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'''Detective Randall:''' Energy? Like, electric, solar, or what?
'''Senior Officer:''' No, Randall. [[This Is Sparta|Just. Pure. Energy.]]
'''Detective Randall:''' [[Dull Surprise|...Odd.]]|"[[The Lazer Collection]] 3" by Dom Fera}}
|"[[The Lazer Collection]] 3" by Dom Fera}}
Energy is formally defined as the capacity to do work (whilst work is defined as [[Shaped Like Itself|the energy transferred by a force]]).<ref>The actual formal definition of energy isn't so confusingly circular, but [[Lies to Children|takes a lot more time and effort to explain]]</ref> Energy is not something you can, for example, pick up and put in your pocket.
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** Of course, that stops bothering you once you see them use the Drej as a giant Battery.
* Dexter of ''[[Dexter's Laboratory]]'' once tried to produce pure energy in his laboratory. In the few moments before his machine crashed, it was depicted as a giant glowing atom (you get a better view of it in [[Cloudcuckoolander|his grandfather's]] [[The Cuckoolander Was Right|Rube Goldberg machine]]).
* Megabyte in ''[[Re BootReBoot]]'' once extracted all the energy in Mainframe's core and converted it into a liquid state which was stored in a "transformer". But since this pure energy was unnatural it caused problems when the User loaded a game, including forcing the game to land on the Principal office, corrupting the game and turning Megabyte into a Megatruck.