• Hey, It's That Guy!: John Travolta as Tony, obviously. But there's also a young Fran Drescher as Connie, whom Tony rebuffs on the dance floor.
    • The mom from Even Stevens gets date-raped.
    • Denny Dillon from Dream On and Saturday Night Live wants to wipe Tony's brow.
  • The Red Stapler: As it says in the main page, the film created a nationwide craze for disco music and disco dancing (together with discotheques), while before disco was mostly confined to the New York and Philadelphia gay communities. Also, Travolta's suit from the movie instantly became fashionable.
  • Star-Making Role: For Travolta, obviously. Although he'd already made a name for himself in Welcome Back, Kotter, this movie pushed him into true superstardom almost overnight and, together with Grease and Pulp Fiction, remains his most memorable performance.
  • Unintentional Period Piece