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The following things shouldn't be in the examples list because they don't count, or because they're too general.
* Plots where the end goal (or at least one of them) '''is''' [[Gotta Catch Em All|collecting all of them]], as in [[Pokémon]], [[Valkyrie Profile]], or [[Suikoden]].
* Individual attacks, items, or other that are connected to the plot or characters, unless that thing is one-of-a-kind, like a limit break. Some of these things may be examples of a [[Sword of Plot Advancement]] or a [[Villain-Beating Artifact]], though
* General flavor and atmosphere are not plot. If a world is sci-fi, just having the magic system named "nanites" is too vague. What ''would'' work is if you had a grey goo scenario as the "villain" ''and'' nanites were the basis of the entire customization.