Red Oni, Blue Oni/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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== Examples that are not yet sorted by game type ==
* Inverted in the gameplay of [[Team Fortress 2]], where, in the Payload and Point-Capture maps, the RED team is defending a zone, thus requiring mostly slow and durable classes like the Heavy or Engineer, and the BLU team is attacking, making them more likely to use speedy and swift classes like Scout or Spy. Played straight in the Meet the Team supplemental videos, where BLU's calm passivity in the face of RED's aggressive bloodlust inevitably results in the BLU's [[Bloody Hilarious|getting drenched]] [[High-Pressure Blood|in the other team's color]] before they explode into [[Ludicrous Gibs]]. Also played straight in the comics, albeit in a less visceral way: Members of the BLU team tend to be coldly logical, subtly subverting their bosses plans, while the RED team members dive headlong into chaos, and are more openly defiant of their employers.
* Inverted in the gameplay of [[Team Fortress 2]], where, in the Payload and Point-Capture maps, the RED team is defending a zone, thus requiring mostly slow and durable classes like the Heavy or Engineer, and the BLU team is attacking, making them more likely to use speedy and swift classes like Scout or Spy. Played straight in the Meet the Team supplemental videos, where BLU's calm passivity in the face of RED's aggressive bloodlust inevitably results in the BLU's [[Bloody Hilarious|getting drenched]] [[High-Pressure Blood|in the other team's color]] before they explode into [[Ludicrous Gibs]]. Also played straight in the comics, albeit in a less visceral way: Members of the BLU team tend to be coldly logical, subtly subverting their bosses plans, while the RED team members dive headlong into chaos, and are more openly defiant of their employers.
* Joseph Sheridan and von Richter in the [[WW 2]] [[RTS]] game R.U.S.E'- while the US officer Sheridan, a [[Book Dumb|Yale-dropout]], is described as impetuous and willing to push the enemy to their limits, whatever the cost may be, German General von Richter is described as a chess-player, who loves ''calculated'' approaches with maximal gain and minimal losses. One of the few times that a Nazi is more of a [[Magnificent Bastard]] than the Ally protagonist in a [[WW 2|WW2game]].
* Joseph Sheridan and von Richter in the [[WW 2]] [[RTS]] game R.U.S.E'- while the US officer Sheridan, a [[Book Dumb|Yale-dropout]], is described as impetuous and willing to push the enemy to their limits, whatever the cost may be, German General von Richter is described as a chess-player, who loves ''calculated'' approaches with maximal gain and minimal losses. One of the few times that a Nazi is more of a [[Magnificent Bastard]] than the Ally protagonist in a [[WW 2|WW2game]].
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* The Royal Twins in ''[[King's Quest]]''. Rosella is a [[Spoiled Sweet]] [[Genki Girl]] [[Rebellious Princess]] who is outgoing and impulsive. Alexander is a calm, soft-spoken, [[Comically Serious]] bookworm who is more reserved and more calculating about his bravery.
* The Royal Twins in ''[[King's Quest]]''. Rosella is a [[Spoiled Sweet]] [[Genki Girl]] [[Rebellious Princess]] who is outgoing and impulsive. Alexander is a calm, soft-spoken, [[Comically Serious]] bookworm who is more reserved and more calculating about his bravery.

[[Category:Red Oni, Blue Oni]]
[[Category:Examples Need Sorting]]