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''[ Platinum Grit]'' is a webcomic[[Web Comics|web comic]] by Danny Murphy and Trudi Cooper in a surreal, often nonsensical version of the real world, following the adventures of a mismatched trio of incompetent Australian misfits as they struggle to make sense of (or at least put up with) various encounters with the bizarre and inexplicable.
Jeremy MacConnor is a brilliant young science student whose work occasionally [[Mad Scientist|stretches the bounds of belief]] and who [[Chaste Hero|doesn't know much about girls]], whose misadventures begin when he finds out that he has to fight a duel to the death with his [[Axe Crazy]] (and immortal) Cousin Dougal to find out who will inherit the ancestral Castle MacConnor. His best friend Nilson Kerr, a young lady of dubious morals who thinks that owning a castle sounds fun, doesn't care about Jeremy's rather understandable fear of death, and sets herself to the task of helping him inherit a castle. And so begins an [[Planet Eris|increasingly bizarre]] series of adventures including an [[Aliens Made Them Do It|attempt by extra-terrestrials to get Jeremy laid]], an investigation by a private detective who [[Wrong Genre Savvy|mistakenly thinks he's in a private eye dime novel]], ghostly manifestations from the nearby lake, the MacConnor family's private mental asylum, a crazed zookeeper, a talking cupboard from Jamaica, and an insidious family conspiracy spanning generations. Eventually they're joined by Kate Provocski, a hack writer for trashy womens' magazines, whose cynicism and relatively sane personality make her the stable anchor of the group.
Each story arc lasts for 1-3 issues and is more or less self-contained, although character development for the three protagonists is a constant and gradual process, and later stories focus increasingly on the strange goings on of the MacConnor family which were only hinted at early in the piece.
This comic provides example of
== SETTINGSetting ==
* [[Useful Notes On Australia|Australia]]
* [[Planet Eris]] Exploding zoo animals, a road trip from Greenland to Australia (via Arkansas, Holland, and Mexico), extra-terrestrial matchmakers, immortals, and a manifestation of lust assuming the form of old Dungeons & Dragons art.
== NARRATIVENarrative/THEMESThemes ==
* [[Bad Dreams]]. Jeremy keeps having nightmares about his childhood tormentor Cousin Dougal suddenly returning. Despite Dougal looking suspiciously dead at the end of an early storyline, Jeremy's dreams [[Dreaming of Things to Come|might be more]] than just the result of childhood trauma.
* [[Flash Back]] Frequent flashbacks to Jeremy's childhood, especially memories of Uncle Angus.
* [[Jigsaw Puzzle Plot]] The first time around you won't even realise there's an overarching plotline at all until halfway through. The second time, you'll start noticing important supporting characters getting cameos several issues before their official debut, and all sorts of other foreshadowing.
== CHARACTERSCharacters ==
* [[The Ace]]. Personification of Jeremy's heroic side. Springs into action inside Jeremy's subconscious to save him from having sex.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]. Almost all the MacConnors and their associates openly treat Jeremy as a mistake and an idiot. He doesn't know any better though, and doesn't seem to realise how profoundly abusive his childhood was.
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]. Played for laughs with Jack Leaderboard, a stereotypical hardboiled private eye who thought he'd stumbled upon a murder mystery. Done more disturbingly with a deranged zookeeper who played out an elaborate revenge fantasy as if it were an exercise in documentary filmmaking.
== METAMeta ==
* [[Funetik Aksent]]. German accents, Jamaican accents, Jersey accents, real Scots accents, and badly impersonated Scots accents all get this.
* [[Schedule Slip]]. Dropping by the news agent once a week to see if it was in yet... {{spoiler|Gave up after a couple of years.}}
** Now (mid-2011) pretty officially on-hiatus (according to forum bulletins), pending serious website re-tooling and reformatting to make it more like a typical webcomicweb comic. Of course the fact that the artist is [[Oglaf|already doing that pretty successfully with a new comic]] doesn't help.
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