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Please do not add real life examples unless historical or otherwise well-documented.
== Comic Books ==
* In [[The Gay Nineties]] in ''[[Archie Comics]]'', Archie has this reaction to a swimsuit that bares Veronica's... shoulders.
== Films -- Live-ActionFilm ==
* In ''[[The Great Race]]'' (set in 1908), Maggie DuBois daringly exposes her stocking to the newspaper editor, Mr. Goodbody.
* In ''[[Star Wars]]'' continuity, the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine have a taboo about showing any part of their unclothed bodies to anyone except their mates (and even then, it's done in private), or some midwives when they're born (parents don't even see their children naked). If anyone else ever sees a Tusken Raider's face, he will make it his lifelong quest to kill that person, and not stop until he has succeeded or he himself is dead.
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* The classic SF story ''The Wheels of If'' has a scene on an alternate Earth where belly buttons are considered obscene...but nothing else is, resulting in [[Barely-There Swimwear]] of an unusual sort.
* ''[[Discworld]]'':
** In ''[[Discworld/The Last Hero|The Last Hero]]'', we're told there is a religion in Ankh-Morpork which prohibits women from showing their ears, lest they inflame the passions of men.
** In ''[[Discworld/Unseen Academicals|Unseen Academicals]]'', the wizards are adamant they can't wear shorts that expose their knees, for fear of the effect this might have on women. The one woman who hears this has trouble keeping a straight face.
** This prudishness seems to be entirely confined to the presence of women, however—in ''[[Discworld/Night Watch (Discworld)|Night Watch]]'', the Archchancellor is completely oblivious as to why another wizard thinks he's "inappropriately dressed" after hurriedly getting out of the bath—he's wearing his [[Robe and Wizard Hat|hat]], after all, and that's what matters.
** In ''[[Discworld/Making Money|Making Money]]'', the University's golem-expert is titillated by the prospect of relocating to a place where he'll actually be able to see women's ankles. Presumably it's lucky that he's already a ghost, else he'd have keeled over with heart failure upon actually entering the Pink Pussycat Club....
** Trolls consider near-nudity to be the norm; it's when a troll woman starts putting clothes ''on'' that she's singled out as provocatively-dressed. Troll "robers" from the Strippers' Guild actually put on layer after layer of clothing during their acts.
* In one of AP Herbert's ''More Misleading Cases in the Common Law'', when a man is charged with indecency for entering the sea wearing the "wrong" sort of swimsuit, a judge goes into a bit of a rant about this, contrasting the 19th century definition of "indecency" used by the municipal council with a more liberal 1920s definition:
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[[Category:Nudity Tropes]]
[[Category:Tropes About Taboos]]