Robin Hood (TV series)/Tear Jerker

Tear Jerkers in Robin Hood (TV series) include:

  • The end of series three. Okay yeah, so this series didn't measure up to the previous two, but the final moment when Robin is revealed to be dying is very well done. First we have Robin heading off to Sherwood alone. As he does so, he runs his fingers through the grass, neatly bookending the series, as when he first returned to Locksley at the start of the show, he did the same thing with a bush. After a tearful goodbye with his friends, he stumbles off alone and finally collapses by a tree, a very dejected version of his theme playing. And suddenly turns into a calm, gentle version of Marian's theme, as her spirit appears to take him into the afterlife and the music becomes happy. Sure, Robin is dead, he never reclaimed his lands and the Outlaws are left to struggle on without him, but at least he ended up with Marian and not Kate!