Phantasm (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[Bifurcated Weapon]]: Reggie's ''quadruple'' barreled [[Sawed Off Shotgun]].
* [[Blatant Lies]]: In the fourth ''Phantasm'', in a dream, the Tall Man is caught by a noose and he begs the protagonist, Michael to cut him down.
{{quote| The Tall Man: "Cut me down!"<br />
Michael: "No!"<br />
The Tall Man: "I won't hurt you."<br />
Michael: "You're killing the world!"<br />
The Tall Man: "I'll go away... and I won't ever come back." [gives mischievous grin]<br />
Michael: "You will?"<br />
The Tall Man: "Yes." }}
* [[Bloody Hilarious]]: Especially the third film, where the gore is mostly played for laughs.
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* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: The true form of the Tall Man is implicated as being some kind of [[Cosmic Horror]] that is anchored in another dimension.
** In Phantasm 4, sweet old man Jebediah Morningside walks into his prototype Dimensional Gate... and something ''else'' wearing his skin comes back. This dialogue best illustrates it:
{{quote| '''Mike''': ''*as Jebediah Morningside steps through the prototype Dimensional Gate*'' When's he coming back?<br />
'''[[Spirit Advisor|Jody]]''': [[Wham Line|Jebediah Morningside never does come back.]]<br />
''*The Tall Man steps back through the gate, [[Companion Cube|Sentinel]] in hand.*'' }}
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** Probably more important than a mook {{spoiler|seeing as how both the Tall Man and Mike are gold spheres}}.
* [[Every Car Is a Pinto]]: It is even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in the fourth film, with the implication that [[Reality Is Unrealistic]].
{{quote| '''Reggie:''' We better move away from the car before the gasoline blows.<br />
'''Jennifer:''' Wait! I thought cars only blew up like that in the movies!<br />
[Car explodes in a huge fireball]<br />
'''Reggie:''' Yeah, me too. }}
* [[Executive Meddling]]: This is one reason why the second film is more straightforward, faster paced and altogether a more conventional horror film than its predecessor.
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* [[Was Once a Man]]: Both the lurkers and, seemingly, {{spoiler|the spheres and the Tall Man, himself}}.
* [[Wham Line]]: At the end of the first film... {{spoiler|Mike is in his room - he closes the closet door to reveal the [[Not Quite Dead]] Tall Man standing behind him.}}
{{quote| '''The Tall Man''': '''BOOOOOOYYYYYY!!!'''}}
** At the end of the second film too, courtesy of the {{spoiler|[[Death Is Cheap|Tall Man]] once again.}}
{{quote| '''Mike''': [[All Just a Dream|Listen to me, none of this is real. We'll wake up!]] [[Madness Mantra|It's just a dream, it's just a dream-]]<br />
''' {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Dead|The Tall Man]]''': No, it's not!}} }}
** The Tall Man is good at these. From {{spoiler|the end of the third film:}}
{{quote| '''Reggie''': ''(to Tim)'' Run kid, get out of here! It's over!<br />
{{spoiler|'''The Tall Man''': It's ''never'' over.}} }}
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Another sequel was planned, starring [[Bruce Campbell]] and taking place in a future America overrun by the Tall Man's minions. We haven't heard much about this project for, oh, about a decade.