[[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|I do believe in fairies!]] [ I do! I do!]"
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** In "The End of Time", we have {{spoiler|The Master Race}}. Fun to watch? Yes. Hilarious? Oh hell yes! Terrifying and dramatic? Errr...
*** The parts where he was eating or {{spoiler|flying}} were especially good.
** Then there's {{spoiler|[[Timothy Dalton]], showing the scenery no mercy as Rassilon. "'''[[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|I! WILL! NOT DIE!!!]]'''"}}
** [[Matt Smith]]'s tenure has kicked off in fine form. [[Faceless Eye|Giant eyeball aliens]] in [[Cool Starship|snowflake spaceships!]] So cheesy, they're awesome. [[Crunchtastic|cheesesome?]]
** The horrible fates of The Family of Blood. Trapped in the edge of every mirror for eternity? Thats so stupid its cool.
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** This is the reason that even the legendarily bad episodes (like, say, "[[Star Trek/Recap/S3/E01 Spock's Brain|Spock's Brain]]") are [[So Bad It's Good]] instead of completely unredeemable. TOS episodes that were heavy on the [[Narm]] were ''always'' entertaining. Compare ''actual'' bad episodes that are dull and full of [[Padding]], like "The Alternative Factor". People will go for "Brain and brain, what is brain?!" every time.
* Then there's ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' which occasionally also runs on pure cheesiness. It's the series outright honesty and belief in itself, and its writers' (and actors') refusal to shy away from uncomfortable subjects, which means it gets away with a lot of it (when you have characters living in a future when humans are, supposedly, a much more reasonable, understanding bunch, and got there ''the hard way'' via a couple of near apocalypses and one helluva lot of personal growth, then an audience can't help but appreciate their passion and dedication to their ideals. Even if they ''are'' pointing about dramatically and occasionally doing flying leaps).
** In particular there's the episode "[[Wham! Episode|Chains of Command]]". Picard's dragged out, thick-tongued [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|"THERE. ARE. FOUR. LIGHTS!"]] just wouldn't have worked in any other time or place, but given that it came at the end of one of the most [[Nightmare Fuel|horrifying demonstrations of torture and cruelty]] to ever be aired on daytime television... let's just say if anyone can pull it off, then [[Patrick Stewart]] can.
** It has been remarked, as well, that [[Patrick Stewart]]'s strength as an actor is his ability to deliver bad dialogue with utter conviction. Case in point is ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'': ''"THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!"'' Controversial. Some fans see it as [[Narm|horrible]], some as so bad it's good, while others see it as simply good, and a few even consider it a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for Picard, who didn't have the strength to so much as stand but still made the effort to make a last shout of defiance.
* ''[[CSI: Miami]]'': It may sound hilarious...but I...[[Glasses Pull|[puts on shades] ]] [[Rule of Cool|make it cool]]. '''''[[The Who|YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!]]'''''
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** The entirety of [ Xlasher], sung in what sounds like an ''attempt'' at English. That it's composed by [[Ridge Racer|Shinji]] [[Tetris TGM|Hosoe]], a reputable composer, makes it all the more hilarious.
** '''[ YOU FAILED!] [[Game Over|GAME. OVER.]]'''
* The newer ''[[Tomb Raider]]'' games, especially ''Legend'', contain several instances of narm charm by dint of dealing with the story of how Lara deals with the death of her mother. [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|'''"WHERE" bang "IS" bang "MY" bang "MOTHER ?!?!" bang''']]
* The [[So Bad It's Good|almost unimaginably incompetent]] ''[[Deadly Premonition]]'' enjoyed a lot of critical success from game reviewers, who praised the game's intelligence (especially in the [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|way the relationship between the player and the protagonist is handled]]), the legitimately interesting plot and characters, and its moments of genuine [[Nightmare Fuel]]... surrounded by badly-mixed, terribly-written, horribly-acted dialogue; dreadful music, ugly graphics, poor gameplay and [[Going Through the Motions|hilariously bad animation]] that looks like it was thrown together in five minutes in [[Garry's Mod]]. Naturally, [[Bile Fascination|those qualities of the game have a huge fanbase too]].
* "Purge's evil plan to dance the galaxy mad has come to an end! Now happy days are indeed here again! I'm Ulala, broadcasting along with all my friends! [[Space Channel 5|SPAAAAAAAACE CHANNEL 5!]]"
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** That entire two-parter runs on Narm Charm. It revels in Silver Age silliness, and is incredibly entertaining, all while it slowly turns into a genuinely creepy mystery with a [[Tear Jerker]] ending.
* ''[[Ace Lightning]]'' was just one big constant dose of Narm Charm for its fans. Mostly from the CGI characters (who were really ''supposed'' to be narmy, since they came from a videogame and were deliberately based on stereotypes) and from the... occasionally dry acting of over enthusiastic humans.
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'': "[[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|Prepare...T]][[Prepare to Die|o... DIE!]]" is one of the most [[Narm]]ish things to say. Somehow {{spoiler|Ozai}} [[Nightmare Fuel|makes it work]].
** The fact that while he said it to the person while ''{{spoiler|engulfing him in fire}}'' probably helps.
*** Being voiced by [[Mark Hamill]] doesn't hurt much either.