Petting Zoo People: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cerebus the Aardvark]] is a humanoid aardvark.
* Most of the supporting cast of ''[[Sonic the Comic]]'' gradually turned into this. At first they were just animals standing on two legs, usually keeping their animalistic proportions (so, for instance, pig Porker Lewis had a large belly, and rabbit Johnny Lightfoot had notably longer hind legs), but after Robotnik took over Mobius most characters started wearing clothes and assumed more humanoid proportions. Porker's the most obvious example, as his pig trotters were replaced with five-fingered hands (presumably due to his status as the team's tech expert).
* The Banfoo in ''[[Ythaq]]'' are humanoid walruses. They even use [[Fang Thpeak]] because of their tusks.
== Commercials ==