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* [[Adaptation Decay]]: The movie, while making understandable changes to compress the book to fit in a 90 minute movie, also tries to change a few elements to make the movie more action oriented, resulting in most of Jack's CIA scenes being omitted as well as completely changing the ending, which omits the conclusion of the book in favor of a more generic ending.
* [[Adaptation Decay]]: The movie, while making understandable changes to compress the book to fit in a 90 minute movie, also tries to change a few elements to make the movie more action oriented, resulting in most of Jack's CIA scenes being omitted as well as completely changing the ending, which omits the conclusion of the book in favor of a more generic ending.
* [[Blasting It Out of Their Hands]]: A British barrister tries to trip Jack Ryan up in court when trying to defend his terrorist client with this trope, whom Ryan took down, saying Ryan should have tried to shoot the man's gun out of his hand. Jack parries the blow and points out that such a thing is only a viable tactic in movies, and that it contradicts said lawyer's prior attempt to show Jack was a bungling idiot who couldn't shoot very well, so it would have been illogical to expect him to make such good shooting efforts later.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Dennis Cooley is a mild mannered, harmless looking poof of a man, but he's secretly nursing a massive grudge against the British and fantasizes often about their demise.
* [[Devil in Plain Sight]]: Dennis Cooley, a mild mannered bookshop owner, is in reality the key link in a courier chain for intelligence leaked from the highest level of the British government, but despite an easily exposed past with possible ties to the ULA's leader and a Communist family, the Brits find it incredibly hard to pin him down on any legal wrong since they cannot find evidence of deliberate wrongdoing on his part. {{spoiler|In fact, they never find it, even after Cooley flees London due to fear he has been exposed, and only get confirmation of his guilt post mortem at the book's end}}.
* [[Devil in Plain Sight]]: Dennis Cooley, a mild mannered bookshop owner, is in reality the key link in a courier chain for intelligence leaked from the highest level of the British government, but despite an easily exposed past with possible ties to the ULA's leader and a Communist family, the Brits find it incredibly hard to pin him down on any legal wrong since they cannot find evidence of deliberate wrongdoing on his part. {{spoiler|In fact, they never find it, even after Cooley flees London due to fear he has been exposed, and only get confirmation of his guilt post mortem at the book's end}}.
* [[Enemy Civil War]]: The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) is at odds with both the Irish Nationalist Liberation Army (INLA) and especially the Ulster Liberation Army (ULA). In fact, the PIRA is at such odds with the latter {{spoiler|they and the British Security Service cut an informal yet deadly serious nonaggression pact over the latter not interfering with attempts by the former to take out the ULA's leader}}.
* [[Enemy Civil War]]: The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) is at odds with both the Irish Nationalist Liberation Army (INLA) and especially the Ulster Liberation Army (ULA). In fact, the PIRA is at such odds with the latter {{spoiler|they and the British Security Service cut an informal yet deadly serious nonaggression pact over the latter not interfering with attempts by the former to take out the ULA's leader}}.
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* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]]: In the words of O'Donnell, he plans to lead a revolution "in boldness and blood".
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]]: In the words of O'Donnell, he plans to lead a revolution "in boldness and blood".
* [[Western Terrorists]]: Focus is primarily on Irish terrorists, though some French and Italian terrorists are mentioned, with some Middle Eastern terrorists serving as background characters in a few minor scenes. There is even a domestic American group of terrorist led by a black man with Marxist beliefs.
* [[Western Terrorists]]: Focus is primarily on Irish terrorists, though some French and Italian terrorists are mentioned, with some Middle Eastern terrorists serving as background characters in a few minor scenes. There is even a domestic American group of terrorist led by a black man with Marxist beliefs.
* [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters]]: Discussed at multiple points. Early in the book a PIRA agent and a MI-5 officer exchange commentary on this topic while outlining an [[Enemy Mine]] deal against someone they both want to see dead, and while they do so the MI-5 man concedes to himself that somewhere along the way the terrorists may have had a valid political point at one time, but he still believes it's a moot one in the end and that their actions still deny them any right to be considered anything more than criminals.
