Planet of Hats: Difference between revisions

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** Cheron in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is (or rather, was), supposedly, a planet of racists. (''They'' are black on the left side. ''We'' are black on the right side!)
** ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' brought in the Risians to wear the sex hat. Risa's hat is more accurately hospitality. "All that is ours is yours". Free and open sexuality is just a part of that; a part most aliens fixate on.
** Supposedly the El-Aurian hat is "listening", but we've only met three members of the species... one (Guinan) specializes in listening, but one was a con man (in a ''Deep Space Nine'' episode which lampshaded the "listening hat" thing by having a fellow prisoner try to come up to the con man and tell him his life story in jail, whereupon he responded by begging the guards to take the guy away from him) and one was a mad scientist. In that sense the El-Aurians have managed to subvert the usual Trekkian "one hat per species" rule. Although Guinan literally does wear some [[Nice Hat|awesome hats]].
** Taking place clear across the galaxy from these others, ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]'' has its own hat species, such as the Kazon (society revolves around infighting between the various rival groups), the Vidiians (society revolves around medicine and organ-stealing due to the disease they have), the Hirogen (society revolves around [[Hunting the Most Dangerous Game|"the hunt"]]), and Species 8472 (society revolves around eradicating lesser, "weak" species.)
** Want to do a [[Green Aesop]] in ''Voyager''? Then it's time to wheel out the Malon, whose hat is, of all things, ''pollution''. They're saved from being an entire race of ''[[Captain Planet and the Planeteers]]'' villains because they're not polluting just for the sake of it—it's simply that they've never bothered to invent "clean" technologies as long as the waste is transported [[Not in My Back Yard|a long way from the homeworld]].
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*** Along with these two are the Sontarans, a [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] of clones made to be the best at fighting and conquering any planet that looks at them funny. They are so into the whole warrior thing that their form of punishment is forcing the perpetrator into a job as a ''nurse.''
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' also contains a ''literal'' reference to the Planet of the Hats in the episode "Partners in Crime", suggesting that someone on the writing staff is aware of this site.
** {{quote|'''Donna''': I packed ages ago, just in case. 'Cause I thought, hot weather, cold weather, no weather... he goes anywhere, I've gotta be prepared. Doctor: You've got a... a... hatbox?! Donna: Planet of the Hats, I'm ready!
'''Doctor''': You've got a... a... hatbox?!
* The Twelve Colonies of the new ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'' occasionally fall into this, in function if not in populace. Aerilon was the breadbasket of the colonies, and everyone from it is perceived to be some sort of hick (which is why Baltar adopted a more upper class accent). The Gemenese believe in the literal truth of scripture. Sagittarons are downtrodden, and mad about it. Taurons are stoic and traditional, and have a mafia equivalent (depending on your perspective, they're either [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|Space Mexicans or Space People of the Mediterranean]]). Capricans have it made - their planet is the center of art, culture, science, and politics. There is, however, no physical look specific to the people of any planet. Hopefully, this means that [[Single Biome Planet]] is avoided.
'''Donna''': Planet of the Hats, I'm ready!}}
* The Twelve Colonies of the new2004 remake of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)||Battlestar Galactica]]'' occasionally fall into this, in function if not in populace. Aerilon was the breadbasket of the colonies, and everyone from it is perceived to be some sort of hick (which is why Baltar adopted a more upper class accent). The Gemenese believe in the literal truth of scripture. Sagittarons are downtrodden, and mad about it. Taurons are stoic and traditional, and have a mafia equivalent (depending on your perspective, they're either [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|Space Mexicans or Space People of the Mediterranean]]). Capricans have it made - their planet is the center of art, culture, science, and politics. There is, however, no physical look specific to the people of any planet. Hopefully, this means that [[Single Biome Planet]] is avoided.
** ''[[Caprica]]'' indicates that the title planet may have been a planet of actual hats, as well, at least 58 years before the Cylon genocide.
* Used a ''lot'' in the [[Stargate Verse]]:
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** In ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'', the Wraith are a race consisting solely of warriors who live to eat. In the last season, Todd the Wraith mentions that feeding on humans is the driving force in their society with little beyond that. We did finally get a small glimpse of Wraith society in Season 5's "The Queen." Judging from that episode, the entire society is divided into Queens, who seem to spend their time intimidating one another, their male Advisors/Viziers, who seem to specialize in Magnificent Bastardry, and the possibly asexual Drones, whose duties apparently involve patrolling ships and standing guard (not unlike actual Soldier Drones in Bee colonies). All of them are in thrall to a prime Queen (called The Primary in this particular segment shown, but this may not be the case with every Wraith alliance). Exactly where the various Male Wraiths who serve as scientists and field commanders (who are also uniformly errhm, uniformed [[Hell-Bent for Leather|in leather]]) fit into this mix is never really shown.
* ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' had Rimmerworld, a planet populated by Rimmer clones. The population idealized the core aspects of Rimmer... which happened to be cowardice, backstabbing, snottiness, arrogance, and hunger for power. Those that deviated were hunted down and executed.
* The Neighborhood of Make-Believe segment of ''[[Mister Rogers' Neighborhood|Mister Rogers Neighborhood]]'' deconstructed this trope, in a child-appropriate way, with alien visitors from the Planet Purple. Everyone from this planet has purple skin and hair, they dress in identical purple clothes and speak in a monotone voice, and all the boys are named Paul and all the girls are named Pauline. They were used to illustrate how boring the world would be if everyone was the same.
* Largely averted in ''[[Power Rangers]]'', as alien cultures rarely seem to reflect aspects of earth society, the exception being planet Onyx. Its hat is the [[Wild West]], existing largely as a place for the [[Bad Guy Bar|Evil Monster Saloon]] to be located.
** An unusual example is Inquiris. Little is known about the planet, save that the natives, for whatever reason, cannot make declarative or exclamatory statements. Yes, a planet who's hat is literally a specific type of sentence.
* The very basis of ''[[Sliders]]'', where our protagonists would land, I mean ''slide'', into a parallel Earth defined by a key difference with "real" Earth.
* We don't see it, but while Illyria from ''[[Angel]]'' is talking about all the places and things she has seen, she mentions a planet made up entirely of shrimp. Of course, she "tired of that one quickly".
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