Our Presidents Are Different: Difference between revisions

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* [[Black Panther]], King of Wakanda in the [[Marvel Universe]], was already King Action by benefit of being a superhero in his original appearances. Over the last several years, he's ascended to King [[Canon Sue]], so thoroughly [[Badass]] that by using simple wrestling moves he can have Heralds of Galactus wincing in pain, and defeating Mephisto by willingly ''giving'' him his soul (his soul belongs to the Panther God and he wouldn't let Mephisto take it) .
* ''Zenith'''s Peter St. John is a Government Minister and the secret ruler of the UK, and sits somewhere between President Personable, President Scheming and [[Magnificent Bastard]]. He freely uses [[Mind Control]], [[Telepathy]] and deception to get and stay in power, because he feels only his genius can do a good job of running things. Trouble is, from all appearances, he's ''right''. He's arguably the real "hero" of the story, not [[Super Dickery|Super Dick]] Zenith; He drags Zenith into the [[Superhero]] business and makes him stay despite his whining, he saves the world from Master Man's inner monster, he tricks the Lloigor into {{spoiler|getting trapped in a [[Lotus Eater Machine]] for all eternity}}, etc.
* Kitty Pryde - of ''[[The X Men]]'' - becomes mayor of Chicago and later President in the alternate continuity of ''[[X-Men: The End]]''.
* In [[Marvel Comics|Marvel's]] [[The New Universe]], the [[Villain with Good Publicity]] Philip Voigt becomes POTUS with the help of his mind-control powers. He probably fits the Action, Scheming and Evil subtypes, at least.
* At other times in The Marvel Universe, the President just happens to be whoever's in office at the time, with varying degrees of any of the above-mentioned stereotypes. In Uncanny X-Men alone, we see [[Jimmy Carter]] (during the Dark Phoenix Saga), [[Ronald Reagan]] (in follow-on stories to [[Days of Future Past]]), and George H W Bush (in X-Men #1). In a discussion board thread, [[Chris Claremont]], talking about how his new X-Men Forever simultaneously follows on from X-Men #1 yet is set in 2009, essentially said "[[MST3K Mantra|Assume that the gent sitting in the White House was always BarackObama, or perhaps GeorgeWBush, depending on when exactly the story takes place]]." One assumes that this also includes the [[The Great Politics Mess-Up|fact that there was still a Soviet Union in X-Men #1...]]