Sakura Santa/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Akina Route

Akina: So, Koji... I actually don't know that much about you yet.
Koji: I don't know much about you, either. Well, apart from the... obvious things.
Akina (smiling): That I'm a cute, attractive girl that you're falling for right now? Oh, Koji, I knew you were in love with me.
Koji: ..Cheeky fox.
Akina (shining with glee): Guilty as charged.

Akina: It's nice to know that you aren't shy.
Koji: There's no reason to be shy. It's not like I'm an awkward teenager or something.

(On the Christmas holiday season)
Koji: All of the shops are open until late tonight. Talk about dedication.

(Noble: Hey, man. Welcome to retail.)
Lost Pause, Sakura Santa Playthrough Ep. 7

Itsumi Route

"People fight a lot when they're in love sometimes.

Anyone who would just give up after one fight wouldn't be worth it."
Koji 's thoughts