Examples of Not So Different in Fan Works include:

"But what do kids know of strain, anyway? They don't know a thing. They just play all the time. Even their work is play. Not like your work. Your work... is work. Isn't it?"

"Oh, but it's true. Face it, moron core, you are nothing but a cold, heartless, sadistic, unloving machine. Just like me. You may look human. You may sound human. You may act human. But that's only because I wanted to see how long a robot could live a lie. You're more like Hal than you want to admit. You're more like me than you want to a-"

  • In Kyon: Big Damn Hero Kyon realizes this and mentions it to Wataru as both want to protect their loved ones, in particular each one's sister.
  • In When There Was a Tomorrow Shepard and his crew can't help but see an uncomfortable number of parallels between The Illusive Man and Dr. Halsey, and several of his teammates seem to be losing respect for him for siding with her, maintaining loyalty only because Shepard thinks she's their only ticket home.
  • To Kill a Thief. Guess who?[context?]