Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot

"Oh my goodness! They've come back! As ninja pirate robot monkey clown bandito werewolf zombies! How CRraAAaaZZzzyyyyyy!"
—Dr. McNinja, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
This trope is a variety of Rule of Cool in which some cool things are combined, and the combination acquires a coolness that exceeds the sum of its parts. This combination is usually physically impossible or contradictory, like the title of this page. Fortunately, if done right, nobody cares (Rule of Cool!).
This doesn't always work. If the cool things somehow cancel each other out, if it's just so overwhelming the Willing Suspension of Disbelief snaps like a brittle twig, you may get left with a piece of Camp that is at best funny and at worst disgusting. Just remember Strong Bad's words of wisdom: "Too much of a good thing is an awesome thing. But too much of an awesome thing is...umm...really, really dumb and bad."
Should not be confused with Teenage Mutant Samurai Wombats or the book "Zombie Spaceship Wasteland".
See also Monster Mash, Cool Versus Awesome (when the awesome things are fighting each other), Refuge in Cool, Awesomeness Is Volatile, Hybrid Overkill Avoidance, (writers want to avoid this trope for balance issues or to avoid overdoing), Impossibly Cool Weapon, Mix and Match Critter.
- Ghost Pirate
- Samurai Cowboy
- Neoclassical Punk Zydeco Rockabilly
- Non-Human Undead
- Planimal
- Winged Unicorn
The title that narrowly lost out for this trope: Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot Cowboy Hobos With Chainsaw Good-Katanas Are Just Better And Several Revolvers Are Just Better And The Power of Friendship Fighting Vampire Nazis With Dark Magic Riding Cyborg Dinosaurs With Head Mounted Lasers Voiced By Kevin Michael Richardson Attacked by Snakes on a Plane Motherfrakkin' Submarine Jet With Desert Polar Bears Crashing Into An Ancient Zeppelins from Another World With Alien Anacondas In SPACE With Chuck Norris And Samuel L. Jackson With Lesbian Time Travelling Bikini Werewolf Cat Girls Dual-Wielding Febreze Part 2: This Time, It's Personal...The Movie!
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