Portal Cut: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Traveller]]'', the only means of traveling faster than light is with a jump drive, a device that surrounds a starship with a "jump bubble" 1–2 metres from the skin of the ship, and then sends it through an alternate dimension for a few parsecs. In addition to potentially driving a person mad if they look at it directly, any object which passes through the bubble is gone and the edge touching the event horizon is cut perfectly between atoms. The parts which passed through are presumably spread out in a thin mist stretching across a good portion of a light year of empty space.
* Very specifically averted in ''[[Planescape]]'' with Sigil's numerous interdemensional portals, it's made explicit that if a portal closes when somebody is walking through it they just get shunted to one side or the other depending on how far through the portal they were when it closed.
* This seems to be how [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/D.D._Warrior_Lady D.D. Warrior Lady] lost her left arm, as the scene on [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Karma_Cut Karma Cut] shows this happening the first time she (as [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Warrior_Lady_of_the_Wasteland Warrior Lady of the Wasteland]) was pulled into the Different Dimension.
== Toys ==