Our Vampires Are Different/Fan Works

Examples of Our Vampires Are Different in Fan Works include:

Fan Fiction

  • The infamous Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way of My Immortal is a vampire, but it doesn't seem to affect her much except for being Immune to Bullets, being pale, drinking blood, and having a liking for Count Chocula cereal. She does dislike the word "cross" to the extent that on one occasion she types it "c-r-o-s-s" and on other occasions changes it to "pentagram", as in "She looked like a pentagram of Lindsey Lohan and Hillary Duff", but on one occasion she still wears cross-shaped earrings. Apparently she could be killed with a "steak", which was probably supposed to be "stake".
    • Well then, she had better not go to any barbeques.
  • Vampires in the Watchmen/Dracula Fusion Fic Bram Stoker's Ozymandias can sleep in beds, shapeshift, and go out in daylight, but they age pretty badly and leak Tears of Blood in sunlight if they're underfed.
  • Thirty Hs features "astral vampires", which dwell in space and are able to bite even when only their heads remain. Harry Potter punches their heads off and throws them back in time to the planet Mars, where they bite cavemen, and so now there are vampire cavemen on Mars.