From the fanfic:

  • Angst? What Angst?: For being an unwed teenaged mother who hasn't seen her baby's daddy in three years, Carly seems pretty chill with it all and the hardships this would impose on her life and the negative PR this would've done to her webshow are never even so much as glanced upon.
  • Badass Decay: Len and Kit, the two Riders who spearheaded the resistance against Xaviax in a major uphill battle and won in the original series are reduced to being powerless pushovers.
  • Black Hole Sue: The entire universe seems to bend to Erik's will. He's never wrong about anything. Everybody drops several levels in competence just so he'll look more awesome than them. Nobody even questions his getting a sixteen-year-old girl pregnant.
  • Canon Defilement: Almost to My Inner Life levels!
  • Creator's Pet: Erik. Either he'll be onscreen out-staging everyone and proving he's stronger than they'll ever be combined, or he'll be off-screen and the other characters will gush about much better he is than them at everything.
  • Designated Villain: Freddie is the only character in the third chapter who doesn't rave about how awesome Erik is at everything, so obviously he must be jealous and want to vent him.
  • Did Not Do the Research: In the series it was previously established that the Advent Decks are manually assigned to an individual's specific DNA sequence so that only one person or by extension their cross-dimensional twin can use. But in this story it's implied that the new Decks are sentient and choose the Riders themselves. On top of that, seeing as how past unsanctioned Riders in the original series such as Drew or the Cho brothers have caused so much damage, why would Master Eubulon even think that making the new Riders that way was a good idea?
  • Die for Our Ship
  • Fixer Sue: Whenever there's a problem, Erik will just pull something out of thin air and fix everything.
  • Relationship Sue: Erik.
  • Ron the Death Eater: Freddie, who's was turned into the villainous Kamen Rider, Intel.
  • Unfortunate Implications: "An ID number is given to every person in the entire universe. It lets the government in each world keep control of their population."
  • Villain Sue: Flight, who effortlessly takes on Kit and Len, who were outright stated to be buying time until Erik showed up to save them.