• Hannah is a walking CMOF generator.
    • Every time she cannot restrain her Covert Pervert side always ends in some hilarious internal monologue.
    • Apparently, she once had to give advice to a customer on what kind of butt plug to buy because their last one got stuck and they needed to go to the hospital. She even had pictures.
    • She has an actual option at one point to ENCOURAGE Sophie and Jasmin to get into a Cat Fight. Doubly funny when you consider she's supposed to be their boss.
  • Jasmin and Sophie are utterly hilarious Vitriolic Best Buds.
    • The "furry" conversation is Sophie revealing she likely browses Encyclopedia Dramatica, Jasmin accusing her of being a closet furry, and Hannah as the mortified woman in the middle who has to fend off accusations of being part of the Furry Fandom from both sides.
  • Charlotte is the Shrinking Violet, but even she can generate the lols.
    • She manages to out-embarrass Hannah when Sophie asks her about her sex life by upping the ante and talking about auto-erotic asphyxia.
    • Just before that, Hannah's response to being utterly mortified when asked about her sex life: