Pinchcliffe Grand Prix

Pinchcliffe Grand Prix or Flåklypa Grand Prix is a 1975 Norwegian animated feature film, directed by Ivo Caprino based on the works of author Kjell Aukrust.

37 miles north, a bit east and upwards, there’s Flåklypa.

In the tiny mountain town Flåklypa lives the bicycle-repairman and inventor Reodor Felgen and his two assistants, Soland (a cheerful and optimistic morning bird) and Ludvig (a nervous, pessimistic and melancholic hedgehog).

One day, the trio discovers that one of Reodor's former assistants, Rudolf Blodstrupmoen, has stolen his design for a race car engine and has become a world champion Formula One driver. Solan secures funding from an Arab oil sheik who happens to be vacationing in Flåklypa, and to enter the race, the trio builds a gigantic racing car: Il Tempo Gigante.

This movie is one of the (if not THE) biggest successes in Norwegian film:

5.5 million cinema tickets has been sold for this movies premiere and rereleases – the Norwegian population is about 4,9 million.

Tropes used in Pinchcliffe Grand Prix include:

Sheikh Ben Redic Fy Fazan: I many money. You all broke.