"We are living our lives
Abound with so much information
Come on, let go of the remote

Don't you know you're letting all the junk flood in?"
—"Pursuing My True Self", vocal by Shihoco Hirata

"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that?
Trying to see "justice" done?
Is that really justice, though?
Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives?
What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?

You see what I'm getting at?

There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."
Tohru Adachi giving his "Reason You Suck" Speech

"But I never baked a cake before!"

"It's okay, neither have we!"
Naoto and Yukiko discussing cakes.
"Distance doesn't matter to us! Even if we're separated we're still friends!"
Yousuke Hanamura in the True Ending.
"I live for this part!"
Kanji just before a All-Out Attack.