Sakura Santa/Quotes

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Akina Route

Akina: So, Koji... I actually don't know that much about you yet.
Koji: I don't know much about you, either. Well, apart from the... obvious things.
Akina (smiling): That I'm a cute, attractive girl that you're falling for right now? Oh, Koji, I knew you were in love with me.
Koji: ..Cheeky fox.
Akina (shining with glee): Guilty as charged.

Akina: It's nice to know that you aren't shy.
Koji: There's no reason to be shy. It's not like I'm an awkward teenager or something.

(On the Christmas holiday season)
Koji: All of the shops are open until late tonight. Talk about dedication.
(Noble: Hey, man. Welcome to retail.)

Lost Pause, Sakura Santa Playthrough Part 7

Itsumi Route

"People fight a lot when they're in love sometimes.
Anyone who would just give up after one fight wouldn't be worth it."

Koji 's thoughts

Santa Route

"The true spirit of Yuletide is not about giving or receiving... But freely giving because you want to."
Santa, quoting her father.

Harem Route

Itsumi: How long have you known Santa?
Koji: I... I met her the same day I saw you in the shopping district. She was looking for her wand.
Itsumi: (surprised) Her wand, you say?
Koji: Yeah... It's this huge candy cane she uses for Christmas magic...
Itsumi: Do you know how ridiculous you would sound to a normal person right now?
Koji: I'm very aware.

My childhood friend, Santa Claus, and a being from another dimension all in the same room.
I wonder what my family would think of this situation?

Koji 's thoughts

Santa: Koji... do you like shameless things?
(Itsumi walks up to Santa and nods.)
Itsumi: He is one of the greatest perverts of our time. As a man, he does not discriminate at all.
Boobs, tights, butts, stomachs... he loves them all.
Koji: Hey, don't plant strange thoughts in Santa's head!

Akina: (talking in her sleep) Come back here, Koji... I bought new panties... don't you want to look at them...
Koji: (thinking) ...I swear, that cheeky fox. Even her dreams are about teasing me.

I can feel myself getting sleepy just from watching the three of them.
Can I say that I have a harem now?
Well I could.... but I honestly don't want to look at myself as a harem protagonist.
But I love all three of them. There's no getting around like that.
So, I guess it's a harem then.

Koji 's thoughts