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== Video Games ==
* ''[[Ace Attorney]]'': There's a running joke that Miles Edgeworth is a big fan of the [[tokusatsu]] [[Show Within a Show]] ''Steel Samurai'', although he [[Closet Geek|tries to distance himself from it]]. He invokes Or So I Heard a lot when {{spoiler|the Steel Samurai and company becomes a major part of the final case of ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations]]''.}}
* Optional dialogue in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' between Mordin and a krogan scientist. {{spoiler|The real kicker is that Mordin actually did make the krogans more infertile by upgrading the genophage when it started to look like the krogans were recovering.}}
{{quote|'''Mordin:''' Salarians created [[Depopulation Bomb|genophage]] - I've heard. Still trust them with medicines and agriculture?
'''Fortack:''' Yeah, yeah, what else can the salarians can do to us at this point? It's not like they can make us even more infertile. Actually, wait, forget I said anything. }}
== Webcomics ==