Road to Perdition: Difference between revisions

Spelling grammar
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* [[Badass and Child Duo]]
* [[Beauty Inversion]]: Jude Law's Maguire. A balding, hunched, brown-toothed Jude Law with an ill-fitting bowler hat and generally creepy mannerisms: not what the female audience was expecting.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|The dad dies, but the kid lives.}}.
* [[Black and Grey Morality]]: The purest motive held by any of the characters is Tom Hanks' wish for his son to have a better life.
{{quote|'''Michael Sullivan:''' He murdered Annie and Peter!
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* [[Blood Is Squicker in Water]]: {{spoiler|Connor's execution}} in the bath. Water preceding death is a major theme.
* [[Canon Foreigner]]: If you've only seen the movie, you might be surprised to learn that Maguire is nowhere to be found in the source material.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: {{spoiler|The couple on the farm, who Peter goes to live with at the end.}}.
** {{spoiler|Subverted in the comic -- Michael arrives to find them both dead, and immediately gets shot as well.}}.
* [[The Collector of the Strange]]: Maguire has a collection of photographs of corpses, at least some of which are his own handiwork.
* [[Composite Character]]: The random mooks from the comic were all combined into a [[Canon Foreigner|brand new character]] for the movie: Maguire.
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* [[Hitman with a Heart]]: Michael, especially in the comic.
* [[The Irish Mob]]
* {{spoiler|[[Kill'Em All]]: Every named non-historical character dies except Michael the younger (and John Looney in the comic).}}.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: This is almost the exact meaning of "perdition" - being doomed to go to hell once and for all, with no chance of salvation.
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: Connor tries to use a cynical facade to hide his jealousy and childishness. It doesn't work.
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* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]:
** In the movie, Sullivan's final act is {{spoiler|shooting Jude Law}} so that his son will be able to go through life having never killed anyone. [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him|If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Me]], if you will.
** In the comic, {{spoiler|however, Michael Jr. averts this; killing at least two of the mooks that come after them.}}.
* [[Ultimate Evil]]: Capone is deliberately kept off-camera to evoke a greater sense of mystery. A scene with him was filmed, but was left out of the final cut, despite the director admitting he loved the performance.
* [[Uriah Gambit]]: {{spoiler|Connor}} sets up Sullivan to be killed this way.
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* [[The Windy City]]
* [[You Remind Me of X]]: An inversion of the regular usage, see [[Parental Favouritism]] above.
* [[You Should Have Died Instead]]: Michael believes this is how his father feels about him. {{spoiler|He is wrong.}}.