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* There is an arena in a few ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' games called Jade's Desert. No reason has ever been given as to why it is named after Jade. In fact, it first appears in ''[[Mortal Kombat 3|Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3]]'', and seeing as the plot of that game takes place in Earthrealm, it's doubtful that this arena is even part of Outworld, making it odd that it would be named after an Edenia native. To make it even more confusing, when the arena reappears in ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'', a statue of Sindel is added, possibly suggesting the place had something to do with Edenia, but not Jade.
* Despite the "Swedish Erotica" label used by American Multiple Industries in their porn games for the [[Atari 2600]] (most notably ''[[Custer's Revenge]]''), none of the games had anything to do with [[Sweden]] or its people for that matter. The label was simply licensed from a series of adult videos by its parent company Caballero Control Corporation.
** The American Multiple Industries name itself is also something of a misnomer, as it seemingly implies to be of a conglomerate rather than a game developer whose specialty is pixelated smut simulators.
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